I don't understand what is happening, help!

I am finding myself in a dilemma with weight loss for the last two weeks...!

For background info: since January 2nd I eat 1200-1500 NET calories everyday, drink over 60 oz of water, eat 5-6 servings of fruits and veggies (in addition to other food too, obviously), and exercise at least 30 minutes minutes six days a week. I have a day where I rest from exercise and allow myself more calories (although, not a binge). I am 23 years old, 5'3 and 183 pounds. I have a body fat percentage of 38%.

Week 1: I lost 4 pounds.

Week 2: I lost 2 pounds.

Week 3: I went up two pounds and down two pounds every other day. Gained 2 pounds. Doubled my exercise.

Week 4: No weight budge. Lost a pound and maintained for two days. Gained 2 pounds overnight when I weighed myself. Lost 1.2 inches in waist. Made sure to do a different exercise everyday.

I am very frustrated because I weigh myself everyday at the same time wearing my underwear...but my weight has been doing something bizarre to me for the last two weeks! My eating and exercise have become habit now. However, gaining weight instead of at least maintaining or losing weight is very harsh on me.



  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    It's *really* hard - believe me, I"m not totally practicing what I'm preaching right now, but you've got to stop weighing yourself every day. No more than once a week - pick the same day and time every week. Weight fluctuations of up to 5 lbs a day are normal.
    You did mention that you lost an inch - focus on that more than the pounds. A pound could be anything - it could be muscle you've built up through exercise, it could be water weight, it could really be anything. But that inch means you've lost fat. It's going to fluctuate and you may have weeks where you don't lose any, or where you even gain a pound, but if you watch the overall trend you will lose over time. Losing weight is seriously just a big mindf*ck. You have to learn not to overthink it.
    I'm fighting that battle right now. It's hard. Just stick with it and eventually you'll see it. 6 lbs in two weeks is awesome! Be proud of yourself.
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    Just an idea, try to lower your daily carbs and up your protein, try to balance them more. I see a big gap in them on your diary. If you eat 100 grams of carbs, try to eat a 100 grams of protein. This tip was given to me by a reputable trainer and it really has helped me. I keep my daily carbs and protein around 110-130 (PS...MFP has the protein levels way too low). Good luck to you
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    Are you taking measurements?

    I weigh in once a week, and this week shows a 1 lb gain -- which would have discouraged me had I not taken measurements. Yes, I gained a pound BUT I lost 1.5 inches off my waist and 1.5 inches off my hips this week. I'll take inch loss over a number on the scale any day!!

    I agree with the 100 g of protein minimum per day; you definitely don't want to lose muscle mass. There are a lot of decent tasting protein shakes that are sweetened with stevia (so they have a low carb count).

    The bottom line is that you're doing everything right, so keep doing it. Your body might need some time to adjust, but keep your momentum going -- and stay off the scale!! Once a week is plenty.
  • seasonalspice
    seasonalspice Posts: 17 Member
    I lost 1.25 inches in week 4. I began losing size when I began gaining weight. I would love to become smaller and lose weight. I'm not going to give up, but the advice on things to change is helpful.

    I will check out some protein supplements. That is an idea I hadn't thought of!
  • I agree with trixieloo, you can't weigh yourself everyday and focus on the inches you lose and how your clothes are fitting.

    also, it sounds like you are eating wonderful. and we all know that becoming healthy and losing weight is 70% diet and 30% exercise. something you may want to look into is what you are eating and WHEN you are eating it. I'm no expert, but do some research on what you should eat before and after your workouts. Personally I try to eat protein before and good carbs after(mixed berry smoothie with added protein supplement) and for dinner, before going to bed I try to stay away from sugar and carbs, my plate is mostly filled with veggies with a side of protein and/or carb.

    I hope that helps!

    good luck!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Repeat after me: The scale is not my friend...

    Read this:

  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    First, relax.

    It sounds like you are on the right path, eating healthy, and excercising are the way to do it.

    It always seems to do this. In fact, I have been stuck for the last month, same weight. Still working hard and eating well but stuck.

    It's ok. Keep up the effort, don't get discouraged and it will keep dropping. Even if slowly.

    Hang in there!
  • I totally feel you pain and am discouraged as well. I have been at this hard for one month, eating well and gym three days a week. My husband said he can not see "any" difference and I cant either. The scales are not moving... I am very upset ! I read all the replies and I hope you guys are right ! :sad:
  • seph_house
    seph_house Posts: 101 Member
    i agree with the comments above about carbs v's protein, or at least the bread/pasta/rice types of carbs which i know make *me* bloat quite a bit (not that this stops me, i just know to expect it:) Also, have you looked at your sodium levels? i only glanced quickly through your diary but there seemed to be a few restaurant/takeout meals in there which, even if low cal counts can be quite high in salt which will make you retain water too which can definitely lead to some wild lb swings. finally, was it your time of the month in week 4? that's another killer for making you swing upwards a few lb in water weight.

    for me, personally, i prefer to weigh most days and just after i get up. but i'm also very comfortable with the fact that the numbers will swing up and down through the week and i've been watching them swing fot the last 6 months and i know the trend is downwards so i find it interesting to watch :) if it messes with your head to see the fluctuations, then stop it and don't watch :D check back in in a week, or two, or four. and keep an eye on the measurements instead. or do some sort of fit test in the exercise of your choice, and then do that again in a month and see how much better you are.

    you're doing awesome already, just keeping track and doing all that exercise for a whole month is an achievement! unfortunately, most of us are here for the long haul and success is measured in months and perseverance rather than weeks. but the reward is knowing (and hopefully loving) your body so much better :)
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    A woman's body goes through monthly cycles concerning weight and water retention. Only after two or three months will you get used to your body's natural variations through the weeks.
  • seasonalspice
    seasonalspice Posts: 17 Member
    The scale isn't bothering me, I think it is more I am bothered because this has been completely different from my weight loss in the past. In the past, I had no problem consistently losing weight (even on my period). This time has just been very different because my weight has fluctuated a lot. I used to lose .2-.4 pounds every day or so and/or a steady 2 pounds over a week.

    We find ourselves eating out a lot because my husband is in grad school and I'm teaching full-time. To add insult to injury...we don't have a silly dishwasher in this apartment!!! In the past two weeks, we have started talking about making freezer meals on the weekend when we aren't so busy to reduce the dish load and so we aren't eating out.
  • not sure if it's a good idea to weigh yourself everyday...maybe once a week could be better for you, so you've had a decent amount of time to compare your results.
    i dont have scales at home but only weigh myself occasionally (during fitness tests) as a guideline (using same set of scales).
    going by body measurements and how your clothing fits are just as good to begin with...well for me anyway :smile:
    keep up your good work though...you're doing well. sometimes we don't always see instant results when we know we try our hardest - and thats not just with losing weight either. :wink:
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    I lost 1.25 inches in week 4. I began losing size when I began gaining weight. I would love to become smaller and lose weight.

    So wait, you ARE getting smaller? If that's the case, even if the scale isn't moving fast enough (or some weeks not at all), I say stick to what you're doing. Maybe you're building new muscles!

    What's more important, a smaller figure that everyone notices when they look at you, or a smaller number on a scale that only you see?
  • Drsmh
    Drsmh Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for your note. I wondered about my "suggested" protein level. I am getting a red negative almost daily but I am not totaly wolfing down piles of protein.
  • seasonalspice
    seasonalspice Posts: 17 Member
    I weigh myself everyday, but only write down the weight every Monday morning. When I say that I gained or lost that was almost on that day.

    Week 1: 4 pounds lost
    Week 2: 3 pounds lost.
    Week 3: 2 pounds gained.
    Week 4: 2 pounds gained.

    Weighing myself has helped me see how much sleep affects my weight which I didn't realize so much before...it also helps me be nicer to myself because I realize I am fluctuating and that 2 pounds isn't the end of the world when I weighed two pounds less the day before. I could see where that would do the opposite for other people. What is bothering me though is it is showing I gain every week because my weight is fluctuating and it's annoying I am basically gaining back all of the weight.
  • seasonalspice
    seasonalspice Posts: 17 Member
    @ ccmccoy09

    I am losing size, but gaining weight. I am going to keep it up regardless, but I realize that I need to do something a little different. The protein suggestion has been great.
  • jhungate
    jhungate Posts: 95 Member
    Less carbs, more protein and DO NOT WEIGH YOURSELF EVERY DAY. :)
  • Be careful with protien suppliments as many of them have sugars in them. You are better off mixng plain greek yogurt with nuts. If the yogurt is too tart for you, add a splash of cinnamon & some sweet berries like raspberries or other sweet fresh (not canned) fruit.
  • hwesp
    hwesp Posts: 17 Member
    I agree with the suggestions of weighing yourself once a week (a trick my nutritionist taught me). I also agree with the increased protein. One thing I didn't see anybody ask was what type of exercise are you doing? Is it cardio? Walking? Weights? 30 minutes or more cardio 5x a week is a good goal (but you may have to work up to it) for weight loss. I really like the elliptical for cardio but also do water aerobics and the occasional aerobics DVD. Good luck!
  • jlc1243
    jlc1243 Posts: 272 Member
    The first month or so I had a similar experience. While I didn't gain any weight, I would lose one week, stay the same, lose the next week, etc. for the first 4-6 weeks. and my losses were similar to yours. then something happened and it evened out to about 1.5 lbs a week for a while (now it's less).

    This was strange to me too, because when I lost weight before it was always very consistent. But I think b/c I had more emphasis on workouts early onm where as I hadn't before it took a while for my body to really know what was going on.

    Defintely keep doing what you are doing....it'll all pay off in the long run!