Fat burners...?

Someone gave me a few weeks of samples from GNC and I'm don't sure how I feel about it. Its "D4 thermal shock" and all I can really tell by the package is it has lots of caffeine. Has anyone tried it or have any info/opinions on it?


  • chelsearae85
    so i guess thats a no lol
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm nowhere near an expert, but these are the things that I know to be true about caffeine:

    It can help if you ingest it before an aerobic workout. It helps your body burn fat during the workout, instead of carbs. It only takes a small amount to instigate this process. A cup of strong caffeinated coffee would work (I know a lot of people who drink a cup a half hour or 45 minutes before going to the gym or for a run). At the same time, ingesting too much caffeine can have a lot of negative side effects, and you can become dependent on it. Some of the nasty side effects (like hypertension) can make working out dangerous. Personally, I'd stick with diet and exercise to lose weight.
  • boggle00
    Not sure about them but I used to use Thermabol from Maximuscle - quite good or Grenades which come in a plastic grenade. which is a little gimmicky. Grenades were good fat burners but as you mentioned a massive percentage was caffeine. They do make your heart race if you forget and have a coffee around the time you take them but other than feeling a little 'on edge' they were quite effective in the short term.

    I wouldn't really give them more than a month at a time but they do give you that little kick during a workout which is quite effective especially those early morning workouts. However with most things that get you up expect some sort of energy lull during the day. If you dump that much caffeine in your system there has to be a trade off somewhere down the line. For me it was a need to take a powernap in the afternoon. The weight shifted off me quite easily when I was using them but my main reason for using them was to try and cut up before a holiday (vacation).

    So in summary, quite good for a quick fix but don't rely on them. Best sticking to diet and exercise and using the fat burners as a last resort. And don't take them any later than mid afternoon or you'll be wide awake most of the night.

    I know they're not the ones you asked about but this was my experience with fat burners and they're all quite similar.

    Hope that helps
  • chelsearae85
    Thanks guys you both were helpful. I'm a caffeine addict who recently cut out soda and tea and I feel like death because of it. So the caffeine without the calories is mostly why I want to do it. Also I am really worried since this is my first diet I know a lot of people have a hard time sticking with them that if I'm not seeing results I may give up. Friends have said its not like me but suggested something like this(detox, water pills, etc) so if I'm half way there after that they don't see me giving up.

    PS add me if you would like I need all the help, advise, and tips I can get!