Moms; how do you find time to work out?

I have a one year old son and a full time job. I feel like I barely have time to shower, let alone go to a gym, or workout. Ive tried waiting until everyone is in bed, but by that time Im so tired, its just out of the question. Moms, how are you finding time?


  • yentess
    yentess Posts: 167 Member
    I have 3 kids, but I am lucky to be a stay at home mom which I know gives me more time than you have. I like to play just dance for Wii with my kids and find it is a great cardio workout. We also like to go on walks as a family when the weather is nice, and have a lot of nature trails around here. Do you have someone who could watch your son while you excersize?
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    When I started, I woke up early and did 30DS (it's about 20-25 minutes). You are gaining so much more from working out for a bit in the am than you will from that 20 minutes of sleep.
    When I was a bit more in shape, I started running some mornings..... I now run 3-4 miles a day 4 or 5 days a week. Sometimes I run with kids in a jogging stroller, sometimes I am lucky and run by myself, otherdays its a workout video all the way.
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    My son is 16 months and fitnes has been second nature to me for the last 15 years so I make sure I get it in. I work part time and dont have to be to work til 11 am and he wakes up usually between 7:30-8 am so I am up at 5:30-5:45am to get in my workout before he wakes up. By the time my workout is done, I have JUST enough time to take a 2-3 minute shower and get dressed. Then I get him up, washed and fed and then I eat my breakfast and then we are out the door by 10am.
  • upwiththesun
    I know this is hard. I have to get up at 4:00am 3x a week to get long runs in, then shorter runs whatever time of day I can, mostly evenings. I have to use exercise DVD's, but they are great, can do them anytime.

    I don't have to do the jogging stroller anymore, I was lucky my little guy would take his naps during my runs.

    Good luck.
  • Febgirl
    Febgirl Posts: 68 Member
    I get up at 5.30am to workout then are at work 8am - I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old. Means Ido t have to worry about childcare as the rest of the family including husband are still asleep! I always thought people who got up before dawn to exercise were "morning people" and therefore because I hate getting up early it would never work for me. I've surprised myself with how much I'm enjoying it, you've just got to work with what you've got and not make excuses for yourself. Exercising in the evenings after work and when kids are in bed never really worked for me, I'd have the best intentions but by the end of the day I'd be too tired and unmotivated.
  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    I have 5 kids ages 21 months to 12 1/2 years old. I am a stay at home mom, but I have a ton of things to do everyday. Sometimes it gets to be dinner time and I haven't gotten in my workout. That is where having an awesome husband comes in. (or neighbor, relative, etc. if you aren't married) I will get dinner started cooking and he'll watch it so it doesn't burn, and he'll entertain the kids while I go into another room to get my workout in, or go for a run.
    Other times when I have all the kids home, like durring the summer, I put little one in her playpen and she watches me do a video. The older kids can entertain themselves. Some days we go for a family bike ride. I have one of those pull behind trailers for baby and the other kids ride along.
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    Be a weekend warrior with a jogging stroller for now.
  • jobie4153
    I see TONS of young women using the babysitting service at the Y. I think it is included in a family membership.
  • epayne75
    epayne75 Posts: 10 Member
    I am a single mom to 2 children (4 and 6) and teach full time. I started getting back into working out with the 30 day shred. My kids watch TV while I did the DVD. It was short, gave me a little time for myself before dinner and made me happier for the rest of the night. I have moved to somewhat longer DVDs and it works well. TV. . . well, I feel guilt either way so I might as well be healthy :)
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    I have a 1 1/2 year old, a 5 month old and I babysit an 8 month old.

    Usually around 11am my husband sits with the kids and I go to the gym for about an hour. If for some reason we can't work that out I just either wait till naptime or I just do it while they're awake. I'll put my 5 month old in her jumparoo and put on Toy Story for my son in his room.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Hey its not just moms who are time poor you know.....

    I do around 50% of the work around the house, have a full time (plus) job, two kids under 5 years old, and until recently have also studied at university as well... and still find time to exercise!

    I understand not everyone is as fortunate as I am, but I have a very supportive partner. I wake up at 5:40 every morning to spend an hour at the gym. Then I come home to help give the kids their breakfast etc before heading off to work.

    I think the key is solid communication and a good amount of 'give and take'. You need to make time for yourself and not feel guilty about it. If you have plans for how you are going to get things done around the house, fit in exercise etc, then it will happen. Routine and structure are your friends here! :)
  • PompousClock
    Each week I calendar my exercise and treat each session as a meeting that I must not miss. I also color code my calendar; each category gets its own distinct color (professional commitments, organizations, medical, social, holiday/vacations, my daughter, my husband, exercise, etc.). Seeing the bright yellow exercise entries reminds me what I am doing each week.

    I also consult with my husband. We each get three exercise slots each week, and we have to coordinate schedules to ensure someone is home with our toddler daughter. For example, right now I work out Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday mornings; my husband gets Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings. We are both doing CrossFit because the facility is close to our house, the class times work with our schedules, and we can get our cardio/strength workouts in and get back to the house in just over an hour.

    This, of course, requires pre-planning every evening; anything that can be done the night before is. Work and school lunches are packed when we're cleaning up the dinner dishes. Clothes are laid out, for school, work, and exercise, so there's no bumbling around in the morning looking for a shoe or a coat. Coffee is prepped. Litter boxes are cleaned. Trash is emptied. Then one parent handles morning duties while the other parent is at the gym, so the parent that is working out only has to concentrate (mostly) on getting themselves ready in the morning.

    In sum, the only way I find the time to exercise is because I have a husband who as committed to this as I am.
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    I have three boys and work full time. I do a 40 min workout at lunch time or workout in the morning before work or after the youngest is in bed. I need to work out so fit it in where I can. Long workouts are usually on sat and sun.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I used to wake before the kids workout then shower, sometimes it's nap time, and other times we pack up and go walking all to gether... My hubby will watch them while I workout too..
  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
    i'm a stay at home mom, and i had my husband move the treadmill into the living room, i also have a gym membership and go everyday from 6 - 8 pm while my husband has his special daddy toddler time.
  • twinmama1987
    twinmama1987 Posts: 566 Member
    I have a set of twins who are 2.. i am a stay at home mom, and i workout during nap time or i workout when they are awake, they enjoy working out with me, although they have gotten behind me on occasion and i hit them with my *kitten* while doing squats lmao
  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    I joined a gym with childcare. If I am taking an evening workout class my son will stay home with my husband. If I don't feel like going to the gym I will go for a walk/jog after my husband gets home from work. My son is 3.
  • HotHol
    HotHol Posts: 52 Member
    I am a mom of 2...and also run a daycare out of my home....I fortunately have a supportive hubby who tends to the kids if needed when i do my workout....But the workout I have been doing is too, the 30 day shred...It's only 27 min even if the hubby is not's doable b/c it's quick.
  • may62108
    My daughter seems to enjoy doing the videos and stuff with me.... although some days are harder than others to find the time and since I have to be to work at 4am almost everyday its really hard to do it in the morning... she is 3 and likes doing everything I do... I make a game out of it sometimes... its easier in warmer weather get them outside and you'll be getting exercise before you konw it.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I get up at 5:30 and have until 7:30 to work out.

    I walk to a bus stop that is 2 km away.

    I usually get a short workout in at 9:00 p.m.

    I work full time, I homeschool my 13 yo LD son, I cook all from scratch due to allergies, and I have church responsibilities.
