Hello, im Jackie i have two little girls who are the ones motivating me to get healthy..... before getting pregnant with my second child i did lose 98 lbs. i went from weighing 280 down to 180lbs. during the pregnancy i gained about 50 of them back.... this weight gain has made me feel horrible about myself, yet i seemed to lack the motivation to do it again. i mean it took a lot of sweat and tears to get there the first time. i wasnt sure that i wanted to go through that all over again...

on Dec 16 i decided that i was going to start working on myself in 2012. i figured id start early bc if i made it my resolution it probably wouldnt stick.... lol. but i am about a month and a half in and i am noticing a huge difference in the way i feel and look., i have already lost 14 lbs!!! i dont have much of a support system, and i found this website and thought why the heck not???

i really just want to set a great example for my young ones.... and show them how to live right.


  • hardcoreriot
    heyy welcome
  • JBott84
    JBott84 Posts: 268 Member
    I just found this website today, and also the app for my phone - I am pretty excited about it. Jackie, you are more then welcome to check out my profile and add me if you would like I need all the help I can get :) and would be glad to throw some encouragement your way.
  • theshoefairy
    Congratulations on losing 14lbs... That's amazing! I started this about a week ago and I have lost 4lbs so far. I Have been trying to look at it as a long term thing. I am impatient and like to see results right away, obviously that's just not realistic so I'm just plodding along in the knowledge that I will get to where I want to be eventually and you will too :)