Hello! Anyone else trying to shed those baby pounds?

Hello there. I have a 8 month old mom, :--), trying to shed those baby pounds and get fit to have fun with my baby when she grows up.

Anyone on the same boat?
Here is my stat in lbs

Height 5' 4"

153 - pre pregnancy Aug 2010
190 - the day before delivery May 2011
155 - current

Final Goal weight 130

153 by end of Feb 2012
145 by May 2012
135 by Dec 2012
130 by May 2013

How does that sound?
I need some warm hugs and motivation!


  • crystalnovara
    Hi, I am with you! My "baby" is a bit older than yours however. She is 3 years old. I have 10 more lbs to lose and I will be at my goal weight. I hope you keep up your motivation! I know it can be very tough. My problem is FOOD! I love sweets too much, but that is something I am trying to take control of. I plan on gradually introducing clean eating into our home as well as having to make gluten free foods for my 3 year old. She was diagnosed with Celiac Disease so we have been trying to master gluten free eating. It is very difficult to change the way you have been eating after 30 years, but it's a necessary change.

    Good luck to you!!
  • Lilywhite85
    My little boy is 9mths old. I've lost the majority of my baby weight really easily but the last 14lbs are just refusing to come off(currently 146lbs, 5'3"). I can't seem to stay motivated and fall back on takeaways when I've had a tiring day with the kids (I also have an 8yr old girl) xxx
  • jenaferleah
    Hi!! Im a lil delayed on the weight loss... My lil girl will be 2 in March and im still way past pre baby wt. Im 5'10 was 180.. with the baby i gained 60 lbs. (quit smoking HAD to have something to do with that.. lol) so then i was 240.. Im now 213 and i wanna get down to about 160 or so. I am trying to get motivated to lose some weight. My sister told me about this site so here i am :).. I must admit, i do like to see the exercises i do tallied up!! (not so much my food tracker tho..lol). Good luck to all you mommys out there!! (and everyone else too) ..
  • hennanenna
    I am pretty delayed on the weight loss as well, my son is 15 months old. I have always been over-weight however.

    Height: 5'10
    Pre-pregnancy weight: 200lbs
    My weight the day I gave birth: 270lbs
    Current weight: 235lbs

    My goal weight is 155lbs so I have quite a ways to go.
  • ClaireLeyana
    I've not had a baby, but I think that Tracy Anderson's 'Post-Pregnancy' workout may be useful to you.

    [I do it sometimes!! Lol] It's a really grate workout, but I may be biased as I love Tracy!!

    Hope this helps :) xx
  • ksaranya
    Thanks all for the warm welcome. We need all the support we can get to lose those pounds.
    Good luck to us!
  • waughy382012
    Hi my baby girl is 4 month old and i decided i want to get trimmer by july 2012. i am currently 170 pound . i want to get to about 140 by july. i have lost 13 pound in 4 weeks but put 3 pound back on so i would of lost 16 pound in 4 weeks. i really want to lose weight gradually not quickly but find it hard to balance all the foods out into the groups. any recipes would be helpful . good luck everyone .
  • ksaranya
    Great job getting on the wagon soon. And good luck losing those pounds!
    Regarding recipes... loads of vegetables with lesser salt and spice. :--) More protein and multigrain.

    Sigh, I KNOW what I should do, I just have to do it!
  • Sillylolly
    Hi, my little girl is 5 and my son is 20 months and im still trying to loose the "baby weight"! Like others not smoking anymore hasn't helped, but I want to be fit and healthy. I've started running and I'm doing my first half marathon in march. Eeekkk! Please feel free to add me anyone. :)