Old but new

Hello all. My name is Kaysi, I'm a single mom with a HIGH energy 9 yr old son. I have been on MFP for about a year now, however not actively. I started last March like most people do with the New Year's goal to burn burn burn, however I joined the game a few months into the New Year with a past coworker after my attempts at home alone were doing me no good. And of course I got through the first two, three months and gave up, in that time after I gave up till now I put on almost 10 lbs. Needless to say I am not happy about that.! I am giving it another go, and desperately trying to lose weight. I've been working out, a little inconsistently for the last 2 weeks and have actually GAINED 4 lbs. I know to lose I have to be consistent but if anything I may have only missed 2-3 days of exercising. (and here begin the excuses). I'm looking for some people to network with, to give some support and also some tips to help me fix what I might be doing wrong.

Looking forward to hearing some tips and making new friends!!!

Current weight : 184
Goal weight : 140
Height : 5' 7"


  • BuffaloJerseyGirl
    Hi Kaysi! Welcome! :tongue: Just keep at it and you should start to lose. That 4 lbs gained may be muscle or water weight. Looking forward to losing with you!

    Love, your sister :laugh:
  • Kay1226
    Well aren't you a funny one!!! :wink: Looking forward to starting to lose and catching up with you! :tongue:
  • BuffaloJerseyGirl
    Also, looking at your food diary, you want to make sure you're eating your recommended calories every day. You don't necessarily have to eat back the extra calories from exercise, but you should be striving to reach your initial calorie goal. If not, your body might think it's in starvation mode and try to hold on to that extra weight.
  • kseltzer
    kseltzer Posts: 214 Member
    Hey Kaysi! Welcome back! I'm a mother of 2 energetic young boys and I joined MFP last March, too. I've lost 17 lbs and have been working on maintaining my weight and building up those muscles...feel free to add me :)
  • Kay1226
    I can't eat that many calories in a day though. I've tried. If i force myself to eat the 1400+ MFP wants me to then I feel sick and sluggish and all around ICK!!! :grumble:
  • Kay1226
    I'm just all around struggling to lose at this point. I do my weekly weigh in tomorrow and i'm anxious to see what it's going to be and at the same time dreading it saying that i haven't lost again. I'm going into my 4th week back on here and have yet to lose lbs or inches. :explode:
  • ashtonalayna
    Hi welcome back! I'm Gloria 25 and mom of 2. You can add me if you'd like, good luck with your weigh in tomorrow!
  • phoenixheat
    Welcome! I officially joined last January, but really didn't put any effort into it. Lots of excuses, none of them good. But here I am! I am counting this January as my real new beginning, and really paying attention. The numbers don't lie...I've lost nine pounds this month. I know part of it is because of the support and friendships I'm starting to form here, and I always welcome new! Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • BuffaloJerseyGirl
    I know the feeling. I took last week off from JM: 30 day shred for various reasons, but managed to get in 2 days of running. Today I feel as gross as I did before I started the whole damn thing. I blame our father for cursing us with his metabolism. I actually went through the house and threw out every piece of candy/ice cream I could find that I would be tempted to eat. I'm sure I'll end up buying more later this week though. BOO my utter lack of willpower and self-discipline. :frown: I started back up on level 2 tonight and felt like a whale trying to keep up. And then I think I have a partial tear in my Achilles. :grumble:
  • BuffaloJerseyGirl
    Sorry for the negative rant. I'm done feeling sorry for myself now.
  • waterhaunted
    waterhaunted Posts: 21 Member
    I used to struggle to get to 1200 calories a day. There are small foods you can eat that have many calories and are great foods.
    I started my mornings with a protein drink. It has 170 calories made with 8ozs. Of water. Protein 1 st thing in the morning kick starts metabolism too. A snack of whole almonds, 24/25 almonds 170 calories. I usually have 12/13. Just a couple of examples, more protein, less hungry.
    I used to be able to go a couple days without really eating anything. Then I would get a headache and it would dawn on me, I hadn't eaten. Pretty much everything I did eat at that point stayed on me
    Now I have my 3 meals and 2-3 snacks a day and make my calories with no issue. It took time, but my belly reminds me to eat now.
    I exercise some, but I did not want to get going with all kinds of exercise to achieve the weight loss, because my time is limited and I feared, when I couldn't exercise, the lbs would pile back.
    So I do some walking,maybe a little jogging here and there, some jumping jacks,crunches etc. I started in Aug, and lost 26 lbs.
  • Kay1226
    No worries on the rant Kel, I feel your pain. And I as well, curse our father for our metabolism! :grumble: I'm soo tired of gaining and I'm trying differents things to figure this out too.

    @waterhaunted, I was drinking Protein shakes in the am to help give me cals too cause i'm not a breakfast person at all, but each week i'm gaining weight and not losing so I assumed it was attributed to that cause i gained more the 2 weeks i was drinking them in am. I'm at a loss, trying new avenues and trying not to give up.
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    Welcome, lots of great support on here! Feel free to add me!