needing some support pls

:devil: hi guys have been on here for a couple of months and have lost 4lb put it back on and now lost it again! starting to stuggle motivation wise again! find it hard to juggle night shifts, child care and all the other jobs we have to fit in, i am an emotional eater and am resisting to give in so far but any help or tips would be good guys hope you can help ! x


  • DaveMXF
    DaveMXF Posts: 52
    Do you plan your meals a week ahead of time? Or do you eat on the fly? I find that planning all my meals on Sunday for the week ahead, helps me be accountable, like setting a goal. Map it out, then follow your map.....

    my .02 :noway:
  • JudyL5305
    JudyL5305 Posts: 215 Member
    Do you plan your meals a week ahead of time? Or do you eat on the fly? I find that planning all my meals on Sunday for the week ahead, helps me be accountable, like setting a goal. Map it out, then follow your map.....

    my .02 :noway:

    I do the same thing. I make Sunday my catch up day for the week. i plan and cook my meals so that during the week I don't have to rush around to cook and get all stressed out. Plus it gives me the time to enjoy the meals too on week nights. Please don't get discouraged and i know it is easy to. The best thing is that you have reached out we are all here for support. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you want the little bit of extra support.
  • sarahs50
    Hi. I am an emotional eater also.Especially sweets.But when I made the decision that I wanted to loose weight I also made a commitment to myself to be in control.I drink water or brush my teeth and my favorite is cleaning house.Your mind and stomach won"t be on the same idea at the same time.I play with my super Grandchildren and after play we snack.On controlled portions for me.Its all mind set and putting it in action.Yes of course I blow it at times and I just tell myself we're starting again.I boost myself up but now I have people on here to talk to.I know juggling a family a job and life in general always takes presidence but you need to schedule yourself in all that u do.May sound easy but I know its not,but when you loose 5 lbs. you rejoice and tell yourself your going for 10.Believe me when I say it comes off harder than it went on.But you can do it,your minds on loosing just get the rest of you in sink with it.I want to loose 10 lbs. by Valentines Day.Actually that much loss in that little time isn't healthy.But i'm going for it.You've lost,thats great,your that much closer to the goal you've made for yourself.Keep going you can do and steady.
  • t2811
    t2811 Posts: 56
    I agree, planning is the key, but isnt always easy. You are doing well coping with night shifts and young children; I have been there and it completely messes your body clock up. Don't be hard on yourself if you lapse, it is natural. Just put it behind you and start again. You will get there. :) x
  • dlee1234
    dlee1234 Posts: 33 Member
    thanks guys i have only been planning one day ahead at a time going to do a few days worth and see how i go thanks guys means lot to have support..........the chips are now in the bin instead of my stomach! that was a close one ! x:bigsmile:
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    And I am saying no to the left over chocolate cake on my counter! I am saying no because I am worth it!!! Its a mantra we moms need to remind ourselves of! We are so busy caring for others (which we want to do and love to do) but often we forget WE ARE WORTH IT!
    I know when I prepare my food ahead of time I dooo wayyyy better!
  • JudyL5305
    JudyL5305 Posts: 215 Member
    And I am saying no to the left over chocolate cake on my counter! I am saying no because I am worth it!!! Its a mantra we moms need to remind ourselves of! We are so busy caring for others (which we want to do and love to do) but often we forget WE ARE WORTH IT!
    I know when I prepare my food ahead of time I dooo wayyyy better!

    Yes you are worth it! We all are!!!!! Way to go not eating the chocolate.
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    WHen I woke up this morning and the cake was still on the counter it felt like a victory!!! :smile:
  • sarahs50
    Starting the Bellyfat Cure diet plan,takes sugar and carbs to a new tired of looking pregnant even after loosing some weight. I'd never heard of it before, found it by mistake while browsing Amazon.I'll let you know how it works.My daughter offered me her P90X program but I am definetly not ready for that yet.Hope everyone is acknowledging the fact that we are important, to ourselves and others.
  • FlTGlRL
    FlTGlRL Posts: 239
    I kind of feel the same way, I started in early January and have only lost 6 lbs so far and I have been so strict!! One thing that definitely helps me though is to make mini goals, as in, how much I'd like to lose each month, than I break it down into each week. That's helped me stay on track so far and just stay interested.
    Just take baby steps and definitely plan the meals ahead when you can. Also, try and have some 100 calorie snacks around the house for yourself for those impulsive moments.

    Good luck :)
  • radarmash
    that is very difficult and i can partly understand, i don't have children but i do work shift work nights and days. Sometimes when i am stressed i turn to food, however i have realized there are many more healthy options which if you substitute during those "i have to have a snack now" times it may help. I agree with the other post that you should definately make a weekly meal plan and when you have time make large batches and freeze. some substitutions i made a few years ago before losing more than 40 lbs (and keeping if off) are snack on nut mixtures instead of chips. when i crave sweets i try licorice (the real stuff) or dark chocolate also grapes are good too. once you can make some healthy food changes your body will feel bettrer and you will want to continue to make more changes. baby steps, but definately try to plan so you don't fall into the trap of grabbing whatever is available.
  • sarahs50
    Ahh.The Bellyfat Cure really works.I lost 3 Lbs and can definately tell on my stomach.
  • sarahs50
    6 lbs. is awesome.keep in ur mind that only 3 more lbs. and it will be 10.slow and steady and if u cheat,start right over again.u can do it with a little planning.and ur conscience backing u up.U have taken the first step,next take another it for u because its for u,u r worth it, and ur family depends on u being here for a long time.consistency, hang in there.we're all behind u.u can achieve whatever u put ur mind to. think positive.have a successful day. enjoy ur steps to loosing and it will be easier. i worked 3rd. shift for 15 yrs. and have 5 children.know what ur saying.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    :devil: hi guys have been on here for a couple of months and have lost 4lb put it back on and now lost it again! starting to stuggle motivation wise again! find it hard to juggle night shifts, child care and all the other jobs we have to fit in, i am an emotional eater and am resisting to give in so far but any help or tips would be good guys hope you can help ! x

    Emotional Eating support group, if you all are interested:
  • sarahs50
    lost another1.5lbs. didnt stick to program well or i would of lost more.the great part is is that i no longer need to stretch my t-shirts anymore.isn't that just super.i'm so proud of it .made my eating list for this week and am going to stick to this program.but somedays its just to much food so i dont eat the whole going to start lifting weights starting with weights,slow and steady. so i dont aggrevate my medical siked out.and yes my fellow weight fitness pals,its all about me,i can do it,i want to loose it and be healthier.i am going to be here for my great-grand children,and i am going to be able to hold them and play with them. and not look my age.hope everyone has a super day.