p90x..weight gain?

I am into week 2 of p90x.
I started at 179 and now Im at 181..is that normal?


  • Amber824
    Amber824 Posts: 51 Member
    It's very normal! Your body is building muscle which weighs more than fat, but has less volume. I am at the same weight as when I started 2 weeks ago and have lost 2 inches in my waist. If you are ever unsure, take your measurements...
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Sorry, but you aren't going to put on 3lbs of muscle in two weeks.
    The weight you are seeing is a result of water weight. When we start working out or increase intensity, the muscles retain water while healing, which can be seen on the scale. It is completely normal and will come off.
  • brett1117
    brett1117 Posts: 208
    you're probably eating too many calories..back it down about 300 a day
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    you're probably eating too many calories..back it down about 300 a day

    According to p90x, I am suppose to eat 2400 calories but I cant seem eat over 1500
  • lwood42
    lwood42 Posts: 18
    I've done P90x and I'm pretty sure it's more geared to men. I mostly just do the plowamatrics, abs, legs, sometimes arms and pushups. And Yoga. I want a lean tight body so no pull-ups. Running and swimming give me the other extras a need. Also, I agree..TOO many calories to lose weight, especially for a woman.
  • twinmama1987
    twinmama1987 Posts: 566 Member
    normal :)
  • twinmama1987
    twinmama1987 Posts: 566 Member
    I've done P90x and I'm pretty sure it's more geared to men. I mostly just do the plowamatrics, abs, legs, sometimes arms and pushups. And Yoga. I want a lean tight body so no pull-ups. Running and swimming give me the other extras a need. Also, I agree..TOO many calories to lose weight, especially for a woman.

    certainly not geared towards men .. i did 2 rounds! & 2 rounds of insanity! .. building lean muscle will not make you bulky... :)
    its a good program for male and female! Building lean muscle makes you burn more calories through out the day. & in the long run makes you slimmer.
  • MelKut
    MelKut Posts: 167 Member
    Last January I joined the track team at my community college because I wanted to start working out after not renewing my gym membership.

    I ate 1200-1500 calories a day, but practice would run from 2:30 pm-5:30 pm (granted, I wasn't moving like crazy the whole time, but the warm-up, actual practice (throwing 8.8 lb balls lol), about 45 min of weights and a 15 min cool down jog amounted to a lot of calorie burning).
    I really wanted to lose weight, but I stayed the same and felt tired all the time. One day (when I actually starting really liking what I was doing and wanting to get better) I asked the coach how much calories I should be eating and he said "at least 3000-3500 per day"

    I was so shocked because the idea of "eating back calories" was so foreign to me and upped my intake (to about 2700-3200) and felt WAY more energized. I lost about 2-3 lbs but noticed that I looked leaner and was actually able to improve a lot with my lifting.

    Now I'm not on the team anymore, but that experience convinced me that eating enough is probably the most important thing you can do to reach your goals.
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    muscle weighs more than fat! You are building muscle!!
  • bubsmom10
    the muscle weighs more than fat thing is a complete myth think about it if you have one lb of fat and one lb of muscle how could one weigh more than the other? yes there is more mass to it but one lb is one lb 5 lbs is 5 lbs and so on...but any way I agree with the lady ( sorry I scrolled back down and your name wasnt there lol) that said its water weight it actually with most people takes any where from 2-4 weeks to actually start losing because of water weight :)
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    All new lifters experience weight gain the first few weeks as your body/muscles get used to the new workouts, retain water, etc.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I've done two rounds of P90X, one round of Insanity, and am presently doing a P90X/Insanity Hybrid and I am here to tell you that temporary weight gain is normal. As posted previously, the body retains water during muscle repair. Keep your fluid intake up, eat back your exercise calories to maintain your energy, and most of all KEEP PUSHING PLAY and BRING IT! Trust in the system...it works...the scale does NOT tell the tale of what you are doing to change your body.

    Good luck!

    P.S. Most of the weight loss occurs in the third phase when your body is changing and your metabolism is sky high. It works!
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    Not just for men... that's mis-information :(

    I lost 30 lbs and 23.5 inches during my first round (look at my pics in my profile) - keep at it, measure yourself and EAT what they recommend!
  • waaronbrown
    I lost 35lbs with the 90 workout but I didn't use the P90X diet. The diet for the first month asks you to consume 2400 - 2200 calories a day but that's mainly for building muscle. I kept my daily calorie intake between 1200 - 1800 depending on how many calories I burned that day with exercise, which you can input into MFP. Use a heart rate monitor for all workouts not just cardio, the strength training works are fast paced so that you keep our heart-rate up during the workout and burn more calories. Don't get discouraged as long as you monitor your diet closely with MFP and do ALL the workouts you will see results, I promise. Just make sure you are meeting all your dietary needs which you can track with MFP. And of course having 5 small meals spread out evenly throughout the day. You don't want to go more than 2-3 hours without consuming something or your metabolism will slow.
  • Amber824
    Amber824 Posts: 51 Member
    the muscle weighs more than fat thing is a complete myth think about it if you have one lb of fat and one lb of muscle how could one weigh more than the other? yes there is more mass to it but one lb is one lb 5 lbs is 5 lbs and so on...but any way I agree with the lady ( sorry I scrolled back down and your name wasnt there lol) that said its water weight it actually with most people takes any where from 2-4 weeks to actually start losing because of water weight :)

    It's not that one weighs more than the other, it's that one is smaller than the other....Imagine a baseball and a softball, the softball is the size as a pound of fat and the baseball is the size of a pound of muscle.
  • bubsmom10
    It's not that one weighs more than the other, it's that one is smaller than the other....Imagine a baseball and a softball, the softball is the size as a pound of fat and the baseball is the size of a pound of muscle

    I understand that...thats why i said yes it has more mass...but at the same time just because its bigger doesnt mean it weighs more ...and thats what I was trying to say a lb is still a lb no matter how much bigger it is...so it may be bigger but that doesnt mean because your building muscle it will weigh more