any takers for buddying up on insanity?

hey guys!

like many others, i signed up long time ago, but took me a while to "find the time" (riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.....) to get involved. :smile:

i am starting the insanity workout program and i'd LOVE to find someone who would be up to doing it with me. so far i've (barely) completed the fit test and i was so sore, i couldn't walk for a week. it was wonderful! :happy:

so...... anyone out there already doing the program or want to get started? anyone...? :flowerforyou:


  • hey are you doing the insanity work out from
  • that's what i'm starting this week. i really wanted to find someone who would do it at the same time as myself so we can compare notes, progress, etc.

    have you tried or finished it?
  • jmmbrent
    jmmbrent Posts: 16 Member
    I just did my first workout tonight--- my 5.5 year old daugter and 4 year old son were doing it with me. My daugter looked at me half way thru and said, " daddy why are you so wet?" Needless to say I could use some encouragment doing this-- it is truly hard, I want to quit but know it will be so good for me not to.
  • amyhenderson06
    amyhenderson06 Posts: 3 Member
    Is that anything like P90X? bc ive started that one and would love to have someone to go through it with......
  • Hey there! I started Insanity last summer but I didn't do it exactly by the books. A friend of mine and I would do it about 3 x's per week (it was impossible for us to get together 6 x's a week and we were both better off doing the "buddy system") and we did this for about a month and a half. Long story short she got a different job so our schedules were different. But we just started again (in the same fashion) a couple weeks ago and I still love it! On my "off" days I'll do an On Demand workout or something similar. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck and let me know how it works for you! I definitely noticed a big difference in my strength and endurance =) Yeah Shaun T woohoooo!
  • I've done Insanity a couple times but never made it past the 3rd week. Something came up and I would lose interest. I'm going to start back up soon and hope to keep with it this time! Shaun T is fun to look at so that should help me stay with it this next time around :)
  • I still do P90X!!! I got Core Syn tmrw....what you got??? Add me!
    Is that anything like P90X? bc ive started that one and would love to have someone to go through it with......
  • My body would love to hange with you......but knees cant take Shaun T anymore.....I was VERY successful with Insanity, lost ALL my weight.....but Ima have to stay with Tony Horton, P90X
  • yay, i'm not alone! :happy:

    @jmmbrent did you do the fit test today or the actual workout? i've been dreading the first workout since i did the fit test about a week ago. i've been sick and in bed the last few days, but feeling much better and ready to get started. it would be great to be on the same schedule doing this. i know it's gonna be tough, but i loooove the way i feel after every workout.

    @amyhenderson0 i did p90x last summer for 2 weeks and i loved it. unfortunately, my work got so crazy and i would go for 2-3 days just working non-stop without sleeping, eating, etc.. needless to say, my body was too weak to keep it up and i crashed. i didn't get back to it. during the 2 weeks i was doing it, though, i could already see the results. i was dieting hard core so i wasn't looking to my scale for the p90x results, but seeing the definition in my arms and legs in such short period of time.. it was amazing. while p90x uses weights and has different types of workouts, insanity is hard core cardio and instead of weights, you use your own body weight for resistance, etc. i'm sure the end results are amazing with either and i'd love to exchange notes. :)

    @JeliBaggins44 hahaha so far i'm not sure shaun t is my "cup of tea" (a little too much for me perhaps), but i'm super excited about doing it. what was the biggest difference you noticed? losing fat, gaining muscle, the endurance..?
  • Im doing the Insanity :) Just did day 8 today. Were still doing the same workouts for a whole month.. Add me if ya wanna do it together :)
  • @jstock9 well, how bout starting over now? it would be much easier sticking with it if you're doing it with someone. :)

    @dawnspradley did you finish the entire insanity program and then go to p90x? my goal is to finish the insanity program, then go back and finish p90x and p90x2. i loved p90x, but my wrists had a lot of trouble with it, so much that i was getting a little concerned. did you notice anything similar?
  • @amywhite8809 so you're day 1 of week 2? so, if i did my first workout tonight i'd be one week behind you. i'm definitely up to it, it would be neat so see how much of a difference a week makes. did you take before and after pictures? how much are you trying to lose?
  • @amywhite8809 so you're day 1 of week 2? so, if i did my first workout tonight i'd be one week behind you. i'm definitely up to it, it would be neat so see how much of a difference a week makes. did you take before and after pictures? how much are you trying to lose?

    Yup! Day 1 of week 2.. I did take before pics. I havent looked back at them yet to compare anything. I havent really even weighed in since I started the program.. I want to wait til i finish week 2. Im trying to lose 32lbs.. So far ive been watching what i eat and exercise and lost 9lbs soo far :)
  • @amywhite8809 woot woot! that's wonderful! i lost 25lbs last summer in less than 2 months, but in a very unhealthy way - supplements and not eating. (i know, i know...) fortunately, i've been within 5lbs (up and down) since then. i haven't been working out and i haven't been eating great, but i'm more conscious about what, when and how much i eat. it's been amazing fitting into clothes and not having a muffin top. hahaha i took a couple of sets of pictures over the last year and it's amazing looking at me then and now. (maybe i'll be brave enough to post them one day) i'd like to get to 135lbs and see what that looks like, i definitely don't want to be skinny. i started at 177.2lbs, which was the most i ever weighed in my life. it was awful.. but, i'm half way there and now just need to do my day 1. :)
  • @amywhite8809 along with taking my before pictures in the same (ahem!) bikini, i also got a pair of my favorite jeans i couldn't fit in years and i would take a picture of my progress towards being able to zip them. for me, clothes are the best indicator of how well i'm doing. also, i know a lot of people are against it, but i actually weigh myself every day and write it down in my weight/food/workout journal. it keeps me focused and it's a great indicator of how the food i eat affects me. obviously, with working out the scale won't be as great of an indicator, but it still helps me stay on track.
  • @amywhite8809 woot woot! that's wonderful! i lost 25lbs last summer in less than 2 months, but in a very unhealthy way - supplements and not eating. (i know, i know...) fortunately, i've been within 5lbs (up and down) since then. i haven't been working out and i haven't been eating great, but i'm more conscious about what, when and how much i eat. it's been amazing fitting into clothes and not having a muffin top. hahaha i took a couple of sets of pictures over the last year and it's amazing looking at me then and now. (maybe i'll be brave enough to post them one day) i'd like to get to 135lbs and see what that looks like, i definitely don't want to be skinny. i started at 177.2lbs, which was the most i ever weighed in my life. it was awful.. but, i'm half way there and now just need to do my day 1. :)

    Congrats on maintaining tho!! Thats really good :)
    Our SW and GW are almost the exact same haha.
    Fair warning, Day 1 (Fit Test) was the hardest for me. Luckily it does get a little better lol. Lemme know how it goes!!!
  • kemahone
    kemahone Posts: 1 Member
    On week three of Insanity- second time around :) GL... it's great.
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    I successfully completed it at Xmas time.....WOW!!!! I highly recommend it, mentally and physically the hardes thing I have ever done but the bonus I got from it that I wasn't expecting....all cellulite from my legs gone and have never had muscle tone like it before...I usually do a lot of upper body and hate legs, with Insanity you are forced to do it and wow it's incredible...I'm starting Asylum on Monday and sooooooooo excited!!! good luck with it...:o)
  • grimacy
    grimacy Posts: 15 Member
    I am doing Insanity and have gone through it before. I also have a private facebook page where I have 12 people doing these different programs. Would anyone be interested in getting into the group and I could support you through there? Let me know.
  • Errm - what is insanity ?
