College Student HELP!

Sooo i am a college student and am having a hard time finding things to eat that arent mac and cheese and chips. Any suggestions on things that i could get that wouldnt kill my diet!?


  • abschool
    Wheat bread? How 'bout some salad.
  • jennannec
    yeah thats what i am doing now but i never hit the my goal of calories which i guess isnt good :/
  • anrose
    anrose Posts: 11
    I am a college student too. But, I'm vegetarian, so I have a lot of meals like a big salad with tofu and vegetables in it, or veggie sandwiches on wheat bread, or egg salad sandwiches. Also, I like to make a mexican bowl with brown rice, beans, avocado, salsa, cheese. Stir fry is a good option too- it's very quick. Nuts are also a good high-protein snack as long as you control the portion size. Hope that helps!
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    My favorite college meal: Whole wheat tortilla with refried beans. Then salsa, hot sauce, even a little cheese won't make it too many more calories. It's a healthy, low fat, whole protein, and nicely filling while tasting good.

    Other things I liked in college were peanut butter and banana sandwiches on whole wheat bread (again it's a whole protein!), and healthy cereals and milk (yum grape nuts with peaches yum, I know it's a lot of calories, though, but healthy ones). Yogurt with fruit is another great one. Also, hardboiled eggs (you can actually make a really nice wrap with a hardboiled egg or two, and some salsa or other tomato based sauces).

    All of those are pretty healthy.

    ETA Tuna and egg salad are also pretty good (just be careful with the mayonnaise, lol).
  • rutkowsm
    rutkowsm Posts: 43 Member
    What's your set up at your college? Living in a dorm or apartment? Have access to a kitchen? Meal plan/cafeteria food? I know it can be really hard in college to stay on track with healthy eating simply because it seems like there's no place to keep the healthy foods that you want to eat. But it can be done!

    Things that worked for me when I didn't have easy access to a kitchen:
    Whole grain bread and peanut butter makes a great quick breakfast (and no refrigeration necessary depending on the kind of peanut butter). Apples also make for a great snack (again, the addition of peanut butter makes it a decent breakfast). V8 tomato juice (in the little cans) can be great to have on hand when you're in a rush or are just low on veggies.

    Good luck!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Hey! I'm a full time student AND I work full time, so I understand your pain. What's also terrible is trying to figure out how to stay at your calories when you're awake for 20 hours a day. ]: I'm on the path to figuring it out, too, but you're more than welcome to add me as a friend!
  • Kristena2009
    Kristena2009 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm also a college student and what I find the most filling, easy to make, and least amount of calorie meals are chicken or turkey breasts. You can get packs of frozen skinless chicken breasts at wal mart and they are only about 110 calories per breast. I've had them plain, on a bun for a sandwich with barbeque sauce, with marinara sauce, and in noodles. They are a good thing to have around and they give you longer sustaining energy than ramen or macaroni and cheese would.
  • jennannec
    What's your set up at your college? Living in a dorm or apartment? Have access to a kitchen? Meal plan/cafeteria food? I know it can be really hard in college to stay on track with healthy eating simply because it seems like there's no place to keep the healthy foods that you want to eat. But it can be done!

    Things that worked for me when I didn't have easy access to a kitchen:
    Whole grain bread and peanut butter makes a great quick breakfast (and no refrigeration necessary depending on the kind of peanut butter). Apples also make for a great snack (again, the addition of peanut butter makes it a decent breakfast). V8 tomato juice (in the little cans) can be great to have on hand when you're in a rush or are just low on veggies.

    Good luck!

    this is really great help! and yeah i live in a suite so we have a frige and thats it. there is also a kitchen on our floor that we can use. But all of those tips sound excellent! thanks so much!!