Trying to Love life again

: I just have been on here for 10 days, been trying hard to eat 5 or 6 meals a day. I haven't yet gone over my calories though. Two days I didn't eat either enough or I chose a couple things I shouldn't have. But I get back on the horse and continue on :bigsmile:

But today I got to ride a horse from the first time in years.and loved it. I've been doing yoga a couple times a week, pilates, riding my bike and walking, trying to switch it up everyday. Today I did 20 minutes of horseback riding and 20 minutes of pilates. I'm hoping that I'll actually be able to sleep the whole night tonight.

Loving that I'm living again ! ! !


  • abschool
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  • Tamuril
    Hi Purplevik! I love switching up my exercise routine as well. It is easy to become bored if every day is a gym day. My downfall is losing interest in fitness and letting distractions take me away from it, so keep it up!! We are all here because we know real happiness isn't found in those temporary pleasures.

    Good luck!