Eating right on night shift.



  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    This thread is sweet. I'm about to request friendship from ALL of ya. Need some nightowls to hang out with. :wink:

    Come on!!
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    it's hard but it can be done. I work 11pm-7am . I pack my lunches and just graze from it through out the night. I work weekends as well and I luckily have the advantage of being able to get away for 30 mins. I'll go outside to walk, jog, whatever. one of my biggest challenges was fast food. many places close to my work that are open 24 hrs. I simply left my wallet at home for the first few months. no money = no fast food!

    there's a small MFP group for shift workers on here

    Oh good, I didn't see it earlier. I will join.
  • amusco_rn
    This thread is sweet. I'm about to request friendship from ALL of ya. Need some nightowls to hang out with. :wink:

    Definitely do!
  • hartterjw
    i work overnight as well ... and am working right now. Since i work at a hotel and am the only overnight person at the hotel at this time its kinda easy for me to stay away from snacks. I usually bring a sandwich of some kinda made with the 40 cal bread and usually pretzals or popcorn of some sort. I also bring some kind of fruit and a vegetable and that usually holds me over till 7am when i go home. I work a ten hour shift and usually dont even eat lunch till 130 - 2 am .

    I too work a hotel at night (am here now!). I usually bring my own lunch my better half makes for me, keeps me away from all the high calorie/fat things the chef leaves for our overnight room service of which i can partake(very good stuff!!). the only bad thing i do is dr.pepper to keep awake, even tho i know i could do tea, just my weakness i guess!
  • rock127
    rock127 Posts: 369 Member
    I have worked a lot on nights and almost never go early to the bed but never had any difficulty in balancing the diet.
  • christylynnrn
    christylynnrn Posts: 32 Member
    Night shift RN (7p-7a) here too. I usually will make meals and package in individual servings on my day off, as well as snacks. I usually bring one real meal and at least 2 snacks, usually something like an apple with some cheese, a cucumber, celery, yogurt, etc. My hardest thing is trying to eat more than one or two meals a day. I usually work 4-5 nights a week (sometimes more :( ) and my schedule means I usually go to work, exercise when I get off, then sometimes breakfast and time to sleep. On my days off I generally stay on my schedule because if I'm only off for 1 or 2 days it just messes up my sleep schedule to do otherwise lol. The other staff on my unit often order out but are pretty easygoing so if I say I don't want anything they just say ok and move on. Still trying to figure out my eating schedule and what meals store and heat up well. Anyone on here feel free to add me as a friend, could always use more people who understand my craziness that comes with being a vampire lol :happy:
  • bkbabe99
    bkbabe99 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm also an RN, working 7p-7:30a. It's very hard especially with my schedule so messed up. There is a 24 hr deli/grill across the street from the hospital so it's common to see ppl eating fries and wings at 1, 2am! Bringing my dinner and lots of snacks help me a lot. I usually will bring a lean cuisine meal and a salad. Snacks are fruit, nuts, greek yogurt, etc. I also try to drink a lot of water. I'm not a big water drinker so sometimes I add crystal light. Other times I just fill a pitcher with crushed ice and water and sip on it through a straw all night and refill as needed. when I come home, I work out (right now I'm doing jillian michael's 30 day shred), shower, eat, and then watch a lil tv before I go to bed. When I wake up I have my lunch and then start getting ready for work.

    The other problem at night is when we are celebrating someone's bday or other event. The other night we had 3 cakes! 1 ice cream, 1 red velvet, and 1 italian cream. OMG smh. I logged it all in my food diary.

    Please add me as a friend :)
  • bkbabe99
    bkbabe99 Posts: 96 Member
    there's a small MFP group for shift workers on here

    Thanks! I just joined!
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    I work overnights in a hospital ED, 12 hours shifts three nights a week. It's tough to keep on track some nights, especially if it's not busy. Some people eat when they're upset; I eat when I'm bored.

    I'm sure others have said this...

    Flavored greek yogurt will give you protein to keep you full and also calm your sweet tooth.

    If you do protein shakes, try making Frozen Drops ( for a treat when others are having chocolate or cake.

    I read somewhere (on MFP?), "Failing to plan is planning to fail". I've found that to be true when it comes to meals at work. In the morning, before I go to bed, I make sure I have my lunch bag packed and that it has variety--fruit, veg, a couple protein options, something sweet, and a yummy drink.

    Most of the time, I bring more food than I need, but I know I'm picky and what I want will change from moment to moment. I'd rather have too much and bring some back home than not find anything in my bag to eat and then hit the vending machine.
  • Rynoman2k3
    Rynoman2k3 Posts: 152 Member
    Some people eat when they're upset; I eat when I'm bored.

    I soooooo hear ya on that one!

    A good snack that I really like is the Yoplait Delight yogurts. No more than 120 cals and they are delicious! (PS I hate yogurt too!)
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member
    I am also a 12 hour shift overnight RN. I bring dinner to work, and snacks also. I try to bring fruit, yogurt, fiber brownies and/or fiber bars, then proceed to eat throughout the shift. I head straight to the gym after work, so that helps too. Oh, and of course water. I make sure to bring water for before midnight, and after... Which is how I plan my meals.

    8-11:59......... For a total of 6 meals. You get the idea.
  • twhitney
    twhitney Posts: 65 Member
    the main thing i have to remember when i'm eating is to EAT SLOWWWWWW!!!!! i'd eat a lot less if i ate slower!

    I have that same problem!
  • crughp
    crughp Posts: 17
    I also work the night shift, and have a heck of a time some times as well. Around the holidays I had my staff do a pot luck style thing, and trying to estimate what everyone else cooked was a pain in the butt for Thanksgiving. Once Christmas got around, I wised up and just did all of the cooking, that way I knew what I could have and what I could not have.

    If you were to look at my diary, you would see I have survived on eating the same few things, especially while at work because of all of the temptation that is here, I have to make sure I am bringing things that I like to work so I am not tempted to go to old habits and stop at a local fast food joint to get something quick on the way to work.

    I started on November 1st, and have lost 52 pounds so far. I also quit smoking (2 weeks now) in the process. I look better, and feel a whole lot better. That is my motivation to keep it going and get to my goal weight. For the first time since I started my lifestyle change, I went to the doctor and had blood work done this week. I am excited to see where my numbers will be when I get the results back.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    I'm a rotating shift worker for my police department, so I do it all, but when I work nights (2100 - 0700), I find I do best by bringing my own food, and avoiding the snacks that are always present! I try to eat breakfast when I wake up around 1500, and then "lunch" around 1900. Then at work I'll have a few snacks (nuts, yogurt, PB and celery), and eat my big meal around midnight. I'm fortunate in that we have a gym in our building, so I go do my workout for the day on my "lunch break" at 0230 for an hour. It's definitely weird to be working up a sweat when everyone is sleeping, but I find it helps regulate my appetite and cravings, and wakes me up in the middle of my shift. I'll have a little protein shake right after that, and then no more eating for the day. Tea helps too, I drink that by the gallon. Water also.

    Everyone has pretty much hit the nail on the head when they say bring your own food and exercise willpower. That's the ticket! And, planning :)
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    YAY!!! I'm so happy that you quit smoking. Stick with it! I quit (unless I'm *really* drunk) about 3 years ago. I've been trying to get my dad to quit since I was... what's that saying.... knee high to a grasshopper?
    Congrats on the 52 pounds. Thats very impressive.
    We have carry-ins at work alot... usually about once a month or so. This month (for Valentine's day) we're doing a healthy carry in. Healthy foods only. And to the last one, I brought my digital scale so I could measure everything I ate.
    I work in a hospital lab so I'm always interested in blood work results. Make sure you keep these and in a year get them done again and look at your progress!
  • bkbabe99
    bkbabe99 Posts: 96 Member
    ^^^Congrats crughp on your weight loss! That's awesome!
  • klynthom
    klynthom Posts: 9 Member
    I hear you! I am in the same boat. That is what got me pretty much where I am at right now haha! I do pretty good at work as long as I make food at home and take it to work. I take everything that I can have and when it is gone, it is gone. It is when I get home that is the problem! When I get that figured out, I will probably be alot better.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    I'm a lab tech, working my 11pm-7am shift at the moment. It's def a bit tougher with the night schedule, but weight loss can be accomplished! I've done it myself and there have been excellent suggestions made previously. I set my diary up to go from midnight to midnight, so whether I'm working or not I keep a decent view of what I'm eating. I've just now gotten back into seriously logging. I usually bring some type of fruit, greek yogurt, and cereal for break. Popcorn is also great. We don't really have the issue with people snacking, except around the holidays when there were tons of chocolate and cookies and such hanging around. I've learned to just stay away from the cafeteria, as the smell of fried deliciousness can be tough on the willpower and make me forget that there is a big salad on the other side of the room lol. good luck!
  • Laura7p7a
    Laura7p7a Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! I too am a night shifter. Been working 12hr nights ER RN for many many years. I find you learn to adapt your home life on your days off. I stick with the same routine at work, but being an ER, things can change in seconds and I'm not able to eat my meals at planned times. So the best advice I can give is to never go more than 2-3hrs without eating something and portability is the key. Keep something on your desk that is portable that you can eat on the run. Always keep a water bottle and refill it frequently throughout your shift. Feel free to friend me! Night shift nurses are a breed all our own!
  • Laura7p7a
    Laura7p7a Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! I too have struggles with the trip home. I finally found that it doesn't do any good to beat yourself up for this. Best solution for me is to have breakfast when I get home. Something small like a bowl of cereal and a cheese stick. If you are able to eat your breakfast at work just before you leave, that is a plus. Hard part is the distance to home. If it takes more than 1/2hr, keep something portable in the car like an apple, protein bar or 100 cal snack. Hope this helps!:smile: