Somebody might find this reassuring...

I started off on MFP at the beginning of January hopeing to lose 7kg. I started eating reasonably well, doing C25K and going to body pump 1-2 times a week.

Despite my effort... for the first four weeks my scales DID NOT MOVE! Stagnant. Nothing. Nada. I could tell that I was toning up, and I didn't feel as bloated though. I'm sure that during those four weeks I was losing cm's / inches but the scale wasn't confirming it.

My last weigh in (Saturday) I finally lost a Kg!! I was so happy. Today I tried on an exercise top my sister had given me for Christmas that I felt didn't fit me properly. It's now looseish around the tummy and fits my bust! Plus my scales have moved even more this morning!!

If you're getting frustrated with your scales, keep going!! Have faith, there's changes going on you probably don't even realise are happening.


  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    Love this!
  • k1mcat
    k1mcat Posts: 68
    Your experience is encouraging! Thank you! (and great job, by the way!):flowerforyou:
  • mhairi_e_mckenzie
    Totally needed to read this as this morning the scales actually went UP after all my hard work :(
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    Yay! great work! My sister had a similar experience. Despite all her efforts at changing her food and increasing excercise, she was not getting any weight results for the first few months! However, the result she did achieve was greater strength and endurance, and she was able to increase excercise just by 10 minutes - then she began to see results! In the space of a year she has steadily lost 10kg.

    I definitely find stories like yours encouraging! :)
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    well done you
    a few years back I dropped 2 dress sizes in 8 weeks going to the gym 5 times a weeks and the scales said just -2lbs so we must remember to measure ourselves (says she who cant find her tape measurer ) :blushing:
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    Thanks for that- it is fustrating
  • startinganewleaf
    thanks for this x
  • cask16
    cask16 Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks for the reminder. For the past few months I’ve been slowly loosing weight mainly by reducing my calories. 12 days ago I stated the 30 Day shred and although I go feel more toned and better all round (and I know muscle is heavier than fat) it has been SO depressing to see the scales rise.
    I’ve gained 3 lbs since I started – I just hope that goes away again soon or that I eventually see some improvement in my other measurements.

    Thanks for the motivation to stick with it!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Frankilou25
    Frankilou25 Posts: 57 Member
    thats brilliant!! thanks for this! its just what i needed to hear today! finding it really hard at the moment to keep motivated, scales are just not moving, i'm cycling and running whioch is killing my legs in a good way. I have definatly got more endurance, sleeping and eating better which is all great but the scales won't move!! can get really depressing so this has helped knowing im not the only one out there!!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Thank you, after a couple of months of diet without exercise, I have started to get into the gym and C25K for the last week and a half and the scale has only moved 1lb.
    Going to keep going!