Whys it bad to feel :( losing 4lbs in week 1?

i feel a little dispondant this morning as I lost 4lbs in my first week

I know thats good but its mainly water and Ive alot to lose 100lbs,I weighed on day 2 and it was 3lbs lost now its only 4lbs on a week.
I lose more on weeks 1 in the past have done so many weightloss plans that I know the drill same time same place same clothes etc but last time in 2010 I lost 6lbs.
I know I sound silly but week one is waterloss I was 100% and I suppose I thought it'll be more as I heavy?

Oh well week 2 here you come bit worried I wont lose as in the past I struggle to lose on calorie plans I always do weightwatchers alone at hone and lose most weeks.



  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    I freaked out when I 'only' lost 2.5lbs in my first week. But 4lbs? That's amazing. First week of weightloss is some water weight. You will continue to lose steadily if you stick to MFP.

    I've lost 2.5lbs every week now for 4 weeks. So although my first week wasn't what I was expecting, it has balanced out as I've lost 10lbs in 4 weeks.

    Realistic loss in the long term is 1lb a week. But the lbs all add up....and you'll look and feel better if you lose slowly rather that rapidly.
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    I freaked out when I 'only' lost 2.5lbs in my first week. But 4lbs? That's amazing. First week of weightloss is some water weight. You will continue to lose steadily if you stick to MFP.

    I've lost 2.5lbs every week now for 4 weeks. So although my first week wasn't what I was expecting, it has balanced out as I've lost 10lbs in 4 weeks.

    Realistic loss in the long term is 1lb a week. But the lbs all add up....and you'll look and feel better if you lose slowly rather that rapidly.

    Well done tringle thats great loss I know you are 100% right I think I need to look at this differently just scared I wont lose and summer will be here and Ill still be hiding indoors :sad:
    Only way to see is carry on hey :)
    Thanks again x
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I think you put your finger on it when you said you'd lost more in the past in your first week on other plans. And they didn't work in the long term or you wouldn't be here now, right?

    4lbs is an AWESOME loss and you should be very proud of yourself. Slow and steady wins the race, is sustainable, makes sure you have all the nutrients you need, and, most importantly, is sustainable, not just while losing weight but as an ongoing lifestyle change.

    I've had weeks when I've lost 4lbs, some when I've lost 1/2 a pound, many many many when I've lost none at all and a few when I've gained as much as 6lbs (thanks you Christmas!). I've "only" lost 26lbs net in a whole year, BUT I've kept going, done it healthily, seldom felt hungry and have the energy to go out for a two-hour run. More importantly, I've never given up nor wanted to. That never happened before!

    You're totally rocking this, keep up the good work!
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    remember slow and steady wins the race.. thats why when you lost more the first weeks other times you dieted you didnt keep it off. I lost 4lbs a week for the first few months when I had my settings to lose 2...
    Be patient and know you are doing a tremendous job!!
  • jjohnboy2000
    jjohnboy2000 Posts: 67 Member
    I lost 4 pounds the first week I started doing this properly (8th Jan), then the second week was 4 pounds and last week a pound. I was disappointed about the first week. But I stuck at it. So far I have lost 6 pound this year, but more importantly I have kept things simple. I know what to eat and drink. Over the next few weeks am sure the weight loss will even itself out. You will get there.
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    Well done - do keep trying. I'm starting from scratch yet again too - feeling very despondent too!! Hopefully will loose a few pounds this week too, even if it is only water :ohwell:
  • Notsononymous
    4lbs is awesome. YOU are awesome, just because you're here with us. Keep losing!
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    4lbs is awesome.

    I never lose more than 2lbs in a week when I start a diet. I've never had that massive drop. Don't feel bad. At least you had one!
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Thanks guys I know its good I have done many plans over the years lost slow lost fast lost middle to be honest it isnt losing fast that makes us regain its comfort bordum eating as in bored with life thats why I regained,tbh in 2010 hen I damaged my right knee ligaments and doctor said no exercise for 4 months I got low and thats why i regained.
    I will not over do the exercise like in 2010 I will stick with this and just hope it will work this time,I know my regains arent due to losing fast its to do with emotions of which I have to adress.
    Thanks for your support x