
Alright everyone,

Just thought I'd say a quick hello. New to myfitness pal but tried a few other things in the past (tesco diet, wii, etc) and just thought I'd share a few tips that have helped me.
1. Get some good accurate (digital) scales to keep an accurate measurement of your weight. I wasn't seeing any change for my efforts over the past few weeks on my old 'spring' scales. One set of decent scales later and I've lost 1.7kg!
2. Keep an accurate log of what you eat and weigh yourself regularly. It's can be a bit demoralising as you won't see any sudden drops in weight but it's great for finding out what foods really affect you, for instance curry affects me far worse than pizza
3. Plan a reward at certain milestones - its a lot easier to sacrifice something now if you've got something to gain in the future
4. If you find yourself thinking of eating drink a pint of water, if you're still hungry after that then have a snack



  • Futuramist
    Futuramist Posts: 4 Member
    hello and welcome! thanks for the tips. i'm new too and i think i need to drink more water and keep track of what i eat on this site.

  • toonjangles
    toonjangles Posts: 5 Member
    No problem, I watched a few friends try various diets and fail when they get bored with the restrictive nature. I'm liking this because you tend to stop and think before you munch on something - Am I really hungry? Do I really want this? Can I have something healthier?
    Its more about promoting a change in attitude rather than you must eat x and not y and z.