Beyond confused..

Hi there, I know this has probably been asked in so many different forms, but I just wanted to see if anyone could help me...

Basically, I eat well, I exercise enough, but I'm gaining weight.

And I can tell you, it is not all muscle.

I do personal training 2 times a week, spin 2-3 times and it's getting to the point where I literally can't fit into my jeans. I understand that exercise like spinning will cause some added inches to spin, but this has only just started happening, even though I've been spinning for well over a year. So I'm unsure why suddenly this is happening. I also make sure that I mix up my kinds of exercise to make sure that my body shouldn't get bored.

The food is eat is on the whole, generally unprocessed, and of the 'healthy' aspect. I've cut down on caffiene, I drink 2 litres of water a day.

I'm just at a loss as to why I'm not even toning up, let alone losing any weight. I'm just getting myself worked up and confused on what I should do. Some people tell me I'm exercising too much, others say not enough, or I'm not doing enough cardio, or enough strength training. It's so hard to find what the right thing to do it. I understand all bodies are different, but it's so frustrating when this method helped me to lose 3 stone initially!

Sorry...this is long and goes on...I'm just desperate for someone to maybe turn a light on!


  • cwalters1540
    cwalters1540 Posts: 39 Member
    My guess is that it's not the exercise that is your problem but rather your calorie intake. Are you logging your calories so you know how many you're eating? Eating well is great, but you can still overeat those foods and gain weight or plateau.

    Years ago I tried exercising without changing my diet figuring I'd lose weight because I'd be burning more, but I barely lost anything and didn't notice any changes to my body. Now I'm exercising and logging all the food I eat and slowly but surely the weight is coming off.

    If you are logging your food to see how many calories you're eating then you'll need to try increasing/decreasing that amount. Everyone needs to play around with their numbers a bit to find what is right for them.

    I know it's frustrating because I've been through the same thing where something helped me lose weight before so I tried it again with no success! Try monitoring your calorie intake for awhile and hang in there! Good luck.