UK meal ideas please....

Hi, I am a UK user living with a vegatarian Weight Watcher. I am counting cals and am not a veggie but dont eat too much meat.

I really need suggestions for meals.
At the monet we have a roation or spag bol, chilli, meat/quorn with potatoes and veg, pasta bake.
But am am really struggling for variation.
We both work for the NHS and therefore can be home late or needing things fast. The slow cooker isnt ideal cos I would need 2, one veg one meat.

Thank you in advance for your time. All suggestions welcome

Gemma x

Feel free to add me x


  • beach_chelle
    I like to sautée bell peppers, tomatoes and zucchini (tesco sells this all cut up and together for about £1.50 and feeds my partner and I) then you can sautée or cook a chicken breast for you.
  • kayleighfred
    I'm a big fan of wraps,they're really quick and filling and the beauty is you can whack whatever you want on there :-)
    I tend to go for chicken and salad,but I'm boring haha and of course there's loads of veggie options too!

    And you can't go wrong with a good old jacket spud,in the microwave if you're short of time,and again the fillings are endless (I love cottage cheese on mine!)

  • girl_afraid82
    girl_afraid82 Posts: 178 Member
    I had a stir fry last night that was really quick and very yummy....

    Fried up (in Frylight olive oil Spray) some peppers, red onion, baby corn and portabello mushroom chunks. Added some king prawns at this stage (but could substitute anything here... be it meat, quorn or tofu) and then some Wagamama's Chili Men sauce.
    Finally added Udon noodles and spinach. Seasoned with black pepper and chili flakes.

    Really nice, and between 450-500 calories for a large portion (I do it to serve 2, and use the whole jar of sauce/one pack of noodles each)

    All of it can be bought in any UK supermarket. Can be mixed up a bit with different stir fry sauces, variation on veg etc... sometimes I do with rice instead of noodles... main thing is it only takes 15 mins tops.
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    A gorgeous recipe from my Harcombe Diet Book:

    Butternut Squash Curry. Serves 4-6 (depending on how hungry you are!!)

    2 tbsp olive oil
    3 onions, chopped
    4 garlic cloves, crushed
    2 tsp each: cumin, paprika, coriander, chilli powder and curry powder
    2 x 400ml tins chopped tomatoes
    500ml veg stock
    100g block creamed coconut (I use creamed coconut, which I found at Asda)
    1kg of mixed veg: cauliflower, broccoli, courgettes, carrots, etc chopped into bite-sized pieces
    1 butternut squash, deseeded and cut into bite-sized pieces.

    1 Heat olive oil in a LARGE saucepan (I have found a use for my le crueset casserole dish!!!!) and gently fry the onion ahd garlic until soft.
    2. Add the spices and gently fry for 1-2 mins.
    3. Add the tomatoes and veg stock and bring to the boil. Simmer for 5 mins (if you want you can remove from the heat, let the mixture cool slightly and then blend with a hand blender to make a smooth sauce).
    4. Add the coconut and stir until completely dissolved.
    5. Add all the vegetables.Put a lid on the pan and simmer gently until the veg are cooked to your liking (30mins).

    You can add prawns, stir fried chicken/beef to the curry.

    Serve with rice.

    According to the MFP database, when I inputted the recipe, it's 235 cals per serving (that's 6 servings) - without the prawns, etc.


    P. S. Have nosy in Aldi for your veg. I saved loads buying all mine from there!!!!!!
    P.P.S. As it makes so many servings, you can freeze it!!!
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    Thanks guys. Keep em coming x
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I can't recommend enough the BBC Good Food website - they have a fab variety of recipies, calorie counted and for different dietary requirements. I regularly make food to take to work from there :bigsmile: