Food addiction

I truly think I have a food addiction. More accurately, a junk food/fast food addiction. I'm doing well now and have actually lost just over 80 pounds. But what I'm wondering is does the thinking about and wanting to eat junk ever go away? Or will it always be a struggle to keep eating healthy?

And by eating junk, I mean a full out binge on junk. I still have problems with moderation with that stuff.


  • Look for an Overeater's Anonymous group in your area. I attend and they help me.
  • i am the same way. definitely addicted to is very hard. sometimes i feel like i try sooo hard, and im eating soo good, and when i dont get results, i will eat something that i know i shouldnt...and then overdo it..then of course i get upset about it. Being on here definitely helps to hold people accountable tho. logging in everything you eat, and seeing how one "snack" can take up your whole days worth of calories is definitely an opener! you are not alone on this! if support from mfp doesnt help, i suggest a support group in your area, or counceling through your local gym? Good luck to you, and congratulations on your weight loss :)
  • AnnaMarie456
    AnnaMarie456 Posts: 13 Member
    I suffered/am still struggling with a food addiction. My doctor gave me a book called Anatomy of a Food Addiction. It was very insightful and actually explained what goes on in my brain when I do or do not eat sugar or junk. The book also provides a detox program to follow to help break your addiction with food. Check it may be helpful.
  • i have a food problem too, i am really trying to be good. but when there is one more canoli in the needs to be eaten before it goes bad right?! or "well, i've been good all week so i will just treat myself to this one thing". im still trying to find my way through all of this, but i am trying to make smarter decisions. when i want a babyruth candy bar, i have 2 hersheys kisses. if you dont find someway to give yourself the one thing that you "need" to have, your going to go off the road. when it comes to fast food, watch all those disgusting videos they have on that food on youtube. im sure that will help you not want that item. :sick: