Starting again.....

....after Christmas I've failed and gone further and further UP in weight and put everything I lost last year on plus couple pounds more, any advice appreciated :-)


  • bodygood1972
    bodygood1972 Posts: 10 Member
    I have done what you have done so often. Sometimes it feels like I am starting fresh with a new outlook on my diet every Monday. You can do it. Don't ever give up!
  • tabogans
    tabogans Posts: 2 Member
    brush yourself off and get back the road to healthy living. Start today with making healthy eating choices and getting some exercise in.
  • Thanks Cind!!

    !st Feb. tomorrow so that's when I'm going to get back to it properly again, I just went completely off the rails and so disappointed in myself, I lost over 20lbs and put it all back on!! :-(
  • ktlynesmom
    ktlynesmom Posts: 22 Member
    I can't really give any advice, as I am in the same situation... but kudos to you! You realized it and you are back here (like many of us) and on the right track! Hang in there.. it has to be a lifestyle change for a lifetime, no quick fixes!
  • debbiemayxxx
    debbiemayxxx Posts: 4 Member
    Don't beat yourself about last year. Make 2012 YOUR YEAR. Start again and allow yourself one treat a week. If you should have a bad day, don't think to yourself "well I might as well have this aswell", just count that as your treat for the week. Give yourself a deadline and go for it. We are all in the same boat. GOOD LUCK. Debs, UK. X