Feel like I'm dying...



  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    These are the consequences of unhealthy living.
    Do what you can and run everything past your doc.

    In time you'll be enjoying the rewards once again.
  • 2sexy4myself
    You might also want to have your doctor check your sodium levels. If you a drinking a lot of water, you will want to make sure you are getting enough sodium. I was on a low sodium, low fat diet and after a couple months, I felt my energy drain. I read an article about low sodium and noticed I had the same symtoms. I started adding salt to my meals again and my energy picked up. Good luck Doug! and please do not give up.
  • nenamartinez
    nenamartinez Posts: 140 Member
    I think people have said most of what I was going to say.

    I just wanted to remind you that there a lot of other people starting their journeys just like you! We've been up and down, too. Most of us have failed more times than we can even count.

    Read tons of success stories and visualize your goal as much as you can to stay focused.

    I also have a hard time waking up (Not as hard as you, I don't think), but I try to drink a huge glass of water the moment I wake up. I'll admit that it sorta makes me want to throw up for a while. But after about 10 minutes, I feel awesome. So that's probably worth a try, if mornings are your kyrptonite like they are for me.
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Hey Doug,
    I wish you every success on your journey draw a line under the past and set yourself up for dealing with what you need to do from today. Dont deprive yourself you need to eat plenty of healthy filling foods that arnt going to leave you hungry. You already hae little energy.

    All the best for 2012 and I beleive in you Doug. Dont let anything stop you making yourself better. The little steps will make all the difference. Get all the support you can on here. If you ask for help you will get it.

    New you Doug go for it mate :O) x
  • youngmum
    youngmum Posts: 114
    The thing that has helped me most with energy levels has been exercise. Yes it is hard to start, but start slow. Build up. You will get stronger and you will become more energetic. Every day tasks will become easier for you when you are stronger.
  • RVGirl10
    RVGirl10 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Doug! Well, today is Tuesday and you last posted on Friday. How are you doing? I'm so glad you are regaining control over your life. I know from experience how very hard that can be.

    Hang in there. You aren't in this alone.

  • douglernerold
    Hey Doug! I'm glad to see you are still hanging in there.

    I'm concerned about the low calorie crash diets you keep doing though and your admission that you have lost and regained to many times it is hard to try again.

    Stop doing low cal crash diets? Slow and steady wins the race. Use the tools available to you to find out what your maitenance calories are supposed to be and slowly decrease your intake to meet those levels. Then slowly decrease your calories again to under maitenance to start creating your deficit. If you're eating way over then depending on your weight you could lose weight to start just by going down to maitenance.

    Happy New Year whether you decide to get back on the horse or not. :)

    Hi. I have never done a low calorie crash diet. My low-calorie diets are always around 1800 calories on average.

  • douglernerold
    Hi Doug! Well, today is Tuesday and you last posted on Friday. How are you doing? I'm so glad you are regaining control over your life. I know from experience how very hard that can be.

    Hang in there. You aren't in this alone.


    Well, January was a goner. I'm going to try again. Sigh.
