Slim Fast?

I started Slim Fast last week and have a good few tubs to last me the month. I'm not finding my daily two milkshakes BORING, but I would like some success stories from the diet before I put myself through this for a whole month! xx


  • NakedLunchTime
    Wouldn't you just rather eat healthy food in moderation than 2 "shakes" a day?? If you have the will power to do that you should be able to just eat regular food in moderation. Then you won't get bored with it and you will feel more satisfied...Not to mention, after the month is up what are you going to do?? Gain the weight back? I say use it as a last minute breakfast option if you need to do and stick to fresh foods that you make so you know what is going into what you are eating.
  • 9inelives
    9inelives Posts: 13 Member
    My reasons for doing it were mostly that I had been wanting to try out a shake diet for a while, and it would work out cheaper than buying fresh ingredients every week for lunch (also I am limited to salads because my work does not have heating facilities).

    I guess I just wanted to know how successful this had been for people so I know how long I'd want to keep it up for.
  • NakedLunchTime
    Hmm, well there are alot of threads on this actually, I bet if you searched it you would find some good information. I do believe that they are FULL of sugar though so I don't think it would be the best choice to do, because even if you can maintain it for a whole month, I really think you would gain the weight back after you started to incorporate real food back in. Its kinda like a bandaid for a bigger problem. It's too bad that it is too expensive to make your own with fresh food because then you could get a whole bunch of nutrients but I understand sometimes peoples budgets won't allow it.
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    My reasons for doing it were mostly that I had been wanting to try out a shake diet for a while, and it would work out cheaper than buying fresh ingredients every week for lunch (also I am limited to salads because my work does not have heating facilities).

    I guess I just wanted to know how successful this had been for people so I know how long I'd want to keep it up for.

    funny that most people believe this, when it's actually the opposite......The fresh ingredients are cheaper once you start to break down the cost of a meal....
  • NakedLunchTime
    ^^^ I agree honestly. I buy a ton of fresh fruits and vegs, (some frozen and canned too) which can help cut down the cost , just rinse the canned ones because it will help to eliminate some of the sodium used to keep them fresh. Limit your processed food and then plan your meels ahead of time and it will be reasonably priced and sooo worth it. Plus isn't Slim Fast fairly expensive???
  • simplyblessed5
    simplyblessed5 Posts: 130 Member
    I keep them on hand if I'm in a hurry and don't have time to fix an appropriate lunch, but they have a lot of calories to me. I prefer the EAS low carb shakes for only 110 calories verses 190 in a slim fast.
  • NakedLunchTime
    I keep them on hand if I'm in a hurry and don't have time to fix an appropriate lunch, but they have a lot of calories to me. I prefer the EAS low carb shakes for only 110 calories verses 190 in a slim fast.

    Never heard of EAS but that sounds like a better option. Like I said, for a quick, in a rush type of thing every now and again, I think its fine. Hey i did say everything in moderation so I guess that includes Slim Fast too lol.
  • shefury
    shefury Posts: 56 Member
    I did Slim Fast as a starter...I liked not having to think too hard about what I wanted to "eat", because I would often get tempted to add just a little this, just a little that etc. Slim Fast kept it regimented. I would have a shake for breakfast, but ensure that I had a healthy snack, and then with my lunch shake I'd have a great salad with homemade dressing. Then as it suggests, a reasonable dinner. I was sooo busy at work that I didn't really notice how boring it was.

    I did eventually switch off Slim Fast to a more satisfying and healthy breakfast and lunch....once Slim Fast had disciplined me for a week, or two, or three.

    How to make it more interesting? Hmm.....blend it with fruit along with your regular milk and make a fruitier, chunkier shake
  • jankleberry
    I tried it a couple years ago. stuck to it until I realised that I would rather eat the 400 calories for breakfast and lunch and be much more satisfied! I also lose weight much more effectivley this way.
  • cpigney
    Hi, I have to agree with the negative feedback about the slim fast shakes. Everyone who I have talked to about them have said they did lose weight but they were starving and they gained it back after the diet was over. If you are looking for a healthy shake that is full of protein the Body by Vi shakes are very good for you and gives your body the nutrition it needs and they taste good. If you want to try them you can use this link:
  • AmberLee2012
    I did try the Slim Fast plan for a very short time. I don’t like the taste of it, nor do I like the taste of the snack bars. I think the plan is expensive too. I’d rather eat what I want, in moderation. I’ve been having Greek yogurt or cottage cheese and fruit for breakfast, and that is much more satisfying to me. I can’t eat the same thing everyday. The ability to switch up my meals and be flexible makes eating healthier a lot easier. When I try and stick with something too regimented, I end up binging on junk food. With that being said, some people need that regimented structure and are able to stick with it and find success. I think it really depends on the person. Good luck to you!