How do you define "cheating?"

Do you believe it's cheating if you eat junk food all day but stay within your calorie goal? Or is it only cheating when you go over your calorie goal. For example, for the last three days I've had french fries, but I made sure I only ate one serving and stayed under in calories.

Or a more extreme example, for one day you eat 2 large donouts, chocolate, steak, etc but your still under calore goal. Do you consider that a cheat day?


  • Gelsemium
    I am wondering the same! I would really like to hear some answers!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I think it's all personal. I consider it cheating when my "cheat food" takes me over my calories. I like to try to leave some room for foods I know I'll want at the end of the night, like my mini ice-creams. That way I don't binge on them, but I still get a fill.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    The point is to eat nutritious food to fuel your body. Technically you could eat all those things, but in the end you will have heart problems. Everything in moderation is fine, from what I have read.
  • BlaireV
    BlaireV Posts: 137
    I define cheating as simply exceeding your calorie goal. Whether it is exceeded by eating chocolate or by eating carrots. Either way, you're over your calorie goal.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I don't call eating or not eating anything, cheating. I call it life. I don't plan on eating clean 100% of the time and sometimes I'm going to go over my goal.

    Cheating to me would be not recording as accurately as possible.

    ETA: Quick Add Calories. That's cheating.
  • beach_chelle
    I don't call eating or not eating anything, cheating. I call it life. I don't plan on eating clean 100% of the time and sometimes I'm going to go over my goal.

    Cheating to me would be not recording as accurately as possible.

    ETA: Quick Add Calories. That's cheating.

    I agree with you 100% don't think I could have said it better myself.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    the pizza i had for bfast on Sat LOL
    i define it as straying from "clean eating"
  • mysweetFiona
    i call my "cheat days" the days i go over my calorie goal OR go out to eat and not eating as healthy as i should at the restaurant (like i LOVE olive garden but when i go there i cant help but binge on breadsticks... plus the meal i get there is 1150 calories without bread and salad or soup!) But i feel like im cheating when i eat chocolate and candy or go to dairy queen for an ice cream. BUT i do feel ok eating one or two bites of chocolate (last night i had a peanut butter chocolate bonbon, and a mini size 3 musketeers so it only totaled 170 calories) every 3 days or so, but when its every night is when i feel like its "cheating". When i eat pizza for example, i keep it in my calorie goals and that makes me feel better but it still stresses me out because i know its not healthy. Some say "calories are calories as long as your within your goals", and some disagree, i dont think theres a definite answer there but i do know the more junk you have, even if its within your calorie limits, makes it harder to lose weight where as fresh food within your calorie limits obviously helps you lose weight and keeps you healthy and glowing. no one is perfect though so "cheat" once in a while but i would make sure its small portions and dont fill your day with donuts and french fries just because its within your calories. just my advice!
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    mmm if im "bulking" and trying to meet my calories and proteins as priority i still consider pizza, burgers, and all other junk as bad and cheating... only once a week i would let myself eat a slice or a burger... if that...

    (oh n those who say you ONLY need to watch cals.. thats bs... you need to watch ur fats and other macros and depends what kind of foods you are getting to meet your calorie goals...)

    now when cutting... im on a strict gram by gram diet plan... and even if i eat something else thats healthy but its not part of my plan i still consider that cheating as im straying from my plan..
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I consider cheating junk food. It has little or no nutritional value.

    Put it this way - I pack away between 6000-7000 calories per day, these are all clean. I have one cheat meal per week.

    The problem is, if you don't learn to start eating cleanly, you'll never keep off the weight you are looking to lose anyway. You'll be fighting a losing battle.
  • oceanchristy
    I consider it cheating when i have enough junk food to feel guilty.
    Everything in moderation.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    I consider cheating junk food. It has little or no nutritional value.

    Put it this way - I pack away between 6000-7000 calories per day, these are all clean. I have one cheat meal per week.

    The problem is, if you don't learn to start eating cleanly, you'll never keep off the weight you are looking to lose anyway. You'll be fighting a losing battle.

    CORRECT!!! when i bulk i get around 5000-5500clean calories and everyone sais to me WTF!!! you eat that much? how are you staying lean???? well its because i get my 5000 calories from chicken,fish,tuna,veggies,rice,eggs,extra virgin olive oil, fish oils, flax seed list goes on...

    now take same diet 5000calories and eat pizza and burgers see what happens to ur body? ull be a effin balloon in less than a month!!

    this is the point i was trying to make on another thread where someone ask if other macros are important or if you can just eat anything you want including junk food as long as you stay in you calorie range... and everyone was saying food, macros and what you eat doesnt effect ur results as long as you hit ur calorie goal...

    ::::::!I felt like!!::::::

    it was fustrating me seeing ppl give such false information!! happy that there is someone else with experience who said the same thing as me!!!
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    CORRECT!!! when i bulk i get around 5000-5500clean calories and everyone sais to me WTF!!! you eat that much? how are you staying lean???? well its because i get my 5000 calories from chicken,fish,tuna,veggies,rice,eggs,extra virgin olive oil, fish oils, flax seed list goes on...

    now take same diet 5000calories and eat pizza and burgers see what happens to ur body? ull be a effin balloon in less than a month!!

    Not even remotely true.

    Given the same macronutrient breakdown, a "dirty" bulk will result in no more fat gain than a "clean" bulk. A high sodium content may contribute to water retention, but that's about it.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I don't call eating or not eating anything, cheating. I call it life. I don't plan on eating clean 100% of the time and sometimes I'm going to go over my goal.

    Cheating to me would be not recording as accurately as possible.

    ETA: Quick Add Calories. That's cheating.

    There are times when you literally don't know what the calorie count is in something (i.e. dressing at a restaurant in a to-go container that you have no nutritional info for). How is adding an estimate via Quick Add cheating? Completely not accounting for it would be cheating, IMO.
  • dawnstrassburg
    From another woman looking to lose some wight (Not someone trying to bulk up or build a ton of muscle), I eat waht i want. I make sure i stay under my calories and if I am really craving junk I will eat it. The other day I was craving cheetos, I had a serving, or chocolate I will have a peice. I wont scarf a entore candy bar or sit down with a bag of chips like I used to be I am a little more aware of what i am eating. I allow myself the occasional serving of french fries or slice of pizza but I also eat a LOT of fish, chicken, rice, salad ect. Its about smart choices. if you feel bad about it later it's probally not a smart choice.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Cheating for me is when I don't properly measure my food and drink... when I don't record it properly, when I don't record exercise, when I leave something off of my diary.

    I eat what I want when I want it. I just make sure it fits into my calorie goal
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I don't call eating or not eating anything, cheating. I call it life. I don't plan on eating clean 100% of the time and sometimes I'm going to go over my goal.

    Cheating to me would be not recording as accurately as possible.

    ETA: Quick Add Calories. That's cheating.

  • carlageek
    carlageek Posts: 32 Member
    I have been working at decoupling my eating habits from the vocabulary of moral lapses. Eating off plan isn't "cheating", it isn't "bad", it isn't a crime or a sin. It's not something for which one needs to be punished, or do penance.

    That kind of thinking leads me right to starve-and-binge cycles, even minor ones, and those are simply not productive.

    So, to answer the question, how do I define cheating? I don't, in the context of weight loss. There is eating on-plan and eating off-plan, and occasionally I make a considered decision to go off plan in which case it's sort of a planned off-plan event, if that makes sense. But there isn't any "cheating".

    The important thing is what I do with the NEXT eating opportunity - and I always try to follow off-plan decisions with on-plan decisions, beginning from the very next bite. There is no "well today is blown so I might as well..." Every choice, every eating opportunity, is a separate and new opportunity to make a good choice.

    That's how I try to think about things. :)
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    I don't call eating or not eating anything, cheating. I call it life. I don't plan on eating clean 100% of the time and sometimes I'm going to go over my goal.

    Cheating to me would be not recording as accurately as possible.

    ETA: Quick Add Calories. That's cheating.
    I agree completely. Cheating is not following the rules, either not measuring accurately, or not recording.

    Eating, or not eating something, is a choice. Some choices are better than others, and there are many reasons for our choices. I'm not perfect, I will make some poor choices from time to time, but that's not cheating. I follow the rules, record it, and try to learn to make better choices.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    CORRECT!!! when i bulk i get around 5000-5500clean calories and everyone sais to me WTF!!! you eat that much? how are you staying lean???? well its because i get my 5000 calories from chicken,fish,tuna,veggies,rice,eggs,extra virgin olive oil, fish oils, flax seed list goes on...

    now take same diet 5000calories and eat pizza and burgers see what happens to ur body? ull be a effin balloon in less than a month!!

    Not even remotely true.

    Given the same macronutrient breakdown, a "dirty" bulk will result in no more fat gain than a "clean" bulk. A high sodium content may contribute to water retention, but that's about it.

    Do you have any idea about insulin releases when eating foods? Of course there is a difference its a massive difference.