Gym Dread



  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I just started eating better, and I know if I want to keep losing weight, I'm eventually going to HAVE to go to the gym...The thing is, I don't have a gym buddy and I feel incredibly awkward in gym clothes. I'm a pretty awkward person in general and I don't really like going out as it is, but the idea of going to the gym makes me particularly nervous... I guess, because I feel like I'm being judged there.

    Has anyone else had this problem? :[

    Me, I joined a gym 3 months ago and havent gone it 6 weeks. I hate the gym. I am lazy,
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    I just started eating better, and I know if I want to keep losing weight, I'm eventually going to HAVE to go to the gym...The thing is, I don't have a gym buddy and I feel incredibly awkward in gym clothes. I'm a pretty awkward person in general and I don't really like going out as it is, but the idea of going to the gym makes me particularly nervous... I guess, because I feel like I'm being judged there.

    Has anyone else had this problem? :[

    you will be judged.....and hopefully it's for all the right reasons.....That your busting your hump at the Gym trying to get healthy. Don't worry about what others think with it. This is about you!
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I just started eating better, and I know if I want to keep losing weight, I'm eventually going to HAVE to go to the gym...The thing is, I don't have a gym buddy and I feel incredibly awkward in gym clothes. I'm a pretty awkward person in general and I don't really like going out as it is, but the idea of going to the gym makes me particularly nervous... I guess, because I feel like I'm being judged there.

    Has anyone else had this problem? :[

    Me, I joined a gym 3 months ago and havent gone it 6 weeks. I hate the gym. I am lazy,

    I go to Planet Fitness, no one judges you and there are no classes. It is also cheap.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    So many people fear the gym for this reason...and have this crazy idea that the gym is full of beautiful and fit people...its NOT! I think you'll probably find that people aren't all that interested in watching others and judging...they're all too busy doing their own thing.

    If you're really concerned at first and you can make it work with your schedule....try going early in the morning when everyone there is more serious (and half asleep). Its usually a whole different world than the evening crowd at many places.

    Good luck..and don't be've got this!
  • bodygood1972
    bodygood1972 Posts: 10 Member
    I have been going to the gym for about 20 years now. The gym I go to now I have been at for 8 years, so you would think I know everybody, can get my workout in without feeling judged or self conscious. NOPE!!! I still am intimidated. I still think I should look better for going to the gym for as long as I have and how hard I workout. I too don't care how I look in gym clothes. I just wear a BIG T-shirt and shorts. Nothing special at all. But once I do go and get into it I really enjoy myself. This is me I am working on. Everybody is made differently and looks different. And this is how I look. Just go. Ignore he feelings you might get or work through them. The benefits you get are si worth it.also I realized as we think we look terrible compared to the person besides us they are thinking you look awesome and they look terrible. Hope this helps.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I just started eating better, and I know if I want to keep losing weight, I'm eventually going to HAVE to go to the gym...The thing is, I don't have a gym buddy and I feel incredibly awkward in gym clothes. I'm a pretty awkward person in general and I don't really like going out as it is, but the idea of going to the gym makes me particularly nervous... I guess, because I feel like I'm being judged there.

    Has anyone else had this problem? :[

    You don't have to wear "gym clothes" just wear something you feel comfortable in, assuming it's safe to work out in. Also, you do not need to go to the gym to work out, you can walk around your neighborhood, or do exercises in your room if that feels comfortable. Finally, as a regular gym-goer, I can say I personally am far more worried about getting in my own workout then paying attention to other people. If I do notice someone who is very overweight at the gym, I always admire them a little, because I know it can be hard to make yourself walk in that door (I was once morbidly obese myself). The only exception is the guy in the weight room who insists on grunting very loudly when lifting weights, starting with the first rep of the first set, I think he's an @$$. Seriously man, tone it down, I can hear you with my head phones on.
  • barberella
    I agree with you on the gym..It can be intimidating and expensive. i have joined many gyms in my day; only to quit them. I finally admitted to myself why and have vowed to never join a "traditional" gym ever again. I found that going to the gym was just downright dreadful and I hated the fact of paying to workout and to drive there; only to work out on a boring machine. Classes are an incentive, yet you can find those any where and cheaper.

    I now work out at home on my Wii and when it's warm, I run/walk or hike. It's a lot more fun than walking on a treadmill watching tv. And sometimes when I want to lift weights, I pay $3 or go on the free times at the community center which is walking distance and go there. It's smaller, but not many people go there so it's clean and empty which I like.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I also find - that the YMCA has many people of different weight sizes and ages. I have tried many different gyms. Some carter to the younger crowd (and yes, that is great if you are younger). However, when I went to that gym...many were pencil thin.

    Just my opinion.


    I work on a college campus, and use the campus gym, both because it's less expensive and convenient. The potential down side is that its filled with college students. I like go to to the gym before work, because it's less crowded, but this also seems to be the time when there are more "older" people (by which I mean not 18-22), and the young people you do so tend to be very focused on doing their own thing. In the evenings, you see a lot more socializing.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i talk to folks of all levels of working out at the gym. i love talking to the ones i recognize to be fairly new because i like to tell them where i was when i first started .. its awful when someone judges someone else at a gym when we are all there to be healthier..i personally dont care if anyone likes the way i dress or not ..alot of times i do not dress to impress. ill wear sweat pants with shorts over them and a tshirt with a hoodie . i look totally frumpy when i dress like that and i dont care.
  • kitkat4141
    kitkat4141 Posts: 379 Member
    Felt the same way at first. Very intimidating. But I went every day and started to recognize the "regulars". After a few weeks one or two would come up to me to say they were very proud of me and to keep it up. Gradually I recognized most people are concentrating very hard on their own workouts and don't really notice you. The ones that do were very encouraging and supportive. I also encourage you to buy a "workout" wardrobe, maybe two pairs of shorts, two tops, good tennis shoes, moisture-wicking socks, and two sports bras (if you're female). You won't look out of place and sends a signal that you're serious about your workouts. Good luck!
  • stripeyjane
    stripeyjane Posts: 8 Member
    A year ago I would have laughed if you'd said I'd be going to a gym. But my friend wanted to go, it's only a tiny gym at her daughter's school. Knowing I wanted to lose weight and that I nearly died running for a train I let her talk me into it. She was unable to go (and still doesn't) due to a prolapsed disc and family issues, so I stopped going for a few months. Then I thought "I'm paying for this" so plucked up the courage and went inthe evening when I knew it would be quiet. Now I go once or twice a week. I plug my ipod in so I don't have to interact with anyone and just mainly do treadmill and rowing machine for about 40 minutes. I did some of the weight machine things last week as no one else was there!!
    Ask the instructor for help, they should give you a demonstration anyway, but explain you are scared - I'm sure you're not the first they've come across.
    Good luck!
  • melie_gr
    It's pretty normal to feel this way. Pretty soon you are going to know your way around and feel more at ease! ;-) Until then I would suggest to go prepared, know what you're doing so that you can get in and out as quickly and efficiently as possible and find a way to zone out (TV? music?) to avoid getting worried about what everybody else does and looks at. And maybe go at times that the gym is less crowded, like early in the morning or late at night, if you have this choice. Best of luck and I am sure you are going to love the gym at the end! :-)
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I feel nervous and awkward doing ANYTHING new pretty much...I just have learned to accept the anxiety and breathe through it when it hits, otherwise I would just sit at home all day every day!

    What do you enjoy? Music, podcasts, reading? Bring your ipod or book to the gym and just think, 'how nice of these people to put a bike here for me to work out on while I enjoy my tunes". The gym will be full of all different types of people, from super fit to super fat and everyone in no matter who you are, you will fit right in. You DESERVE to go wherever you want to.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    I TOTALLY had that problem when I started. But you just gotta push past it if you want to get to your goal. Just ignore everyone, most of the time people ignore you anyway. It'll be okay!!
  • TheHorribleBlob
    TheHorribleBlob Posts: 84 Member
    I guess, I'm just going to have to suck it up and go. I'm sure I'll feel more at ease once I start going regularly. Thank you, thank you, thank you all for all the support!! I'm going to try and go tomorrow morning. Wish me luck! haha

    If anyone wants another friend, feel free to add!