30 lbs to lose - will do it this time!



  • klozola2012
    I have been strugling with my weight for a long time now, and still am i lost 35 lbs in a yr gained some back and have not got any where since... i need major help cant seem to get any where no matter what i do.. I find all of the support on this site amazing though!:smile:
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    If I can do it, so can you!!

    Battled all of my adult life, but in I lost it in 6 months time in spring/summer of 2010 and
    have kept it off.

    What worked for me?

    -don't focus on the scale, it's just a tool.
    -increase the amount of protein, reduce the amount of simple carbs
    -move! even when you don't feel like exercising, promise yourself at least 10 minutes, then you can tell yourself
    "heck, whats's another 20 min? I mean I'm already doing it, may as well make it really count!"
    -don't beat yourself if you slip up! Own it and move on instead of using 1 slip up as an excuse to blow the whole day, week, etc . .

    Good luck! Just keep on keepin on! Be patient, you WILL reach your goals!
  • avk9802
    avk9802 Posts: 84 Member
    This is awesome! You can def. do it. It's so rewarding. As of my weigh in today I've lost 30 pounds and it feel so great. Good luck to you and don't give up!
  • CJDavis1960
    I'm in that boat too! We will have to keep each other from sinking! :wink:
  • CJDavis1960
    I'm in that boat too! We have to keep each other from sinking! :wink:
  • BlueStar1989
    BlueStar1989 Posts: 130 Member
    You can do it. Just keep trying and let us here on MFP know when you need some help or encoragement because that is what we are all here for. Its a community with the same goals :)
  • Greggill184
    Greggill184 Posts: 3 Member
    Very cool! I started on the 9th of January and I hope we both reach our goals! best of luck!
    AISIGO Posts: 44 Member
    I too seriously started on January 1st. My weight loss is very slow. Trying to speed it up. Any recommendations.