Getting this train back on track.

Complacency. It is the ENEMY!

I stepped on the scale 1/1/12 & a couple of unwanted "friends" had accompanied me through 2011. They were not going to be part of my 2012. But, nevertheless, here they were. Two, count them, t-w-o pounds up from the same time one year ago. (184) My thought process at that moment was, "Eh, two pounds in a year. I've done pretty good." But that isn't true.

I added strength training in 2011. I ran a 5K in 2011. I tried REALLY, REALLY hard to control what I eat. I was on Weight Watchers for the first 9 months of the year. I strained a tendon in my foot that put me off exercise for 3 months. I was told the pain in my knees is patella-femoral syndrom; runner's knee. I had to go back on medication for my thyroid after having been unmedicated for 18 months (Grave's Disease sucks, by the way).

I got on the scale today & it reads 192.5. There. I've put it out there. I've been sabotaging myself for too long. I've been lying to me about where I really am. And by doing so, I've gained 8.5 MORE POUNDS!!! That stops now. Today is my line in the sand.

I know what works for me & weight loss. I need to be held accountable for my choices.

Starting NOW I will...
1. Work out with my trainer at least three days per week.
2. Jog/run at least three days per week.
3. Lay off the junk carbs. Tortillas, kolaches, donuts, muffins, cake, etc.
4. Eat out no more than two times per week (it's closer to 5 times right now)

I have 1 active MFP friend & some that are not active. Please, if you will help hold me accountable, I welcome you as a friend. My food diary is open to friends & I'm ready to get serious about stopping the spiral NOW!

"And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living & holy sacrifice - the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him. Don't copy the behavior & customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." Romans 12: 1-2 NLT
