Getting very discouraged...



  • ckapes
    ckapes Posts: 31
    Did you measure yourself? You could very well be losing a lot more inches then weight with all the exercise you do. As everyone said you are doing great. Slow but sure. As some one reminded me, it took you a while to put this weight on, it is going to take awhile to get it off. Hang in there
  • yumgun
    yumgun Posts: 1 Member
    Have you considered lowering your carbs and focusing on quality of food? You are doing well but when you say "but If I don't eat my exercise cals...then my body thinks its starving?.... " that sounds miserable you should not be starving after a work out and a quick view of you diary it looks like your causing repeated sugar spikes through out the day, you can inbox me if you want to chat but keep up the good work don't be so hard on yourself.
  • trinajoy7
    trinajoy7 Posts: 16 Member
    I think you are doing very good, don't be hard on yourself, be encouraged, you will get there
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    Ok...I thought I would put in my 2 cents because I am 5'9" and I started (again) in October at 258 lbs. So quite similar to you...

    I did all those calculators and stuff when my weight seemed slow...I was shooting for two pounds a week, and after the first 3 weeks it wasn't even close.

    I did figure out my problem...I bought a BodyBugg to find out what I was actually burning in a day...or at least a better idea than a generic calculator would give me. I found out that on my sedentary days, I was only burning about 1800 per day...not the 2250 MFP or other calcs were saying. So that 450 calorie difference is why I was only losing a pound a week instead of 2! It sure made me move more...and not eat back exercise calories unless I still have a 1000 calorie daily deficit after eating more.

    Today marks my 100th day in a row of logging into MFP and I have lost 28 pounds in that time. I think I have it figured out...but I still hit plateaus and ups and downs...but after keeping a spreadsheet for the last month on calories actually burned (bodybugg) and calories actually eaten (mfp) it proves that it's PURE MATH. According to the numbers I should be down 6 pounds in January and I am down 5.4, but I ate too much salt and drank a ton of water for a couple days, so it will be right on in the morning I bet. :)

    What I am trying to say are doing great...but if you think it should be better according to your calorie deficit, you might find out that you just aren't burning what you think you are.

    Hope this helps!! And don't get discouraged...loss is matter how little. I feel your pain though...the sooner we get there, the more fun it is! :)
  • smdurica
    smdurica Posts: 1 Member
    Ask yourself how long it TOOK YOU to put on the extra pounds. The pounds that say off are the ones you lose just as gradually as the ones you gained.
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    I get discouraged too, since September to today up and down same 4 pounds!

    I have changed my goals!

    Never giving up!
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    How are you calculating your hiking calories burned? MFP has hiking in the database, but you're using some other method. Other than that I see that some days you have extra calories, but other days you go over. It appears to even out, so you're netting what MFP wants, more or less.

    I use my HRM whenever I am walking/hiking. And last Tues it gave me 1198 cals. Should I go by MFP or my HRM?
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    I think you are doing really good!! By looking at your diary I would say that you might want to up your protein just a bit, especially since you are active, that isn't enough. You can go into your goals and change it so that a higher percentage of your calories are coming from protein instead of carbohydrates. At any rate, you are doing great, just keep plugging along.
    I am usually over per MFP in protein... and under in carbs. I am not a big Carb eater anyway... other than sugary stuff some.
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    Ok...I thought I would put in my 2 cents because I am 5'9" and I started (again) in October at 258 lbs. So quite similar to you...

    I did all those calculators and stuff when my weight seemed slow...I was shooting for two pounds a week, and after the first 3 weeks it wasn't even close.

    I did figure out my problem...I bought a BodyBugg to find out what I was actually burning in a day...or at least a better idea than a generic calculator would give me. I found out that on my sedentary days, I was only burning about 1800 per day...not the 2250 MFP or other calcs were saying. So that 450 calorie difference is why I was only losing a pound a week instead of 2! It sure made me move more...and not eat back exercise calories unless I still have a 1000 calorie daily deficit after eating more.

    Today marks my 100th day in a row of logging into MFP and I have lost 28 pounds in that time. I think I have it figured out...but I still hit plateaus and ups and downs...but after keeping a spreadsheet for the last month on calories actually burned (bodybugg) and calories actually eaten (mfp) it proves that it's PURE MATH. According to the numbers I should be down 6 pounds in January and I am down 5.4, but I ate too much salt and drank a ton of water for a couple days, so it will be right on in the morning I bet. :)

    What I am trying to say are doing great...but if you think it should be better according to your calorie deficit, you might find out that you just aren't burning what you think you are.

    Hope this helps!! And don't get discouraged...loss is matter how little. I feel your pain though...the sooner we get there, the more fun it is! :)

    How is the body bugg or that Jillian Michaels thing different from a heart rate monitor? I was thinking of getting one... but didn't know if it was worth the $$.
    Thanks for the encouragement. I do feel like I should be losing more though. But I also know its harder to loose as we age. I spent 12 years gaining.... Whats 12 mos to lose it I guess?
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    Have you considered lowering your carbs and focusing on quality of food? You are doing well but when you say "but If I don't eat my exercise cals...then my body thinks its starving?.... " that sounds miserable you should not be starving after a work out and a quick view of you diary it looks like your causing repeated sugar spikes through out the day, you can inbox me if you want to chat but keep up the good work don't be so hard on yourself.

    I am not usually hungry after a workout. But from what I have read here... if you don't eat your exercise cals you could go into stavation mode. But logic tells me... it'll be a while before my body thinks its starving. It has plenty to feed on.
    How am I causing sugar spikes? My biggest sugar intake is a Peanut butter and banana smoothie in the am. Other than the occasional treat. My sugars are normal. I am always over in protein and under in carbs. I don't pay too much attention to the other stuff. Just try to keep cals at or below the limit. Of course there is the occassional splurge. but nothing too bad.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Would it bother you terribly is I told you that you're actually doing well?

    Come on!
    Your progress is SPOT ON!

    We're not in a race, and this is not "The Biggest Loser".
    Nobody's getting voted off the island.

    Get your expectations right - 1 lb or so per week, and just stay consistent.
    Think of where you'll be in a year!
    Totally transformed!

    Just set your activity and just follow the MFP recommendations.
    That's all I will tell you except that again, you are doing GREAT!

    Don't try to fix what is not broken.

    Quoting to give you less of an excuse to ignore the CORRECT answer in this thread.
  • jodren11
    jodren11 Posts: 18 Member
    bump for motivation
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322

    How is the body bugg or that Jillian Michaels thing different from a heart rate monitor? I was thinking of getting one... but didn't know if it was worth the $$.
    Thanks for the encouragement. I do feel like I should be losing more though. But I also know its harder to loose as we age. I spent 12 years gaining.... Whats 12 mos to lose it I guess?

    Oh and I am am not sure if it's harder as we age or if we are more set in our ways and it's harder to break the habits? My parents both started MFP about mid-November and my dad lost 32, my mom lost 21...and both are within 5 pounds of their goal weights...and in their 60's! :)

    I am not sure how the bugg differs from a basic HRM...I do know that I like the program for tracking calories burned on my's easy to move more when you see instant results!
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    Would it bother you terribly is I told you that you're actually doing well?

    Come on!
    Your progress is SPOT ON!

    We're not in a race, and this is not "The Biggest Loser".
    Nobody's getting voted off the island.

    Get your expectations right - 1 lb or so per week, and just stay consistent.
    Think of where you'll be in a year!
    Totally transformed!

    Just set your activity and just follow the MFP recommendations.
    That's all I will tell you except that again, you are doing GREAT!

    Don't try to fix what is not broken.

    Quoting to give you less of an excuse to ignore the CORRECT answer in this thread.

    Huh?.... So, are you telling me this is the correct answer?
  • 5 lbs in a month is a great amount of weight to lose! I've been dieting and exercising for a month now and I haven't lost anything. Good for you!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Would it bother you terribly is I told you that you're actually doing well?

    Come on!
    Your progress is SPOT ON!

    We're not in a race, and this is not "The Biggest Loser".
    Nobody's getting voted off the island.

    Get your expectations right - 1 lb or so per week, and just stay consistent.
    Think of where you'll be in a year!
    Totally transformed!

    Just set your activity and just follow the MFP recommendations.
    That's all I will tell you except that again, you are doing GREAT!

    Don't try to fix what is not broken.

    Quoting to give you less of an excuse to ignore the CORRECT answer in this thread.

    Huh?.... So, are you telling me this is the correct answer?

    Yup, you've lost an ideal amount for the month. Just keep doing what you're doing.