doing it right + not seeing the results

Hi MFP friends---

I'm doing everything right--- sticking to the exact number of calories each day + working out at least 4x a week (eating more on workout days). I'm only seeing fractions fall off each week. WHAT am I doing wrong?

I know I could be adding muscle--- + should switch up my exercise routine/what I eat ....but I'm wondering if I should stop working out till some weight goes off-- it seems like it slows down the process?

Just thought I would ask!

Thanks for your help!!


  • Hi MFP friends---

    I'm doing everything right--- sticking to the exact number of calories each day + working out at least 4x a week (eating more on workout days). I'm only seeing fractions fall off each week. WHAT am I doing wrong?

    I know I could be adding muscle--- + should switch up my exercise routine/what I eat ....but I'm wondering if I should stop working out till some weight goes off-- it seems like it slows down the process?

    Just thought I would ask!

    Thanks for your help!!

    What results are you looking for? Muscle gaining? Fat loss? Because from your profile photo you dont look like you have much fat to lose and the closer to your goal you are the harder it is to lose is what I hear.
  • gydwhoa
    gydwhoa Posts: 8 Member
    Me too - but I think my problem is that I am eating the extra calories I get from my workouts. This week I'm going to stick to my plan calories and see what happens. I have 10 lbs I want to lose and the scale does not budge. :(
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    It would help if you opened your diary so we could see what you're eating and drinking each day.
  • kmankos
    kmankos Posts: 1 Member
    I wouldnt stop working out, your body was made to move. Ive been tracking calories for almost 8 months and there is no rhyme or reason I can see when I hit a plateau- and stay there for awhile. Sometimes I loose consistently, sometimes I loose nothing for a month. But I keep going and eventually the plateau breaks. Changing up exercise routines definatelly will help you. Muscle confusion is the new buzz term, meaning your body wont konw what workout is coming and then you define your results better and dont get bored with same routine. My best advice, stick to it, dont give up and certainly dont stop working out!
  • SwimKitty
    SwimKitty Posts: 122 Member
    Hi - I am also seeing very little change on the scale, but people have commented that I am 'losing'. So, as hard as it is for me to put away the scale, I am now going to concentrate on measurements only (for a while, anyway :)

    At the end of the day, who cares what the scale says if the pants fit!
  • :huh:
  • it looks like you are already in great shape. If you're trying to lose even more bodyfat to looked more ripped, then you will need to do more intense cardio and reduce your calorie intake while keeping your protein intake up. You should try to switch up your workout routine to shock your body because by keeping the same moves, they will become ineffective and your body will plateau. Be carefull though, too little bodyfat is unhealthy. If trying to build muscle, up your protein intake and use weight training 8-12 reps X 3 sets. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    How are your sodium and sugar macros?
  • ninjapixie87
    ninjapixie87 Posts: 124 Member
    A few thoughts:

    1. If you made your diary public, people could probably give you better advice.
    2. How long have you been trying to lose weight? It can take a few weeks to kick in.
    3. It takes a long time to add weight due to muscle, from what I hear, so I doubt muscle gain is offsetting fat loss.
    4. How accurately are you logging? Do you log nibbles? Do you weigh/measure portions? It's easy to underestimate what we eat.
    5. Do you use a HRM, or do you use MFP's or machine's estimates for calorie burn? Unless you use an HRM, you could be way overestimating your calorie burn.
    6. Don't stop working out. Even if you can't see the pounds drop, it's still beneficial. Try to focus on the non-scale victories (inches lost, clothes fitting better, more energy, etc.).
    7. Judging by your profile pic, you don't have much to already look great! If you're close to your goal weight, don't expect or try for rapid weight loss...fractions of a pound per week is expected.

    Hope some of that helps. :smile:
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    "Overview (why I'm posting this)
    Over the course of about 7 months on here, I have seen many people suceed, I have also seen some drop off the map. I expect this is because some succumb to the demon that is temptation, and some to the devil that is dissapointment. I wanted to give a few "heads up"s to both new commers and vetrans to the site. Some may know already, some may not. But either way, if this helps anyone to set more realistic goals in their own head, I feel like it has done it's job.

    Phase 1. The start of a brand new day! (or week, or month, or year)
    Expectations are sky high, usually so is motivation and intentions. This is where most people lose the most weight. At the start it's not uncommon to see 4 to 8 lb losses per week. The reasons for this are mostly (sorry to disappoint) water weight. You drop excess water quickly, and you can have up to 5 lbs of water weight. The next biggest reason is the fat that is right next to the blood vessels, the stuff that you put on in the last month or three, it will melt like butter usually.

    Phase 2. Reality setting in.
    At about week 3 to a month or so, people suddenly realize that they are no longer dropping 8, 6, or even 4 lbs a week. This is a crutial phase in your journey. Expect this, it is natural. You have shocked your body by changing both eating habits and exercise routine. Now it has had a little while to become used to the new lifestyle, it's going to compensate. Your body still doesn't believe it's permenant yet, so it will still try to store some fat, so now that it knows how to regulate it's new metabolic levels, it tryies to store fat in earnest. It's not uncommon for people to hit a wall here, no loss for weeks. Expect this as well.

    Phase 3. The routine.
    At about 2 months or so, your routine is pretty much set, your body is beginning to believe that you really want to STAY the way you are going now. You will start to see more consistant (but lower, usually 1 to 2 lbs a week) loss, also, you should start seeing some muscle tone (depending on how much you had to lose in the first place). If you stop to think, you should realize that you have improved dramatically in your exercise levels. If you do cardio, you should notice how much longer and harder you can work. This is important to realize as it is just as big of an indicator as weight loss. Also, by now you may notice that your clothes no longer fit right. This is also very important. The weight may not be falling off anymore, but you are becomming a smaller person. Weight is arbitrary, if you are building muscle (which your body is doing at a furious pace by now) you won't notice huge losses, but you will notice wholesale changes in the mirror!

    Phase 4. Really digging in.
    This is where the second wall can happen. You're probably at between 3 and 4 months by now, and if you have gone this far, you feel like you have already suceeded. This is where many people stumble. they are tired of the routine, tired of eating different things from all their friends, limiting their alcohol intake. Basically the shine has worn off. this is when your really need to plant your feet. Maybe change up your exercise routine, make a concentrated effort to find different, but still nutritional food. Talk to people. And examine how far you have come. At this point, no matter how much external motivation you receive, it's all about believing in yourself!

    Phase 5. End game.
    5 or 6 months in you are probably working on that "last 10 pounds". This can be discouraging for many as it is a slow burn. Remember, your body probably feels like it is where it needs to be, your brain might think you need to lose 10 more, but your body is quite proud of itself now, it feels like it has "Done enough" and it wants to stay RIGHT HERE. The body LIKES to have a little fat around just in case, especially for the ladies (sorry girls, it's just human physiology). If you feel like you still need to lose it, prepare yourself for some guerrila warfare against your body. Design an exercise regimen that is very dynamic, forget the "same thing every day". Make a plan that challenges you both physically and mentally. Make sure you give yourself a day off here and there to just veg. And by all means, remember, muscle burns fat at rest. So get some weight or resistance training involved.
    The last 10 may take 3 to 6 months to lose. I know nobody wants to hear that, but it's true. And forget the idea of increasing your calorie deficite, healthy bodies need good nutrition, your body no longer has the fat reserves to handle the large deficites you could when you were 30 40 or 50 pounds overweight. Better to make it a 3 or 400 calorie deficite (NET, please count your exercise calories too!). It may take a bit longer, but your body will like you for it. Plus it feeds those new muscles and keeps them burning fat, keeps your skin healthy (elasticity is important when you want those places that were stretched out to "snap back") and keeps you from getting head aches and depressed.


    this is what I have learned, not just from my journey, but from others as well on here. It saddens me sometimes to see people hit one of these stages and not recognize it for what it is, a part of the process. If we all can have realistic expectations, then we are more prone to win the fight and stay healthy in the long run. Note that some people will hit these stages harder then others, some may take longer, but for the most part, this is the rule that the exceptions will come from. "
  • I stopped eating back the calories I burn. i try to burn around 300 a day. I was working out 7 days a week eating back my calories for a month and I gained weight. Now i eat 1200 calories before exercise. I'm 5ft small bones and 113lbs. 34 yrs old. my net calories was 1500 to 1700 when i was eating back what i burned. I didn't have love handles in December I do now. this is week 2 of not eating back my calories and I've seen a little less jiggle.

    I did take before and after pics and I was skinnier before I started dieting. I even cut my carbs back. I'm so frustrated with dieting and exercising. I'm in better shape than my children now and i have more jiggle than ever. When i figure out what to do I'll be happy to pass it on.

    I also do push ups i try to do atleast 15 a day. trust me 15 is killer on these tooth picks. i also do 40 flutter kicks to help with my pop belly.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member

    I'm doing everything right--- sticking to the exact number of calories each day + working out at least 4x a week (eating more on workout days). I'm only seeing fractions fall off each week. WHAT am I doing wrong?

    If you are only seeing fractions fall off, then you are doing it right. The only part you might be doing wrong is having too high of expectations.

    It takes me a long time to lose weight, but it is going down and it is staying off, so I'm happy. I am not losing weight for a bikini in the summer, for a wedding dress, or any other type of event. I'm losing weight to be healthy, and it does not matter how long it takes me to do it as long as I am doing it. Fractions really do add up over time, and the journey is still worth taking! No one said this would be easy.
  • mccdl34
    mccdl34 Posts: 43 Member
    Bump for reading later
  • Thanks everyone--- my pic is from me at my BEST weight... trying to get back there from 3 years ago--- all your suggestions were wonderful. I'll keep it up! I've gained about 15 pounds since that photo--- want to get that off and then build some muscle. I'm eating really healthy and well balanced low fat meals--low carb--drinking lots of water--snacking right. But now that i'm over 30... I just think losing isn't as easy as it used to it might be slower. I've seen loss every week just itty bitty loss.... its hard not to want more---it is so frustrating to be able to put on 5 pounds in one week (hello summer cruise) but it takes over a month to take it off. hello torture!

    hoping to get the 15 off by summer.

    anyone on here do p90x with myfitnesspal?

    thanks again!

  • you are so right!