Starvation Mode and Dukan Diet

spalfrey Posts: 11
edited October 2 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello everyone!

I'm on week 5 of the Dukan Diet and havent lost ANY weight (nor gained though) for the last 3 weeks!!!

Well I've had a fantastic few weeks of exercise doing varied workouts almost everyday. I've been brilliant on my food as well.....BUT I havent lost any weight!!

I've done some research online today and it seems that my body is in starvation mode and I'm using muscle rather than shedding pounds. I'm feeling really disheartened although good in another sense cos I have lost inches and generally feel slimmer, but I guess I need to eat more calories. But how?

I now dont know whether to give the Dukan diet another 2 weeks or whether to come off it and revert back to high protein low carb and general anything low fat? Any thoughts? This is my 5th week of hard graft and the pounds arent showing it : (

Thanks all xx


  • psychmz3
    psychmz3 Posts: 55 Member
    Forget diets. Eat the right amount of calories for weight loss. Think long term. It is expected to stop losing weight on these programs.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    if your body is in starvation mode (under 1200 calories) then you will more than likely hit a plateau, in which case you are not going to lose any weight.

    Plateaus happen, unfortunately, and when they do, that only means that it is time for a change, because your body has grown accustomed to what it was used to doing. Once it is adjusted, you will get stuck on a plateau and start to feel discouraged.

    You really could be doing your body more harm than good.
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    I did a week of the 6 week body makeover before realizing I was only getting about 800 calories... make sure you stay above 1200 after exercise!
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    It sounds like what you say you want to revert to, high protein/low carb, is what the diet is. I just read about it on
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    "We’ve all seen the countless threads and posts about starvation mode. Many contain a lot of misinformation and apply the concept too broadly. It’s my aim to clear up some misconceptions (of both believers and non-believers). I’m going to try to keep this simple and straightforward and easily understandable.

    What is Starvation Mode?
    Starvation Mode – aka survival mode, famine response, adaptive thermogenesis

    Starvation mode is a reaction to inadequate energy. If your food intake is too low to meet energy requirements, the body starts accessing inside sources. It will attempt to access fat stores first, and in the highest proportion. If you have a lot of fat stores, most of the energy will come from fat, and a little from muscle. If you have less fat stores, most will still come from fat, but a higher percentage will come from lean tissue, such as muscles. The leaner you get, the more difficult it is for the body to access fat quickly.

    When the body perceives intake to be too low and energy stores (fat) to be inadequate for making up the difference quickly, it begins to compensate to prolong survival. First, it slows metabolism (the rate at which you use energy.) If intake continues to be too low, it then begins to access muscle, because it is easier and faster. The loss of lean tissue further slows metabolism. If this cycle continues for a significant period, at the right levels, it results in an ever-decreasing metabolism. This means a person can eat less and less (to a point), and still have slow or no weight loss because the body’s energy requirements have decreased. Remember that total energy requirements include BMR, daily activity and purposeful exercise.

    Who is at Risk?
    Most people with large amounts of fat stores are not at risk of starvation mode. This is usually women over 35% body fat and men over 25% body fat, but there is no exact point. They have sufficient energy stores to supplement the body’s needs for energy (however, they still have other needs that must be met, such as vitamins and minerals). The closer a person is to a healthy BMI, the higher risk and consequences of starvation mode.

    When Does it Happen?
    It doesn’t happen by skipping a meal or even a whole day or at 1200, 1000, or any other random cal number. Typically, metabolism will begin to decrease after about 72 hours of significantly inadequate intake. But this is dependent on the individual’s specific situation – what the energy requirements are, how much fat they have, and the exact level of intake. The loss of lean tissue begins sometime later. It could be days, weeks or months. It may be at 1200 for one person, and 2000 for another. Again, it depends on the individual and will be a different point for everyone.

    Then Why are Anorexics Skinny?
    Anorexics were “normal” weight at some point. They began decreasing intake and using up fat stores. How long this takes depends, again, on energy requirements and actual intake. The body has a “range” in which it feels comfortable accessing fat, without decreasing metabolism too much or burning too much muscle. As an average, this is between 250 and 1000 calories below maintenance requirements. When you drop below this range, the body begins starvation mode reactions. Anorexics WERE in starvation mode at some point – but they continued to decrease intake. There is a level of extreme calorie restriction and lack of fat stores at which starvation mode turns into actual starvation. The body is adaptable, but it has its limits. At this point, the body has no choice but to burn everything – fat, muscle, organs, hair, skin, etc - simply to sustain bodily functions. Severe anorexia is the result of continuous extreme calorie restriction and malnutrition (typically below 500 cals). You can try it their way. But remember, a lot of them develop horrible diseases from malnutrition and many of them die.

    But Some People Claim You GAIN Weight in Starvation Mode?
    Starvation Mode itself will not cause weight gain. However, a combination of starvation mode, binges, and carb loading, can cause weight gain. Once the metabolism decreases, your energy requirements are lower. So you have to eat less just to maintain your current weight. The body has become more efficient at using and storing energy. But most people have a hard time maintaining a very low intake consistently for long periods. So if your typical intake is 1000 (just an example), but you have occasional binges of 3000 and the binge is mostly carbs, the body can’t use all of that at one time anymore. So the body shuttles it to fat storage. This won’t be a huge gain, but a lb or two a month maybe. It’s not dramatic, but if someone lives this way for years, they can gain a decent amount of weight.
  • shenitamo
    shenitamo Posts: 147 Member
    Agreed about the crazy diets. I got stuck on the same thing- my body was telling me I wasn't eating enough so I stopped losing. Eat healthy and stay active. Sounds simple, but it is tough to find that balance between starving yourself and not over-indulging. You can do it!
  • WinnieX
    WinnieX Posts: 67
    I've been on the dukan diet for just over 3 weeks and have lost 8 pounds - I think you might need to up your food intake, if I'm hungry I eat more (just allowed foods) and make sure I still count calories on here so I know I'm not under my 1200 a day limit.

    a typical cruise day PP for me is : galette pancake with yoghurt, smoked salmon & light cream cheese, & mustard chicken for dinner (usually about two drumsticks and a thigh or until I am full!) and mid day snack of yoghurt

    a cruise PV day for me is: Gallette pancake, steak with asparagus, & dinner can be mushroom, cottage cheese and roasted fish. A midday snack of cooked rhubard with an oabran topping or I sometimes freeze my yoghurt in a lolly form and have that.

    good luck!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    You have lost inches but you are in starvation mode? The scale is not always linear. Fluid retention masks weight loss and can cause some people to think they have platued. If you are losing inches, you are doing just fine.
  • Dander
    Dander Posts: 26 Member
    I am on the Dukan diet at the moment and the weight is dropping off me. Virtually exactly as he describes in the book. If this isn't the case for you then I would give it a miss. It is very restrictive in the beginning so it may be doing you more harm than good.

    Personally, counting calories does not work for me. I have polycystic ovaries so if eat too many carbs/sugars the weight piles on. Regardless if I'm only taking 1200 calories a day.

    You need to take this into account when trying to lose weight. Everyone is different and reacts in different ways to the types of foods we eat and how we exercise.

    A lot of what the Dukan diet teaches you is very useful for the long term. And the beginning of the diet is really good if you're trying to wean yourself off something (for me it's wine, beer and sugary condiments). I'm only half way through the 2nd week and already the nagging hunger I used to suffer from has gone completely. And I'm not craving anything. Plus cutting down salt means that I can now taste my food and don't need all the condiments I used to pile on.

    Anyway, just thought I'd offer my 2 pence worth :)
  • piscean2764
    piscean2764 Posts: 4 Member
    I don't if you are aware, but the dukan diet only requires you to do 20 min in attack or 30 min in cruise of walking and certainly no more than one hour of exercise in any one day. When you are exercising vigourously you are required to modify your dukan diet to include a limited amount of carbohydrates.

    Here is a snippet from the Dukan chat re - adapting for exercise (a marathon to be precise)

    Question: I am currently training for a marathon and need to find something to give me energy on the longer runs I am doing in my training. I would normaly use a caffeine gel by Science in Sport called Smart 1 Energizer Gel. Ingredients Water Maltodextrin (produced by partial hydrolysis of a special variety of maize 98% glucose polymers) Flavouring Gelling Agents (Xanthan Gum Gellan Gum) Antioxidants (Blackcurrant Anathocyanins Vitamin C Citrus Bioflavenoids Acidity Regultors (Citric Acid Sodium Citrate) Caffeine Preservatives (Potassium Sorbate Sodium Benzoate) Sweetner (Acesulfame K Sucralose) Salt.Ingredients per serving Energy 612kj/144kcal Carbohydrate 36g Protein 0g Fat 0g Caffeine 83mg Anathocyanins 21mg bioflavenoids 3mg.Is it ok t use these sparingly on the longer rruns and eventually on race day, or can you suggest an alternative? Thanks.

    Answer: first of all : congrats for your training ! You will have to adapt two things : first, during the meal which precedes your running trainings, please add 150 g of cooked cereals (pasta, rice, semolina, etc). Then, during your effort, if you have a lack of energy, you can either have 200 mL of sugar free fruit compote or 1 unit of your smart energizer gel. The rest will not change, just follow your Dukan diet instructions. Give us some news, we want you to do a good result on that marathon course !

    The point is that your body needs carbohydrates or stored fat to energise your muscles. If you don't have any of these, or you don't have enough to feed the exercise that you want to do then you go into anaerobic mode rather than aerobic. Aerobic is preferred. So in order to prevent your body going into anaerobic mode you will need to give its some carbohydrates as activation energy for the burning of stored fat, if you are demanding a lot.

    Good luck.
  • spalfrey
    spalfrey Posts: 11
    Thank you all for your useful comments.

    I agree I definitely need to up my calorie intake and perhaps try a different, more varied diet. Any plan suggestions which is recommended right now?

    Some brilliant points and I thank you all - wish me luck!! : )

    Sarah xx
  • spalfrey
    spalfrey Posts: 11
    Any ideas what I can eat on the Dukan diet to up my calorie intake? Just more of the same?

  • Hi Spalfrey,

    My sister & I have been doing dukan for 2 months now, I have lost 16 pounds, she has lost 15. My main advice to you is to be creative! i have eggs & turkey bacon for breakfast, a strip loin for lunch and chicken for dinner. My snacks include: oat bran cookie or vanilla moist cake (check out this forum for many delicious dukan recipes, babybel lite cheese or laughing cow lite cheese, and occasionally jello sugar free chocolate pudding. I use a lot of spices and sauces in my cooking such as franks red hot sauce, soya sauce, and sugar free ketchup. Such add-on's make quite the difference. I even make oatbran pancakes and use sugar free syrup!

    Don't give up hope, I have been a yo-yo dieter all my life going from very thin to slightly overweight. Dukan has taught me balance and control. We all stagnate. Make sure you eat more and the weight will go.

    I see this post was a while ago, Im curious to hear how things turned out for you ;-)

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