Scale Addiction...Good or Bad?

I started living my new healthy lifestyle only a week ago and I am finding that I am already addicted to the scale. Everyday I tell myself I am going to wait several days before I weigh again but to no avail. The pull of the scale is too powerful....I eventually find myself standing on it, gazing into its dial, and hoping it will bring a smile to my face. I am a scale addict! Do I need a 12 step program or is my obsession a good thing?

How often does everyone weigh in? What is recommended?


  • deluda
    deluda Posts: 146 Member
    I've never been addicted to the scale as the daily fluctuations would make me not eat anything! I weigh once a week, Thursday morning before getting dressed. That's about all I can handle.
  • I had a previous addiction to this and it made me feel guilty daily about what I put in my mouth. Try and set a day per week and see if you can stick to it. :)
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I was never addicted to the scale until the past month because I have been at a stand still. I had to hide it. Before that i would weight myself only once a month
  • Emilia6909
    Emilia6909 Posts: 309 Member
    It would kill me to weigh in every day as I know how much my weight can fluctuate. Once a week, same time, same scale, same clothes. Best is to hide the scales for good and weigh in at the pharmacy. You'll get a print out which you can stick on your fridge! :happy:
  • I am addicted to the scale myself. For me, it helps me hold myself accountable. If I eat bad one night and weigh the next morning to find that I put on a pound or so, it motivates me to NOT eat bad and workout extra hard. Most people say you shouldn't weigh everyday but it does help me :)
  • kittyofborg
    kittyofborg Posts: 5 Member
    I weigh almost every day. I know it will fluctuate a bit so a pound or two here and there doesn't bother me as long as there is still a downward trend overall. ^_^
  • cathiaflock
    cathiaflock Posts: 112 Member
    I find myself at night before I go to bed weighing myself to see if the next day I will weigh less. I hide the scale but I do pull it out. It is best to weigh in once a week before you eat breakfast. Just keep exercising and calorie counting and the weight will fall off :happy:
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    I am addicted to the scale myself. For me, it helps me hold myself accountable. If I eat bad one night and weigh the next morning to find that I put on a pound or so, it motivates me to NOT eat bad and workout extra hard. Most people say you shouldn't weigh everyday but it does help me :)
    Same here.
  • I weigh myself every single morning before dressing and after using the bathroom. I only "count" the weight on MFP once a week on the same day. I think that its good to weigh every day at the same time because you can keep an eye on things better that way. You can see what days you fluctuate up the most and what days you go down. It also helps to see how a day making "bad choices" really can effect things. As long as you are being realistic and know that some days you might be up a pound and the only thing that really counts is the end of the week you should be ok.
  • Sierra_419
    Sierra_419 Posts: 201 Member
    i use to weigh myself every morning.
    i could never wait until my weigh in on friday .
    BUTTT .. ive recently found... if i put my fold away laundry thingy over my scale .. it hides it when i walk by & i dont get tempted lol.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I am addicted to the scale myself. For me, it helps me hold myself accountable. If I eat bad one night and weigh the next morning to find that I put on a pound or so, it motivates me to NOT eat bad and workout extra hard. Most people say you shouldn't weigh everyday but it does help me :)
    Same here.

    This is what I do also.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Hi, my name is Angela and I am addicted to the scale. It's been 24 hours since my last weigh in

    (Went from AA to confessional booth) :laugh:
  • I am currently trying to break my dependence on my scale. I hate how it can ruin my day first thing in the morning if it doesn't say exactly what I think it ought to. :( I haven't weighed for two days now (going from a 3x a day MINIMUM), and I don't plan to until my next measurement day at the gym (between the 6th and 8th).
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    I am addicted to the scale myself. For me, it helps me hold myself accountable. If I eat bad one night and weigh the next morning to find that I put on a pound or so, it motivates me to NOT eat bad and workout extra hard. Most people say you shouldn't weigh everyday but it does help me :)

    I do this too. I do it to keep my indugence (cheat) meals in check as well to make sure I'm not eating way out of control on those days.

    I weigh every morning, but only weigh in on MFP once a week.
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    I've been obsessed for 4 years since I started losing weight. Obsessed as in, weighing several times a day...never missing a day on the scale...EVER. Definitely do NOT recommend it. I would get upset at every little fluctuation, which would cause setbacks from time to time (i.e. 'oh, I'm up 5 pounds?! I might as well go eat Chipotle AND chips & salsa...') I am happy to say that I have been scale-free for 48+ hours. I'm trying to re-frame my thinking & develop more healthy lasting habits. It's scary to put the scale away (my bf told me to throw it away, but I haven't been able to do *that* quite yet!) If you're able to weigh once a week, or once a month, that's awesome.

    *Edited to add:

    I started out weighing once weekly with Weight Watchers. Then I invested in my own scale & weighed every couple days. Then every day. Then multiple times a day... For me, I honestly believe the fact that I've been so obsessed with the scale has hindered progress from time to time. The way I see it, regardless of what the # says on the scale, if you're eating right & working out the results will follow. Period. (Easier said than done!)
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    I weigh in daily, but I also know that my weight fluctuates. I've been at this for a year now so I don't get too excited about things. It has helped me see patterns in the fluctuations so I know when I am going down or up. Also, I can typically guess my weight within a pound before I step on the scale. I count my lowest weight as my recordable weight, but in actuality, it goes up about 3lbs and then comes back down.
    I don't feel guilty about what I eat because I'm pretty in touch with what my body says. Sure I splurge here and there, but if I need fuel, I eat...if I don't need it, I don't eat!
  • Gina033
    Gina033 Posts: 11 Member
    I do it everyday! I try not to but I do! I dont think it's the best idea but o well!
  • Scale addictions are not good for you over all. Scales measure everything in your body (water, fat, poop, muscle, ect.)
  • I weigh almost every day. I know it will fluctuate a bit so a pound or two here and there doesn't bother me as long as there is still a downward trend overall. ^_^

    I do this as well. I weigh everyday and look for the decreasing trend. I only record on Saturday mornings.
  • JackieLM
    JackieLM Posts: 127 Member
    I am addicted to the scale myself. For me, it helps me hold myself accountable. If I eat bad one night and weigh the next morning to find that I put on a pound or so, it motivates me to NOT eat bad and workout extra hard. Most people say you shouldn't weigh everyday but it does help me :)

    same here... It holds me more accountable for everything I do... or not do... I like to weigh in daily.