Gaining before losing...

Just looking for some encouragement. I successfully lost a little over 10 pounds last year when I got serious about logging meals and working out. I kept the weight off but have about 15 more to go to be completely at my ideal weight. The first week back I lost a half pound, and last week I stayed exactly the same. I just have a good feeling that this week will stay the same as well. I know my body has a lot of transformation to perform again- going from fatty flab to muscle again, which weighs more, but I just needed to know I am not alone. Did you find yourself gaining/staying the same until your body got used to exercising again? I don't think I went through this last year, so it is very discouraging!


  • chiera88
    chiera88 Posts: 155
    yes. not only do the muscles weigh more but they're swollen after you exercise. i usually don't weigh myself until the morning after my day off exercise. also the first couple of pounds are the hardest to lose
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    went I started training with my personal trainer I went up 8lbs then eventually started loosing that plus some.. Be patient, it's a journey we didn't get gain this overnight and it will take us a little time to loose it as well...
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    I can totally relate! :happy: Last year or two I lost a total of almost 20 pounds. Then since last summer I had gained about 7 pounds back. Right now I'm where I was last year at this time.

    I lost consistently for a few weeks in a row, but the last couple weeks have been more of a rut. BUT, my jeans are looser and my husband thinks I have more muscle definition. I'm also lifting heavier weights and getting stronger. So I'm doing my best to not let the scale discourage me.

    It's hard. It's a mind game sometimes. But I'm working hard and seeing results. I want to be tough and not skinny fat, so I'll take loser jeans and stronger legs over the scale. :bigsmile:

    And now that I'm pushing myself MORE than last year, it seems more challenging. So I'm just going to keep at it and see even better results this year! :tongue:
  • jcg926
    jcg926 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for the replies. Sometimes it just helps knowing that I'm not alone!!

    @Emmyvera- I'm working harder than the last time, too! I'm sure it all has something to do with it and I did take my measurements when I started so I'll probably check those in another week or so, which *hopefully* will add to the encouragement, haha.

    Just gotta keep plugging away I guess!! I know it won't happen overnight, but just seeing a tiny movement on the scale in the right direction would help do wonders for me!!