My pet peeve at work is -



  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is people complaining about how everything has to be "FAIR"

    I teach and right now I happen to have extra time in my day... well it's not FAIR to everyone else so now as the music teacher, I have to teach math. UGH!
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    The time clock. More like my nemesis than a pet peeve, really.
  • JPsFunkyMojo
    When I answer the phone saying "Good Morning/Afternoon this is Dr. "Smith's" office" and the first thing they say "Is this Dr. "Smith's" office"

    No, no it's not.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I'm tasked with recruiting people to raise/donate money for a company-favored charity...while we're cutting costs.
  • rameyer1316
    coworks who clip there nails at there desk and let the nails fly all over the place. I have two in my office of 10 who do that. Drives me crazy and the men who drip on the toilet seats.
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    I also hate when people assume that because I'm upfront that I'm a receptionist. I'm the office manager. The only things I don't do are outside sales and parts servicing. I do not have time to wipe your *kitten* for you, nor is it in the job description for my position level.
  • mv0912
    mv0912 Posts: 30 Member
    My pet peeve is when I try to find out the color of the mulch I'm ordering and the rep tells me to drive out to see it. LOL

  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    The fact that 85% of the men here obviously think they work with their mother/wife/girlfriend. They NEVER clean up after themselves.

    In my prior office, I went man to man and explained that our support staff ARE NOT THEIR MOTHER and that they need to clean up after themselves. One was walked straight to the microwave to wipe up his mess.
  • xo_morgan
    xo_morgan Posts: 298
    OH HEY, as we speak someone is here for a 3:30.....its 2:39 my time.......:explode:
  • rameyer1316
    Also I work with a bunch of men only 3 women in my office and they all feel it's the women's job to answer the phone. You can be busy and away from the phone and it will ring and ring and they give you these looks answer the phone already when it's just as easy for them to do it. Makes me mad!
  • SouthernNHgirl
    SouthernNHgirl Posts: 27 Member
    I work in a small room with 2 other people with no cubicle walls. We can all hear every little thing each other does. I can hear the guys stomach grumbling, etc. It's so distracting!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    People who call eleventy-seven times a day to see if their test results are done.

    Do you think you will get them sooner by disrupting everyone's work who are trying to get your test results done?
  • javajunki
    My company is laying people off, yet we have and EPC that brings in $150 of treats 3 mornings a week. UMM WHAT!!! Then we have team meetings about cost saving ideas.

    le sigh

    And We will keep having these daily meetings until we figure out why there in so little work getting done!!
  • lynnmarie60
    they want me to work. :)
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    people who e-mail me and call me 5 minutes later to tell me they e-mailed me and go through a long spill about what the e-mail if I can't read the damn e-mail on my own???

    Are you sure you don't work with me?
  • sassypaula
    My pet peeve at work is when I pay for my own HEALTHY snacks and some A..hole decides he deserves it more than me and consumes the entire product but still leaves the garbage in my drawer. SERIOUSLY!!
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Not me but someone I know, his company has now stopped providing tea bags, milk, and cream. I mean, these are such small things that really help with employee morale, or rather, they certainly lower morale when it's taken away! Sheesh, cheapskates!

    Before you call them cheap, keep in mind providing these things is very expensive. Especially when most employees spend most of their day online.

    I'd take them away from my employee's if it was warranted.
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    The chic in the cube next to me who eats apples louder than Mr. Ed. And slurps her drinks. And scrapes the yogurt cup 47 times to make sure she didn't miss that last little bit.

    the kitchen. people always leave their dirty plates, mugs and tupperware in the sink. we also have food, drinks and meals left in the fridge for extended amounts of time. it's so gross. i just want to tell people to clean up after themselves and to take out their old foods!!
  • myltlisa24
    myltlisa24 Posts: 242 Member
    My company takes yard waste & clean pallets & turns it into mulch for the community. Depending on what material is used, it could look entirely different from one day to the next.When I tell our customers over the phone that we sell mulch & they ask what it looks like. "Is it light brown? Is it chunky? Is it fine?" *sigh* It's 2 acres away from my office, I don't know how it's looking today.:huh: I'm not going over there to look at it just to walk back to the phone & hope they're still waiting for me. When I tell them, "Well Sir, people call different things mulch so it would really be best for you to drive out to see if it suits your needs." They get all quiet on the phone like I just cussed them out. I'm all for customer service but YEESH.

    What's your pet peeve?

    when someone is chewing loudly, or burps, or chews with their mouth open - REALLY - don't we have manners!!!