

  • Absolutely 100% true! I love that!
  • thanks for posting, very true. It's something a lot of us forget.
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    It also does not tell you other "facts" like how much body fat you have, how much water you are retaining, etc. It only tells you the grand total and not what the weight is made out of.

    Mine does :p, it is fab! I think it is a WW is great to see the BF % go down even if the total weight doesn't, because of the weight training I do.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    It also does not tell you other "facts" like how much body fat you have, how much water you are retaining, etc. It only tells you the grand total and not what the weight is made out of.

    The scale should be used in conjunction with a tape measure and maybe even calipers to show if a person is a healthy weight. Even then, being a healthy weight does not tell you if you are fun to be around or cute or funny or anything else. :)
    Here's a great site to get you started on this.
  • newme201213
    newme201213 Posts: 116 Member
    got this at the right moment..
  • It also does not tell you other "facts" like how much body fat you have, how much water you are retaining, etc. It only tells you the grand total and not what the weight is made out of.

    not to burst your bubble, bu ti do have a scale that tells me those thing....
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    I love that! !
  • love this, where can I get a picture like that, is that really your scale? love it!
  • twynzmom
    twynzmom Posts: 172
    love it!
  • How true!!! Thanks for this post, I really needed to see this. My scale isn't being as kind as I would like it to be these days. I believe I am loosing inches, but still would like the scale to show something more. Thanks again!!!

    Oh, how I feel that! Hang in there, girl!! I've lost 20 lbs so far, and while I DO feel better and my clothes ARE a little looser and I DO have more's hard to not see those numbers go down faster. LOL We'll get there!!
  • I love this. I wish I could do that to my scale. I might even try to with a white marker or something. Thanks for this wonderful post.
  • SassyB504
    SassyB504 Posts: 15 Member
  • staceybiomed
    staceybiomed Posts: 16 Member
    This made my day!
  • Love it :flowerforyou:
  • mamarichey
    mamarichey Posts: 2 Member
    Very well said :flowerforyou:
    You should create a product that would stick to our scales with this and sale them.
  • BUMP!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    I love this!! Can I steal it for my profile picture? LOL