Juicing Calories???

I would like suggestions on how you are posting the caloric and nutritional details of juice made from Raw veggies and fruit in a home juicer. There seems to be varying opinions on how to document such, and the outcomes differ dramatically nutritionally and calorically. Thanks for any insight.


  • MayhemModels
    MayhemModels Posts: 367 Member
    If it were me I would log all ingredients and caloric values before putting in the juicer
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    I tend to just log the fruit themselves, if not actually consuming the fruit, just the juice. I don't like things complicated. :)
  • SinisterLilDuckie
    Ok, Dad I am going to need your help here... I am getting a juicer on my way home from work tonight and I am going to need some recommended recipes :)
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    I have wondered the same. When I do smoothies I know I can count the whole amount of fruit and vegetable that I put in. But with juice, there's a lot of pulp left over, so there has to be calories left behind. ???
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    You could always weigh the fruit before & after juicing. Use math to extrapolate the caloric product. Juice away :drinker:
  • RillSoji
    RillSoji Posts: 376 Member
    These are recipes I've tried and enjoy enough to drink frequently. Even my hubby likes them well enough! That's a feat.
