Bad Habit Recovery

I am recovering from a bad habit. I suppose some of us here are, so I’m sure my bad habit is pretty familiar. I self- administer a numbing agent, commonly known as food. Ever since I was a child, whenever I got lonely, or depressed, or when life seemed to be just too much, I would eat…and eat…and eat, to the point of shame and embarrassment, but even those were better, and it seemed easier than dealing with the actual issues. And the problem with numbing…unless you keep numbing, you eventually start to feel pain. It wasn’t until now that I realized that actually feeling life (pain) might be the road to healing.
I’m trying to heal.

I don’t want to go through life numb anymore. I want to live, not just exist. (This is becoming my motto.) But, I really am going through some major life issues right now. A month ago, I would turn to food…and now….I’m feeling a little lost. I just don’t know what to do with myself, or how to deal with it. The other day (and this is silly), I was crying while working out…wondering where those feel-good endorphins were that was promised to me if I exercised. :embarassed:

Anyways, I’m just wondering…how do you deal with stress? I would appreciate suggestions….


  • I guess everyone is as stressed as I am. :laugh:
  • HayleyInMotion
    HayleyInMotion Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Phoenix,

    I sympathise fully with you - and you're not silly for having a cry; in my opinion it's one of the best things you can do to clear out your system. If only we could lose weight whilst being able to rely on our favourite crutch - eating! It'd be easier if I only had to concentrate on just the one problem at one time, but unfortunately life has its complications and tragedies that I still have to deal with.

    For what it's worth, the things I try to relieve stress (with varying success as I am far from perfect!) are:
    -Going for a walk, alone (sometimes with ipod/music to give me inspiration)
    -Going for a walk with a friend if possible - a problem shared is a problem halved yada yada.
    -If you can't leave the house and the urge to eat your problems happens, have a bath or shower to relax.
    -Paint your fingernails so you can't pick up any food until they are dry - maybe the urge will go by then!
    -If you are at work (and you can't just pick up and leave), make an excuse to leave your desk/counter/cubicle for 5 minutes and head outside for fresh air - or if it's ok with your co-workers stay and light a scented candle.
    -Chew gum! I know it's a bit of a cheat but it does help to keep your mouth busy.

    Most of all, forgive yourself if you crash and burn - telling yourself that you're an awful person with no self control only hurts your feelings and makes you feel worse. Just imagine what you would say to a friend who had the same problem, and then repeat inner dialogue which reflects that.

    Stay positive! I think your self awareness is extraordinary, and that will give you the strength to do what you need, rather than what numbs you.

    I'll send some good thoughts your way :)