Frustrated with knee pain

I know there have been dozens of threads on knee pain on here...I"ve looked at several. I started 30DS over a week ago and on the second day I did the 20 minute circuit and jogged afterward for 25 minutes. About 20 minutes into my jog I started having pain under my knee. It's more of an ache than pain, really. I haven't jogged since then but continued with 30DS and Tae-Bo cardio. I make sure I keep proper form when doing the lunges and squats in 30DS, I also got a new pair of shoes, but the ache is still in my knee. It's not too bad, I'm just worried that I'm going to mess up my knee permanently if I keep doing what I'm doing.

I don't know if it's 30DS that's making my knee hurt. Perhaps. I decided I'm going to do it every other day rather than every day. I miss jogging though - that's the only way I feel like I'm getting a consistently intense workout. :ohwell:

I used to jog all the time and never had knee trouble, and now I do. I'm just sad, I guess, and needed to vent about it. If you read this, thanks!


  • entropicbeauty
    entropicbeauty Posts: 10 Member
    Do you think it's joint pain? You might consider taking glucosamine.
  • KellyAFraley
    A number of years ago I was in a car wreck and hit my right knee on the dashboard.
    About 3 months ago I hurt the same knee while running. I have found that I can not
    run outside or on a treadmill due to the high impact on my knee. Though I run on an
    elliptical machine everyday, at least 5 miles, and ZERO pain. I too can do lunges &
    squats as long as my thighs will let me with no stress on my knee, but running causes
    so much pain.... I hope you can figure out your reason for knee pain. It's no fun. :\
  • TiffanyV25
    TiffanyV25 Posts: 96 Member
    I know there have been dozens of threads on knee pain on here...I"ve looked at several. I started 30DS over a week ago and on the second day I did the 20 minute circuit and jogged afterward for 25 minutes. About 20 minutes into my jog I started having pain under my knee. It's more of an ache than pain, really. I haven't jogged since then but continued with 30DS and Tae-Bo cardio. I make sure I keep proper form when doing the lunges and squats in 30DS, I also got a new pair of shoes, but the ache is still in my knee. It's not too bad, I'm just worried that I'm going to mess up my knee permanently if I keep doing what I'm doing.

    I don't know if it's 30DS that's making my knee hurt. Perhaps. I decided I'm going to do it every other day rather than every day. I miss jogging though - that's the only way I feel like I'm getting a consistently intense workout. :ohwell:

    I used to jog all the time and never had knee trouble, and now I do. I'm just sad, I guess, and needed to vent about it. If you read this, thanks!

    I started 30DS two weeks ago and I am on day 3 of level 2. My right knee started hurting about day 7 of level 1. It's a strange pain though. Not too intense. It doesn't really hurt while I am doing the exercises but the next day. It almost feels like muscle soreness, but in my knee. I too keep proper form and I have never ever had knee problems before this. I did step aerobics MWF for an hour each time and never felt a hint of pain... I'm scared of pushing through (even though that's what I feel like I should do), but I am scared to damage my knees and end up with permanent damage. Not sure what to do??
  • swilk627
    swilk627 Posts: 245 Member
    I have the same pain (and other knee pain) with BOTH knees unfortunately, and my ortho surgeon has diagnosed chondromalacia. It can be a genetic predisposition thing (in my case), but it can also develop from improper form and overuse. If the knee pain continues, I would highly recommend going to see an ortho.
  • eschwab855
    eschwab855 Posts: 258 Member
    Do you think it's joint pain? You might consider taking glucosamine.
    I take it there is about a 3 week lag when you start to when you know if it works or not some people it works for I swear by it
  • maryjay51
    i have an extremely hard time doing squats and lunges .. my knees kill me with those exercises . i have been using knee braces i bought at a sporting goods store and they are helpful for me when im doing my cardios . i dont get the pain in my knees like i did may want to see a dr and see what they suggest too
  • eschwab855
    eschwab855 Posts: 258 Member
    I have the same pain (and other knee pain) with BOTH knees unfortunately, and my ortho surgeon has diagnosed chondromalacia. It can be a genetic predisposition thing (in my case), but it can also develop from improper form and overuse. If the knee pain continues, I would highly recommend going to see an ortho.
    lol I have that to I get steroid shots in both knees it blows
  • swilk627
    swilk627 Posts: 245 Member
    I have the same pain (and other knee pain) with BOTH knees unfortunately, and my ortho surgeon has diagnosed chondromalacia. It can be a genetic predisposition thing (in my case), but it can also develop from improper form and overuse. If the knee pain continues, I would highly recommend going to see an ortho.
    lol I have that to I get steroid shots in both knees it blows

    No kidding! I got shots in both knees last week!
  • kristindesigner
    kristindesigner Posts: 15 Member
    As long as any tears are ruled out, the best thing you can do is build muscle surrounding your knee to give it more support. I have bad knees from sports, so I know your pain! Try doing wall sets every day (wall sets are where you sit against a wall as if there was a chair supporting you) to help strengthen those muscles. This was prescribed to me by a sports med doc, and it really helped. Just do them while you're brushing your teeth every morning. If you do any impact activities like jogging, ice your knee immediately after finishing up.

    Hope you get better! Knee pain can really kill your motivation. :(
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    I have one knee that hurts like he@@ than an hour later I can almost do anything. But for any type of exercise like bootcamp that I am doing now I need to wear a brace or it is a complete waste for me to be there because pretty much all the exercises are squats, lunges,squats you get my drift.
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    Do you think it's joint pain? You might consider taking glucosamine.

    I guess, it feels like joint pain. I'll try that - thanks!
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    i have an extremely hard time doing squats and lunges .. my knees kill me with those exercises . i have been using knee braces i bought at a sporting goods store and they are helpful for me when im doing my cardios . i dont get the pain in my knees like i did may want to see a dr and see what they suggest too

    I've thought about doing both things (getting a brace and seeing a doc). I'll try the brace first. It's just frustrating, because this is the first time in years that I've actually been motivated to work out, and now I'm having knee pain. No fair.
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    As long as any tears are ruled out, the best thing you can do is build muscle surrounding your knee to give it more support. I have bad knees from sports, so I know your pain! Try doing wall sets every day (wall sets are where you sit against a wall as if there was a chair supporting you) to help strengthen those muscles. This was prescribed to me by a sports med doc, and it really helped. Just do them while you're brushing your teeth every morning. If you do any impact activities like jogging, ice your knee immediately after finishing up.

    Hope you get better! Knee pain can really kill your motivation. :(

    Thank you, and thanks for the tip! I'll try them! I agree re: knee pain killing motivation. I haven't gotten a really intense workout other than 30DS in a week and it's driving me bananas!
  • tgbjr1973
    Cosamin DS is a brand of glucosamine that has helped me tremendously. I can always tell if I miss a day or two because my knees start hurting again.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I've never tried 30 day shred for this reason. I've literally read hundreds of threads on here about it causing knee pain. I've got enough joint problems, no need to make it worse.
  • shano25
    shano25 Posts: 233 Member
    I have chondromalacia as well, I found out about when I was 12 (now I'm 30.) Any sort of squats or lunges put me in pain which means a lot of workout videos are out of the question. It can take me weeks to recover and not feel pain. Swimming is great for your knees. I've been practicing Bikram yoga for the past 10 months and it's amazing how much I can do in the hot room that I can't do outside of it. Plus there are a lot of poses that strengthen your quads and help your knees. Really work on your quads to help your knees.
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    I've never tried 30 day shred for this reason. I've literally read hundreds of threads on here about it causing knee pain. I've got enough joint problems, no need to make it worse.

    Hmm...really makes me wonder if I should stop doing it. I like how intense 30DS is, but I don't want to damage my knee doing it! This morning I tried to make my own circuit-training exercise with lower-impact cardio rather than jumping jacks and butt kicks and such. Maybe that's a new project for me to work on!
  • kaypee65
    kaypee65 Posts: 120 Member
    I had terrible knee pain from running even though I use good form. In my case, I am very knock kneed. Though that's actually good news. Often people with knock knees have some hip instability issues. When they run, they aren't as well balanced on the landing leg and get more roll than they should. This increases pressure on the knee, inflames cartilege and causes pain. I've been doing a lot of hip exercises and haven't had the pain issues in several months; though I've increased my workout time and intensity.

    So, this might not help you, but strengthening my hips and working on flexibility seemed to be a magic bullet.

    That said, I still run like a girl. Sigh.
  • jessjayla
    hmmm, when i first started using 30ds a yr or 2 ago i noticed my right knee hurt quite a bit (usually when doing the butt kicks). I would lay off when the pain started in and do them lighter. I had never had knee issues before but blamed genetics as my mom has terrible knees. Wonder if those excersises had something to do with that? My knees crackle when i walk down the stairs and i'm only 33! not really sure if it's joints or what....