dream yourself skinny!

i keep having dreams in which i'm doing normal, everyday sierra things, & the only difference is that i'm not fat.
it's so weird.
so, you would think that waking up in my current, chubby body would disappoint me, but it's done just the opposite. seeing myself @ my goal weight, i feel empowered, & not just cos i look totes adorable, flitting about in a size 4. in my dreams, i can feel the relief, i can feel a bounce in my step. it's like a peek into my future (i've had premonitions in dreams come to fruition before) & it makes the whole thing seems so much more attainable.

i think this could work. for everyone, i mean. cos if you can dream it, you can do it, right?
add me for fun & support =.n_n=


  • BubblyMelodite
    BubblyMelodite Posts: 13 Member
    I love your post! <3 I've had a couple dreams like that, they're very exciting! :D Thanks for sharing and reminding me of those awesome feelings!! ^.^
  • sierracanbe
    fingers crossed for sweet dreams tonight .n_n