Insanity Workout

Anyone doing the insanity workout? Has anyone been able to complete one entire workout session? Need tips please. Got 10 minutes in and couldn't do anymore. Is this workout for people who already exerise on a regular and are semi fit? Input please....


  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I do think its for people who already work out. I'm planning on doing it in March. Until then I'm building my way up.... hopefully.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    Jillian Michaels videos - they are hard but not near as hard as p90x or insanity.

    I am doing Insanity now, and although hard - I have been able to get through all that I've done (including plyo on the 2nd round).

    Good luck, just stick with it!
  • bamhanson
    bamhanson Posts: 4 Member
    It is created for people who are already in pretty good shape. However, don't be discouraged if you can't do it all, my suggestion is to do it as hard as you can for as long as you can, take a break, and go back at it hard. Any workout is better than no workout and eventually you will see amazing progress in your ability to complete an entire DVD! Good Luck!
  • ajlarz
    ajlarz Posts: 155 Member
    I am in week three of Insanity. It is really intense but after the first week or so, I felt that it was much easier to keep up. However, in the first week I went at my own pace, took very small breaks and tried to keep up as best I could. Three weeks in and I'm loving it!
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    I think anyone can do it as long as you take breaks when needed and don't punish yourself if you can't complete a whole session. I was already working out and within 20 lbs of my goal weight when I started, though. I'm halfway through and still have to stop here and there in the workouts. :)
  • JBuck1914
    JBuck1914 Posts: 81 Member
    Insanity is a high impact workout and you will have to take it one day at a time. After about week or so, it will get easier. You will be able to do more of the exercises and you will be able to finish the tapes. Just make sure you pace yourself and do as much as you can. The consistency will help you build up your endurance. So, if all you can do is 10 mins just do that and tomorrow try to do 15 mins and keep raising the bar daily.
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    I am doing P90 Master Series and plan on doing it when I am in about 65 more day's :laugh:
  • mbcasey2009
    mbcasey2009 Posts: 52 Member
    I did it twice. Didn't lose a pound and the only thing I accomplished was sore knees from all the jumping around-which does not work well for me since I am an avid runner. HOWEVER, my girlfriend did it-she was not active AT ALL and lost 25 pounds on it. It was actually the first "real" workout she ever did. She just went at her own pace and eventually got through the entire workout for the day. Go at your own pace. I don't think it's neccessarily only for those who already work out. I already worked out like a fiend and it didn't work for me. It's great cardio though, and yes, very tough, but you can do it!!
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    I won't be able to help much since I really don't do the whole Insanity workout. I use parts of it to mix it with my other workouts. I gotta tell you this though, just the 8 to 9 minutes of warm up in the Cardio workouts, I had to pause it 3 times at the beginning because I couldn't keep up with it. Today, I go thru it without even affecting my breathing. So, I dare to say that it gets better if you keep trying, just like any other workout.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Do not get discouraged. I weighed 264 when I started Insanity and it was very tough the first few days. I can assure you that I modified the exercises for the first 2 weeks until I could do the proper form. Keep at it and you will come to love doing these sessions. At the midpoint you might get discouraged because the routines change, get harder and longer but stick with it. I'm glad I did.
  • I started this whole journey with Insanity; I hadn't worked out in a few years before that!! I was hard at first but the more you keep going and the more you do it the easier it will get.

    Try to do the whole video but take breaks as many times as you need to, I completed the program but still do some of the videos everyday and I still have times where I have to rest for a minute. For some reason Shaun T really motivates me, sometimes I find myself yelling at the TV when I want to stop but I keep going :)

    Please stick with it and don't give up, I will get easier and you will love the results!!!
  • My workout buddy and I hit the insanity at lunch where we work.

    He is 250#'s+ and I am 360#'s+ so the workout is definitely hard.

    Neither of us has been able to do everything in the workout, although he is doing better than myself.

    The warmups alone are tough!

    But as Shaun T says, if you need to stop--do so then get right back in.

    We do the entire 40+ minutes but stop to rest when we absolutely have to then jump back in.

    We are seeing good results and feel really good about 1 hour after ending the workout (endorphins)!

    We figure even with stopping we are doing well since we do as much as we can in the 40 minutes--we are seeing improvements.

    Stick with it and you will see results also.
  • knelson7
    knelson7 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, I would consider myself to be very fit. I do weights 2-3 times a week, run 6-8 miles twice a week (training for a 1/2 marathon), and do insanity when I can't get to the gym. I find the workouts challenging. I can do them, but have to modify some of the harder moves at times and definitely feel like I am working hard! I am working toward being able to do the workouts without any modification. I would encourage you to keep doing them, just modify the moves, slow down, and take breaks when needed until you can make it through a whole video. If you are working your hardest it is a great workout, even if you're not up to Shawn T's pace yet ;-)

    A few easy modifications: For push ups or moves like push ups, just do regular push ups or even push ups on your knees until your strength builds. For the jumping moves, if you get to the point where you can't continue just do regular squats or jog in place. Don't feel bad if you need a quick break here and there, even the people on the video sometimes do!
  • jmzhale
    jmzhale Posts: 186
    My wife and I are mid way through the 3rd week. We have had to skip some days because of schedules and such. It is very difficult, I can't get through a whole workout without stopping to rest. I just rest till my heart rate goes down I can go again. I have noticed that I am not having to rest quite as often as when I first started and my form for some of the exercises is getting better. It helps me to have her to work out with as I hate letting her outlast me so it pushes me to work harder. I have be exercising on the elliptical for a year now and there is no way I could have done Insanity back when I first started exercising. My wife did Zumba and elliptical for about 6 months before she tackled Insanity.
  • shannonmelek
    shannonmelek Posts: 34 Member
    Iv done 1 week of insanity, its hard but you got to push through it, i had to stop due to family coming. But its intense and it tests your body on how far you can go.
  • twinmama1987
    twinmama1987 Posts: 566 Member
    Just take breaks. & push through. --- I completed 2 rounds ... here are some pics :) .. i also did 2 rounds of p90x and am currently doing turbo fire and IN LOVE!
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member
    If you pay attention you'll notice not even the people on the DVD always complete the whole work out. They pause and take mini breaks. I haven't worked out in years and started with Insanity. I had to take breaks and make modifications when I started. Now, I'm on week 3 and I still can't do everything, but I at least keep moving the whole time. I do as much as I can and when I can't anymore I jog/sprint in place.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    You need to be in really good shape to complete and entire workout without taking a couple breaks now and then. However if you cannot make it through the warmup without multiple breaks then I'd say you're not ready for it.

    Insanity is designed to go all out like they do in the video, taking a 15 second breather now and then like they do as wll, but no point of doing it at 60%. Find something less intense but still challenging and work your way to it.
  • mayerrocks
    mayerrocks Posts: 112 Member
    You did 10 full minutes the first time?! Wow! I didn't last 6 minutes! I did the Plyometric Cardio Circuit, and couldn't even complete the warm up. Maybe my being 40 had something to do with it, however, I suspect that it's the lack of exercise for the last 10 years that has gotten me into the bad shape I am in. It was a visit to the doctor that made it clear to me that I need to shape up, or else.... When I began Insanity I thought I will never be able to conquer it, but with persistence I am seeing progress, and I am now doing 26 minutes, and am slowly getting better at it.

    Tip: Pause the DVD, take a minute break, and then resume!

    Good luck on your journey to good health.

  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    I have "made it through" but there was a lot of wheezing and panting and walking around.
    Just a suggestion, but I would up my fitness level before trying to go full force on this, or at least speak to a trainer about how to modify the moves until your core is stronger. Doing those moves wrong will mess you up bad otherwise.