Sweet Potato Help

I'm attempting to fix a sweet potato tonight to eat. What are your suggestions??? I've never really fixed sweet potatos, but I'm leaning toward making fries. Let me know what ideas you all have.



  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Yes, make fries! What I do is cut up the sweet potato into fries w/skin on and toss them with some olive oil and spices (I like garlic salt and cummin) and place them on a greased pan (put some salt on the pan as well, it makes so they don't stick) and cook at around 425 degrees. Cooking time will depend on how thick your fries are, how many you have and how done you want them so just watch them. I also like to turn mine once during the cooking process. Yummy!!
  • glassgallm
    glassgallm Posts: 276 Member
    I roast them with apples and a little cinnamon and a few tablespoons of orange juice in a covered casserole dish. You can pre-cook the sweet potatoes whole in the microwave until slightly soft, then cool and the peels slip right off, or you can peel and cut them up raw and roast them with the apples. Pre-cooking them in the microwave saves a little time.
  • Donnajoball
    I just cut slice into rounds add a little olive oil and bake @350 turning once til brown/crispy.
    My children actually like them as well. We have sprinkled salt and pepper, cinnamon and truvia, or a little brown sugar.

    They are also good boiled my M-I-L made them for me they were good just smashed on my plate!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I somehow always burn them when I make fries. A little cajan pepper and olive oil is nice on fries.

    I typcially just boil them and mash them up like regular potatoes. You can sprinkle cinnamon on top too. A touch of butter is nice.

    I have read suggestions that if you are making fries to throw them in the microwave for a few minutes (pierced) to soften them up for cutting. I haven't tried it.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Sweet Potatoes are generally a staple in this house. I will make fries but I am the same as 3DR, I burn them quite often. I would be interested in the microwave method.

    I typically bake a bunch of them at once (heating up the oven anyway right?) and keep the amount we are going to eat in the frig to reheat and throw the rest in a ziplock in the freezer for a quick reheat during the week.

    We do not put anything on them with the exception of maybe some smart balance once and a while. I find that they are wonderful all by themselves.

    I also have a recipe where you cut them into cubes, roast them, add a can of black beans, a handful of chopped cilantro and fresh lime juice that is simply delicious.