What to do when you are sick?

I've been sick for 5 days. I've been trying to stick to my calories and was doing great with exercise, except the last 2 days I have had no energy. I feel hungry-ish, but I'm not sure if I'm truly hungry or just sick and bored.

What do you do when you are sick?


  • BobbyMorgan
    Dead people lose no weight!

    Take care of yourself. Chicken soup, lots of fluids, and plenty of rest. Go for a walk if you feel up to it. Don't push yourself too much when you are sick. That will just make you sick longer.
  • shellynels
    It's more important to focus on getting better than on losing weight. That doesn't mean binge out on crappy food, but missing a few days of the gym and concentrating on resting your mind and body might be a good idea. As far as food goes, stock up on healthy soups and vitamin C. If you feel like you really need to do some kind of exercising, it's probably better to go with something low impact, like yoga.

    That's what I do, anyway. :)
  • crazycat80
    crazycat80 Posts: 121 Member
    I was sick last week. I exercised one day but ended up exhausted the next two. So I listened to my body and let it rest, getting plenty of water and extra sleep. I had a couple "treats" but really tried to stick with the healthier stuff since that's the fuel my body needed to recouperate. I'd say let your body rest try to balance what your body needs with what you want.
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks ya'll. Its rough enough being sick. It's even rougher being sick, taking care of house, and 4 kids with a husband who works crazy hours as well as living with my mother-in-law. Add in trying to lose weight and I'm pretty sure I'm borderline psychotic ;) lol