Cardio workout - morning or evenings?


Just wanted to get some of you guys opinions on this - ive been doing a bit of reading online following a couple of comments suggested to me that for cardio/weight loss workouts that I should really be doing these first thing in the morning, and for any strength/weights should be in the evening?

I'm starting to think a routine of early mornings might be a better plan, I can understand it starting your body (and day) after several hours of sleep, and find that evenings you sometimes lose motivation or other plans can often interfere with this too easily and I was interested to hear from anyone who has tried both and which they prefer?




  • ursula0601k
    ursula0601k Posts: 169 Member
    I would do what makes u feel good. I can't work out in the morning as I always have more energy at night. If I try to work out in the morning, I only seem to give 70%. However, some people swear by it and can't imagine not working out in the morning. So, it's really about personal preference and when u think u can give the most energy to your workout.
    Good luck!