Combining Weight Watchers and MFP

I have no interest in joining WW - but I'm curious on their Fruit concept of it being free and wanted to find out if anyone else has tried to combine the two and if so, how it worked weight loss wise.

Thanks in advance!


  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    A lot of WW members aren't happy with the new "free fruit" because it still adds up. I like to be accountable to that. Also I watch my carb count and fruits are almost entirely carb - I'm not low-carb - just moderate carbs. Also try weighing your fruit. The apple you think is a small/medium little 80 calorie treat may actually be pushing 150 cals or more. Those Fuji apples I love can be ginormous!!!

    ETA: also depends on how much you have to lose. Eating a 200-300 extra calories per day in "free" fruits and veggies might not have as big of an impact on a person with 150lbs to lose or a men (they naturally have higher calorie needs)
  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 305
    I've been doing both since March 2011. I don't tell my leader this, but I don't do points. I use MFP for calculating my food, I log everything, including fruit so I can watch all the nutrients. I don't like the points system because I want to know all that is in what I'm eating, but my husband wanted to do WW so we do. He has already made his Lifetime Goal so we're only paying for me now until I make my goal. We consider it our Tuesday night club. We love our group and have made many new friends there and that's been encouraging. MFP is my favorite though because of the friends I have here, and it's free. I'm finally in a groove with balancing the two and it's working fine for me. It was a struggle at first, trying to log both places, etc.
  • melajarrells
    melajarrells Posts: 8 Member
    I tried to do the new WW program, but it was too involved. I have used WW for many years and I love points, but this is so much easier now that they changed it!!
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Yeah I have no interest in joining it. But was just really curious how the point system was working with the fruit when using MFP, especially because I love to eat fruit. Definitely have to agree w/ Tara though - I almost always measure/weight my fruit now. Too bad for me that I love all the fruits that everyone always says to stay clear of lol.