Sorry - need to vent

Feel really down today, I stupidly weighed myself this morning (instead of promising I'd only do it on a Friday) only to find I've gained 5lbs back, even though I've been exercising, drinking plenty of water and trying to eat fairly healthy...And to top it all off, either I've shrunk my jeans in the wash, I'm gaining muscles in my thighs or they're just getting fatter coz my jeans are feeling a bit tighter round my thighs! Can't bloody win!!

Sorry to whinge on here, but (cue the violins) I don't like to talk to my few friends that I have about my weight loss as they're all either their ideal weight/size or underweight and I just generally don't like having to burden people with my issues - so, sorry random t'internet people, you're lumped with it instead (its easier to type and not see someone!!)


  • emmaruns
    emmaruns Posts: 189 Member
    Ah that darned scale! When you say "eating fairly healthy" are you logging? If you have a record of eating fewer calories than you burn beieve me it WILL come off. I've had my ups and downs but it helped to visually see that I was hitting my calorie and exercise goals. You retain water when your muscles heal after exercise. And I'm sure those jeans shrunk, hon!
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    I jumped up a couple pounds at the end of the first week I started Jillian Michals. I have the same issue with my pants not fitting over my thighs. Pants that used to fit over them the week before. Same thing with some shirts, the upper arms are really tight. So frustrating! But my boyfriend told me he can feel and see the muscle definition change in my arms and shoulders when he gives me a backrub. I'm chalking it up to muscle gain and crossing my fingers that over time the new muscle will thin out as I lose body fat and get more tone.
  • Bazzy72
    Remember....muscle weighs more than fat!!!!! You can do this girl! Keep at it and strive to be healthy!
  • Jrabbit81sleeved
    Jrabbit81sleeved Posts: 18 Member
    Remember....muscle weighs more than fat!!!!! You can do this girl! Keep at it and strive to be healthy!

    Healthy is the way to do it!! :-)
  • Jrabbit81sleeved
    Jrabbit81sleeved Posts: 18 Member
    Feel really down today, I stupidly weighed myself this morning (instead of promising I'd only do it on a Friday) only to find I've gained 5lbs back, even though I've been exercising, drinking plenty of water and trying to eat fairly healthy...And to top it all off, either I've shrunk my jeans in the wash, I'm gaining muscles in my thighs or they're just getting fatter coz my jeans are feeling a bit tighter round my thighs! Can't bloody win!!

    Sorry to whinge on here, but (cue the violins) I don't like to talk to my few friends that I have about my weight loss as they're all either their ideal weight/size or underweight and I just generally don't like having to burden people with my issues - so, sorry random t'internet people, you're lumped with it instead (its easier to type and not see someone!!)

    Chick!! Worry not, the scales are evil. My jeans are always smaller when out of the wash, so don't worry and wait till Friday I'm sure it'll be all good :-) xx
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    As you're exercising, I would take down measurements also and keep checking them here and there. Often when the scales don't show you what you want to see, the measuring tape does!
  • fitobsessed
    Don't fret - I've lost over 5 pounds, yet all of my pants still fit tight in the thights and butt. Without measuring myself (which I should and will), I know I've lost inches in my waist - but not my hips. I lost weight in my face as well. As they say - you didn't gain the weight overnight and you won't take it off that way. Take it one day at a time.
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    Ah that darned scale! When you say "eating fairly healthy" are you logging? If you have a record of eating fewer calories than you burn beieve me it WILL come off. I've had my ups and downs but it helped to visually see that I was hitting my calorie and exercise goals. You retain water when your muscles heal after exercise. And I'm sure those jeans shrunk, hon!

    I do log my foods, I'm even trying to cut some foods out (Bread mainly) to see if that helps at all, and I'm drinking at least 2 litres of water a day now -worse thing is the jeans I was wearing were my old big jeans, which doesnt fill me with confidence, so I don't even want to try the smaller ones I bought
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    As you are exercising you are gaining muscle underneath your fat, I find muscle builds a lot faster than fat will burn off. (yeah) When I build muscle in my thighs as I 'm doing now my thighs look bigger than they were before because I still have a ways to go with getting rid of the fat ON TOP of that lovely muscle. It will take time. I was thinking just today that i can't wait for the day when i can wear loose fitting pants, look down and see flowing material, not clinging to fat. Someday this year, someday.
  • Emily_Katherine
    Don't be discouraged! All you can do is keep at it, keep eating healthy and being active. From your diary it looks like you are hitting your calorie goals and then some, maybe it is just that you were retaining water or something when you stepped on the scale.

    "A weight fluctuation of three to five pounds over the course of a day is completely normal and doesn't suggest that you've gained weight."
  • hpynh2o
    hpynh2o Posts: 194 Member
    Ignore the scale. Your weight can fluctuate hugely on a day to day basis. It's related to hydration, bowel contents, a full bladder, menstruation cycle, etc. You're not in this for the day to day variations, but for the long haul. Stick with your plan. Eat well, exercise, drink plenty of water and enjoy the benefits of healthy living. It sounds like you're doing great!
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    I know exactly how you feel, so much so that I've had to get my partner to hide the scale, lol.
    Now I'm only allowed it on a Monday morning for a couple of minutes.
    I'm still obsessed in my head, but at least I'm not weighing every day & getting depressed.
    Of course ask me on Monday........I'll probably be down in the dumps. Again!
  • beccabuckle
    I know how you feel. I have been working out and still my clothes don't fit well. It's frustrating, but you have to be patient. Muscle does weigh more than fat so we have to keep that in mind too. Try taking your measurements. Losing inches is sometimes more important than losing weight; I say that I know I'm fretting about all the weight I'm not losing. Try adding more fruits and veggies to your diet or adding something new to your workouts. Maybe your body is craving something new. I know mine is begging me to try Zumba or some other kind of dance workout.

    I know you can continue your goals- regardless of what the scale says. It might be frustrating and depressing at times, but you can achieve your goals and fit into your clothes. Another thing to keep in mind too is I'm finding that while I'm out hunting for jeans none of the sizes I have at home fit in the store. I think they are "shrinking" the sizes in stores, but that's just me.

    Keep up the amazing work and know that you are beautiful and amazing for coming so far. ^___^
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    You said you've been drinking tons of water and that will adjust your scale a bit. Dont let it get you down because you're trying to take care of your body and be healthy!!
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    Don't take a single measurement too hard, you need to look at them as trends over a longer period of time. I personally vary in weight greatly daily. Even discounting the fact that most scales are not only inaccurate but somewhat inconsistent, how hydrated you are and how much food is sitting in your digestive system is going to affect that.

    For example, after my run two days ago I weighed 177 in the morning, but the yesterday I was at 181.5, and then today I was at 179.5.

    And don't think about your weight as much as how you look. If you think you are looking better, who cares what the scale says?
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    My suggestion would be to back down on the sugar, and add more veggies...
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    Ignore the scale. Your weight can fluctuate hugely on a day to day basis. It's related to hydration, bowel contents, a full bladder, menstruation cycle, etc. You're not in this for the day to day variations, but for the long haul. Stick with your plan. Eat well, exercise, drink plenty of water and enjoy the benefits of healthy living. It sounds like you're doing great!

    Beat me to it! :D
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Took a look at your diary....
    You are not eating enough, and your metabolism is no doubt stifled.
    You need to eat to goal, and that includes eating back your exercise calories.

    MFP has calculated our total calories required each day WITHOUT exercise to lose 1lb per week.
    And after we log in our exercises, our calorie limit goes up.
    Because it's telling us to eat our exercise calories.
    Large deficits are unhealthy, because while you will lose weight, what's the quality of the weight loss?
    In many cases you'll lose lean body mass - MUSCLE - which LOWERS your metabolic rate, making weight loss harder.
    Then you have to lower calories even more to compensate, and the cycle continues.
    Be smart.
    Exercise well both cardio and resistance, and eat back the calories.
    The exercise will RAISE your metabolism and burn more fat at rest.
  • doctor_mike
    Ignore the scale. Your weight can fluctuate hugely on a day to day basis. It's related to hydration, bowel contents, a full bladder, menstruation cycle, etc. You're not in this for the day to day variations, but for the long haul. Stick with your plan. Eat well, exercise, drink plenty of water and enjoy the benefits of healthy living. It sounds like you're doing great!

    Agreed....stick to your plan and do not waiver in the face of minor bumps....
  • amaried621
    amaried621 Posts: 260 Member
    The scale can be really evil for motivation and confidence. Use the scale as a guide, maybe you want to track your body fat percentage more than your weight. I'm getting close to my goal weight and the last measurement I did I found that I didn't lose much fat at all but my body fat percentage had gone down a few percent. Don't get discouraged that the scale was up and just remember that your body may be retaining water or something from the previous night and if you weigh yourself tomorrow morning it might be a few pounds lighter! Fight the urge to weigh yourself more than your once a week (or however often). It can be a motivation killer.