Friends on a mission!

Hi Guys!

I'm looking for motivational and supportive friends. I think this app/website is exactly what I need. I feel like Ive hit a bump in the road and like no one around me understands what I'm going through. I love the fact of being able to compare food and exercise ideas, i don't know about some of you but I'm looking for true friends, people that I can chat with when I have questions or just need a push or uplifting word. Sometimes just seeing what you guys are going through( struggles and triumphs) is such a big help. I'd also like to help others out. Heck isn't that what friends are for!? :)
Send a friend request if you'd like to be diet/workout buddies!!!!!!


  • ShelbyBeck414
    This site is FABULOUS for motivation and support...its amazing how a 'stranger' can just put a smile on your face when you need it!!! Good luck can reach your goals!!
  • miamigirll
    This site is'll meet some great folks here! :)