just starting out - this is day 2

did quite good yesterday - stuck to my calorie intake and walked home
hoping to keep this up - need some inspiration to stick to this long term? any ideas or tips?


  • carole456
    carole456 Posts: 121 Member
    I started Jan 1st and have felt really positive this time, tried lots of diets before, I log on first thing in the morning and regularly throughout the day, I feel that the constant support and looking at other people's success stories inspire me to keep going and to continue exercising even weather is bad, feel free to add me if you want:flowerforyou:
  • holy cow u have lost 21 lbs since January 1st? That's amazing any suggestions to a newbie?
  • hi minx, this is my 2nd day too. I didn't do so well yesterday as i went to my mom's and had one of the left over rocky road cup cakes that she made for my stepdad's birthday, if i hadn't have had that, i'd have been under target, but never mind, i'm doing really well today.

    how much weight are you looking to lose?

    good luck
  • :flowerforyou: i am looking to lose at least 3 stone to start with i am current 15 and hope to get to 12 and then take it from there - i will never be a skinny minny but would at least like to lose weight for health and also to look better