Too those of you who like menu consistency, share!

I love eating the same thing daily with little variance (at least on weekdays) am I the only crazy one???

My day looks like this – what’s your look like?

1. 1% milk and All Bran (½ cup each)
2. ½ cup egg whites with 1 cup spinach & chicken bacon(2)
3. Baby carrots (1.5 oz), chicken breast on whole wheat with avocado, lettuce and mustard
4. Granny smith apple
5. Chicken breast, broccoli with 1 tsp EVOO and garlic powder (or ½ large green pepper with ½ tsp EVOO and garlic powder) & brown rice or couscous
6. GNC’s Gold Standard Chocolate Whey Protein shake with ½ cup 1%, ¼ cup strawberries and 1 tbsp natural pb

= 1200-1300 cals & 10-13 glasses of water, 1 packet of Crystal Light with dinner.


  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    Breakfast : 3 cups of coffee with a total of 1.5 tablespoons NesQuik & 2 oz of milk
    Granny smith apple with 1.5 tbs peanut butter
    Lunch : Quinoa or Lentils with soup
    AFternoon snack : peppers, carrots, celery with 1 tbs ranch + 1 tsp hot sauce
    Dinner : .............. dinner food with family
    post workout snack : harvest powerbar double chocolate crisp
  • his_kid1
    his_kid1 Posts: 177 Member
    this kind of fascinates me because I am the EXACT opposite, but my dh IS like this. Looking to get ideas for stuff I can stock or pack for him on a regular basis.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I was eating the same thing for lunch & dinner everyday for two weeks and I hated it.

    But I like eating the same breakfast everyday:
    1 cup plain yogurt
    Ola! granola (between 14 g - 28 g , typically 14g)
    an apple (~100 g)
    a hard boiled egg or two.

    I feel off without my yogurt mixture
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    I like to eat the same things again and again. It's been a real help to me.

    Right now I have it set that my Mondays & Wednesdays are the exact same as are my Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    Mon & Wed - Pita Pit Chicken Teriyaki for lunch and Chicken Parm for dinner

    Tues & Thurs - Subway chicken sub for lunch and Salmon & broccoli for dinner.

    Every morning is just a banana and oat bar.

    Shopping is very easy for me. Same things nearly every time. When I DO get bored I change it up with something new and then eat that over and over and over...
  • I just read that people who do what you are doing lose weight easier than those who vary their diet.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I think of myself as someone who craves variety, but I find myself eat the same things every day too!

    Breakfast: Protein shake
    Mid-Morning Snack: Plain yogurt or oatmeal with berries and cinnamon
    Lunch: Leftovers from dinner, or a big salad
    Mid-Afternoon Snack: Fruit, with a handful of almonds or smashed avocado on light Wasa crackers
    Dinner: Something vegetable-based made from scratch (these days it's often soup or a gratin)
  • Sweetchaos66
    Sweetchaos66 Posts: 59 Member
    I eat the same for breakfast everyday. Its easy and I dont think well in the mornings but everything else is up in the air. I dont even know what i am having for dinner.

    I eat 2 hard boiled eggs and coffee every morning and have an apple mid morning.
  • OceansForever
    OceansForever Posts: 221 Member
    I am that way. Main reason, I can cook ahead on weekends (cook double or triple the recipe) and freeze in individual serving sizes, so I have my ready to go meal and don't have to bother cooking every day or preparing lunches.

    Breakfast never changes as I just cannot think of anything equally healthy and good tasting. I haven't gotten bored of it yet, so I'll keep it :)

    Breakfast - Oatmeal with flax seeds and blueberries
    Lunch - this week a Black Bean and Corn Salad with Lime (last week it was black bean soup with orange)
    Dinner - this week - Vegetable Paella (next week it'll be red beans with rice)

    Snacks are usually through out the day: mixed nuts, pumpernickel bread with peanut butter, and an apple.
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    I can't have the same thing every day, but I rotate the same few meals.

    Breakfast: 2 hardboiled eggs, yogurt with grapenuts, or peanut butter granola bar
    Lunch: Tuna on sandwhich thins or flat out flat bread, hummus and laughing cow cheese on sandwich thins, or peanut butter on sandwich thins
    Dinner: Chicken Sausage and rice, homemade pizza on flat out flat bread
    Snacks: Dry roasted almonds, 100 calorie pop corn, cheese sticks, crackers and cheese
  • jasharp021
    jasharp021 Posts: 54 Member
    I feel the same. I like to keep my mornings/days consistent and then I know what I can have for dinner and if I want to spice it up... and dinner is usually the meal that I "cheat" at if I need/want a cheat.

    1. 1/2 cup skim milk, 1 cup multrigrain cheerios
    2. 10 pretzel nibblers & cheese stick
    3. 1/2 tbs of RF pnb & 1/2 tbs jelly, bagel thin, few chips, hershey kiss (if craving sweet)
    4. 100 calorie cottage cheese
    5. Dinner

    That is usually my staple menu for the day but if I am still hungry I will have some crackers, fruit or cottage cheese into the mix. Dinner depends on how the day is as well as the kind of workout I have. I'll usually treat myself to some pasta or sushi once a week or have a nice big salad with the fixings (cukes, tomatoes, croutons, crumbled cheese, yummy dressing, chicken or steak). Then tons of water.. at least 8 during the day and then whatever I consume at the gym/home
  • hskriver
    hskriver Posts: 33 Member
    I'm similar in that I can't have exactly the same thing each day, but during the work week I rotate a few different things for my breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Dinner is always variable.

    - Cottage Cheese w/Nutella, PB, or Almond butter and a banana or apple
    - Oat Bran and Flaxseed Meal with greek yogurt and frozen fruit (usually peaches, but sometimes berries)
    - Frittata

    Morning Snack - always a serving of some sort of nut

    - Sandwich of some sort or salad

    Afternoon Snack - Baby Carrots (4.5oz) or a cucumber
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I just read that people who do what you are doing lose weight easier than those who vary their diet.

    My mother-in-law said a while ago, she got it from a Dr. Oz show. I believe the real reason for this though is consistency and habits keep you on track but if you use MFP and log everything, you aren’t in the dark about what you are eating.
  • eve7166
    eve7166 Posts: 218 Member
    I try to stick to the same things..its easier to lose weight that way for me.. and like a previous poster said when I get bored I just change it up a little..

    breakfast: Quacker Weight Control Oatmeal (usually maple brown sugar)
    Lunch: Left over chicken with some veggie or a wrap /or a salad/ or wendys chili
    Diner: Chicken with possibly cheese or a dip sauce like bbq/ or skirt steak /or hamburger patty with a slice of cheese
    if I get hungry for a snack: its either banana/ apples/ or yogart
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    I like to have consistency within a week for easy grocery shopping, easy pack lunches and budget reasons.
    So this week my menu looks about like this:

    Breakfast: english muffin with pb and banana or cherrios and a banana
    Morning Snack: yogurt
    Lunch: turkey, cheese, avocado wrap, veggies and laughing cow wedge
    Afternoon snack:
    Dinner: my dinners differ every night (tonight shrimp on brown rice with mustard greens)
  • EmHorn4
    EmHorn4 Posts: 72 Member
    This is my "its the same but a little bit different every day" menu:

    - 2 egg whites, fried (just with a little Pam) - or 3 eggs, maybe one yolk.
    - Better Oats, Oat Revolution Instant Oatmeal (Peaches n' Cream)

    Morning Snack:
    -Chobani 0% fat yogurt (this is my "racey" chance to mix it up with whatever flavor I want, woot!)
    -Apple (or other piece of fruit, but I buy apples by the bag, they seem to last)

    -Perdue boneless skinless chicken breast, 4oz. (or another variation - today I have a 4oz. turkey burger (ground turkey - 93/7))
    -Veggie salad (Dole Very Veggie salad mix and/or my own cut up variety of veggies)
    -One good fat on the salad: usually I do unsalted sunflower seeds or 1/3 avocado
    -Sargento Reduced Fat Shredded Mild Cheddar cheese, or Kraft 2% Shredded Sharp Cheddar cheese (1/4 cup or less)
    -Newman's Own Light Balsamic dressing, or Newman's Own Light Roasted Garlic Balsamic (2 tblsp) - anything without more than 3g of sugar in it, but these two are my favorites.

    Afternoon Snack:
    -Celery w/ Teddie All Natural Peanut Butter (2 tblsp) - or I'll mix it up with a handful of nuts and some kind of veggie. I always keep peanut butter and nuts at work as my "base" for this snack.

    -A lean meat or shrimp (I always like to have the Perdue Perfect Portions (individually wrapped) boneless skinless chicken breasts on hand, as well as a bag of frozen shrimp, so I can decide last minute)
    -Long grain brown rice (1/2 cup cooked)
    -Steamed broccoli/asparagus, or a small salad
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I don’t have a “set” menu persay, but I do have things I tend to have a lot of:

    Breakfast/morning snacks/afternoon snacks:
    Whole wheat toast + smear of peanut butter + 1/3 banana in slices
    Hard boiled eggs
    Greek yogurt
    Cottage cheese + fruit
    Bran flake cereal + skim milk + 1/3 banana sliced or other fruit or dried fruit (cranberries usually)
    Baby cut carrots

    Tend to be left overs from dinner the night before

    Dinners vary quite a bit, but most often contain some of the following:
    Steamed veggies
    Black Beans
    Brown Rice or Rice Medley with Barley, quinoa, etc
    Quinoa or Bulgur
    Lean protein like chicken
    Lots of veggies like butternut squash, tomatoes, etc.

    I also drink protein shakes after workouts and sometimes makes shakes from them (not often though).
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    this kind of fascinates me because I am the EXACT opposite, but my dh IS like this. Looking to get ideas for stuff I can stock or pack for him on a regular basis.

    My DH is crazy consistent too with healthy food just none of what I listed above for me (other than dinner) but he really doesn't like duplicated dinners, makes him kinda sad, lol! So I just alternate veggies and it’s good enough for him and I.

    Tonight for example we have a grad class after work so I pre-make dinner which is usually “Chili Rice” b/c it’s easy to pack and warm up and of course delicious!’.

    Here is my photo;


    It’s 335 cals with13 gr of protein, 11 grams of fiber!

    1 cup dry minute rice, cooked
    1 garlic clove
    2 tsp chili powder
    ¾ cup frozen corn, defrosted
    1 small onion
    ¾ cup black turtle beans (we like these better than kidney)
    1 cup diced tomatoes
    1 large green pepper
    2 tsp Frank’s ret hot sauce or other hot sauce if desired

    Cook rice as directed while sautéing onions, garlic and peppers. Thaw corn and add all remaining ingredients including rice once cooked. Stir well and cook on low heat until any remaining diced tomato juices are absorbed.
  • beckipercy
    beckipercy Posts: 160 Member
    I kind of wish I could do this, but I work different shifts every day and my days off change each week. On my days off/late shifts though I ALWAYS have the same breakfast/lunch.

    I'll have a coffee when I wake up, then an hour or two later I'll have 2 slices of toast with 2 quorn sausages and half a tin of beans. It's delicious every time!
  • grannynickel
    grannynickel Posts: 48 Member
    Last fall I worked out with a trainer for 10 weeks. He told me that we really only need 5 different food items: chicken, green beans, sweet potatoes, egg whites, and oatmeal. He called it "Food for fuel, not for fun." I found that to be too restrictive and factored in other veggies, fish, whole eggs on occasion, bread, milk, and other items that make life much more bearable. But, I am a creature of habit and it makes sense to me to eat what works. A typical day for me looks like this:

    Breakfast: oatmeal with 1/2 to 2/3 c 0% milk, or 3-egg white + 1 whole egg omelet loaded with veggies and mushrooms and salsa
    Snack: Activia Light Yogurt
    Lunch: 1 oz shaved turkey w/ 1 slice 45 calorie 100% mulitgrain bread
    Snack: 2% cottage cheese (4 oz.) and baby carrots or other crunchy, flavorful veggies
    Dinner: 3-4 oz chicken breast, or shrimp, or talapia, 3-4 oz. sweet potato, and veggies. I often make a stir-fry and spice it up any way I feel at the moment

    I like my food to be very flavorful and colorful so I use lots of dark green and orange veggies. It works for me. Good luck.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    For the Greek yogurt regulars, I just saw a key lime one by Dannon in stores yesterday, mmm! I bought the Fiber 1 Key Lime ones once in the US (Fiber 1 Yogurt is not in Canada) and it was delicious! I bet this is the same, just thicker.

    I'm such a deal hunter though that spending $1 on 1 individual cup of yogurt rather than .25 on Source or Silhouette bums me out, ha ha! I bought Source’s dessert variety recently, mmm crème caramel, chocolate raspberry, and all 35 cals!
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm in the group that varies dinner, and also my weekends vary (but stay consistent to each other), but breakfast and lunch during the week varies very little for about a month at a time.


    Breakfast: Kashi Go Lean Crunch with 2% milk, 1 cup of each This keeps me full and satisfied until lunch time
    Lunch: 1/2 cup homemade bean salad and 2 homemade spicy meatballs
    Lunch/snack: Lately I'll have a homemade blueberry muffin either with lunch or mid-afternoon. Sometimes I'll eat a cereal bar instead, or skip it altogether

    (Late morning) Breakfast: Two whole eggs with a slice of American cheese (no salt) 2-3 slices of turkey bacon, and a buttermilk biscuit with jelly and margarine
    Lunch: Usually a baked potato or sandwich

    Next up for lunch, I think I'm going to make baked teriyaki chicken and steamed broccoli that I can heat up. We'll see, though. I'm digging the beans.
  • My breakfast/morning snack/lunch are the same most weekdays.
    Breakfast: 2 eggs and 2 bacon medallions (sometimes an omelette with chicken/ham).
    Snack: Carrot sticks or an apple
    Lunch: Salad of tuna, sweetcorn, spinach, cherry tomato & cucumber

    At weekends I usually have porridge for breakfast/lunch (I wake up a lot later).
  • I eat the same meals every day too! Mostly because they are the foods I know are 'safe' foods, ie I know they are healthy and low carb and no junk and will make me lose weight. And also because as a student I have a budget of about £12 a week for food and this all comes in at pretty much bang on!

    Breakfast: 30g of Branflakes
    Low fat fruit yoghurt
    Handful of raisins

    Lunch: Banana

    Tea: Tin of soup (various flavours)
    2 Ryvita crispbreads with low fat spread or reduced fat pesto

    Snack: (if needed) Crrot sticks and hummus.

    Drinks: Green tea, black tea, rooibos tea, white tea, fruit tea, camomile tea, water.
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    I just read that people who do what you are doing lose weight easier than those who vary their diet.

    Oh how I wish that was true - I eat pretty much the same things day in & day out (<1200) ............. weightloss is veeeeeery slow.
  • nitrogen_widget
    nitrogen_widget Posts: 92 Member
    Pretty much eat the same during the week.
    Greek yogurt & blueberries for breakfast.
    Chicken & hot sauce with cheese in a wrap for lunch with some fruit.

    Dinner I go either chicken breast & yam or veggies.
    Or ground turkey in a wrap.

    Before bed either a bowl of kashi go-lean & a protein shake or more Greek yogurt mixed with whey.

    Makes it easy to shop, cook in mass quantities, adjust cals, & input into myfitnesspal.