Don't be afraid and NEVER give up

This was my blog today. I thought it might be interesting to those here. Always looking for support from new friends so please add me if you like!


One thing I've been thinking about a lot lately is how completely and utterly I had given up on losing weight before this time. I didn't think I had another "I'm going to lose this weight" in me. I believed that being fat was part of my story and that was really sad and depressing.

I think what was going on with me far more than resolving myself to a lifetime of plus size pants was fear. Fear of what people would think when I was "on a diet". AGAIN. My sister in law once said to me "You've been on a diet since I met you". And my sister told me at Christmastime that when she describes her family "Emily is the one who is always on a diet". As much as those things hurt, what I realized recently is that it's not about what was said. It was about WHAT I BELIEVED. Those things were what that fat girl voice in my head has been telling me all these years. Even if they weren't verbalized, it didn't matter because I felt them every day. "You can't." "You won't" "You don't deserve".

I once went off of a "diet" because I felt bad that someone else had gained pregnancy weight and didn't want to make her feel bad. I think really I didn't believe I deserved it. Why? I'm still trying to figure that out, but for now I'm just grateful that I gave it one more try, because people, I think this is it. There is something different about this. I'm slowly becoming less afraid. And I'm shutting the fat girl failure voice up.

I've learned that music drowns her out nicely. It's hard to tell yourself that you're failing WHILE you are succeeding at your umpteenth gym session with "you can do it" music pumping in your ears.

I'm writing this to remember how I feel today. I feel empowered. I feel SO SO incredibly grateful that I didn't give up and that I'm facing my fear of failure or what other people might think. Who cares what they think? I'm the one who has to live with myself and you know what? You might want to check me out. I'm kind of a big deal. And I'm starting to believe that which is more than any scale loss in terms of emotions.

I also am so proud not to be on a diet. The scale is slowly losing it's power. I know that I can put myself in any situation and be JUST FINE. I'm not afraid of meeting new people and what they think of me. I have to remember this because at this point I don't think my weight loss is noticible. But it will be soon and I'll face the fear of attention, the fear of what people are saying about my weight loss and all the "oh she'll gain it all back" conversations that I worry about not so much from others, but from the future former fat girl in my head.

So keep going. Keep moving towards your goals, no matter how many times you have to try. The only way not to lose weight is to stop trying. Face your fear. Keep trying.


  • emmaruns
    emmaruns Posts: 189 Member
    Yes I'm bumping my own post. Cuz I think it's good :)
  • emmaruns
    emmaruns Posts: 189 Member
    shamelessly bumping. Read me please!
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I love it! so well put.

    I'm glad you're feeling it, that you've got it in you, that you can DO IT!!

    your attitude is inspiring <3
  • trainlikekatniss
    This is beautiful and exactly the way I feel right now. You put my feelings into words. :) x
  • KCharron20
    Awesome Post! I have done this so many times and have felt exactly the same way. I believe this time is for real, for me too! I have never lost this much weight and am so looking forward to the end result. Keep up the great work and know that you can do it . Keep telling that little voice that it has no power here anymore!!!
  • RealTanyah
    RealTanyah Posts: 21 Member
    I love your post. I am glad other people go through what I do. I want to lose weight. I really really do. BUT I give up alot as well... and its normally right as I start losing weight too. I hate it. I am ready for this cycle to end. I can no longer let food, fear, excuses, laziness, etc win.
  • JasonSwetland
    JasonSwetland Posts: 235 Member
    Very inspirational thoughts! Thanks for sharing and I agree with what you say about drowning the doubts and naysayer reenforcement out with the ipod cranked if neccesary! Silence the bad energy that wants to fail you with overwhelming self love and success!!

    You are succesful! You are not on a diet, you living your life and learning how to take care of you!

    Thank you again for sharing. :)
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    Way to be! I am not giving up. Never again!
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    yep you said it sister time to put the fat girl voice to the back of your head
    im battling her too need some confidence back :ohwell:
    feel free to add me :happy:
  • emmaruns
    emmaruns Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks for your responses everyone. This site is so motivational and it is wonderful to be part of the community. And it's FREE. Pretty amazing stuff out there. You all motivate me and I hope I can pay it forward :)