Once More with Feeling!

Looks like I'm one of the older guys in here...this year, the big one, 60! After quitting smoking almost 11 years ago, I gained so much weight I had to do something. Weight Watchers was for me at that time. I lost more weight the first week than anyone in the class....the weight loss continued and at the end, I was 60 pounds down!! That was after my first open heart surgery, so my body was not the same anymore.

I kept the weight off pretty well. I got down to 233, which was so much better...losing 60 pounds, you can figure out how much I got too, it was horrible, but worth quitting smoking for.
The last 2 years, I had put on about 25 of the 60. Last year, I lost all the 25, went on a cruise, the holidays and started putting some back....I don't want to ever get to where I was again.

My wife was looking at her Kindle Fire and came across Myfitnesspal and it sounded like something we could both do...Keeping track and being accountable for what you eat is the key, at least for me it is. I figure, if I can quit smoking and stay quit, I can do anything. That's my story. I started yesterday and ready to kick this in the *kitten*!! I am a survivor of an Aortic Dissection in 2000 and my 2nd Open Heart surgery 6 years ago when they gave me a Mechanical Aortic Valve...I'm a lucky guy to even be here!! Good Luck To You All!!


  • YAY!! Welcome!! This site is GREAT for staying motivated to kick *kitten*!! :) Before long, we'll be feeling fabulous!! Have a great Wednesday!
  • Thanks so much. Looking forward to it!!
  • Congrats on quitting smoking...that's huge. Welcome to MFP. You'll like it here, particularly if you use it regularly and make supportive friends. Feel free to add me if you need support. Tell your wife also! Good luck.
  • thebassdrumheavy
    thebassdrumheavy Posts: 55 Member
    This site is great. My motivations dwindles, but I've found that all I have to do is read some success stories and see how my myfitnesspal friends are working toward their goals and it moves me forward toward my goals. It's an excellent tool. You guys can add me if you like. I would love to see you and your wife succeed at your goals!
  • PiersonsWifey
    PiersonsWifey Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome!! Love your story! CONGRATS!!! We're all here to help each other, so feel free to add me if you want!
  • Thanks! It was huge quitting smoking. We quit together so that really helped. Going on 11 years quit! I will add you as a friend. Thanks again!
