HELP! My Tummy isn't going away!!!

I've lost 8 lbs, and am seeing inches melt away, too... even in my waist. My silhouette is definitely improving I've got a waist again! BUT my belly is being stubborn and not going anywhere!
I've got issues with scar tissue from 2 c-sections as well as nerve damage from the c-sections. Sit-ups/crunches HURT! Like my scar is tearing apart. I can do a few, but not many before I'm in A LOT of pain. I also know that until the fat starts receding, crunches aren't going to help anyway!

Any advice?


  • cekeys
    cekeys Posts: 397 Member
    Alex, don't feel too bad. Our bodies hold fat onto places longer than others. For many, it's the lower abdomen, or belly. It's usually one of the last to go. Just keep watching your calories & it will go away.
  • Anabannana07
    Anabannana07 Posts: 27 Member
    I have noticed the same problem and I do agree our bodies will take longer to loose pounds in certain areas. What has helped me is that i wrap my belly with one of those bands that help you sweat during work outs and I have noticed a difference. I bought mine at Walmart
  • snowchj
    snowchj Posts: 45 Member
    I've lost 8 lbs, and am seeing inches melt away, too... even in my waist. My silhouette is definitely improving I've got a waist again! BUT my belly is being stubborn and not going anywhere!
    I've got issues with scar tissue from 2 c-sections as well as nerve damage from the c-sections. Sit-ups/crunches HURT! Like my scar is tearing apart. I can do a few, but not many before I'm in A LOT of pain. I also know that until the fat starts receding, crunches aren't going to help anyway!

    Any advice?

    Alex based on your post it sounds like you may be performing crunches in the hopes of spot-reducing fat deposits specifically in your mid-section. Is that the case?

    If so, I don't want to discourage you here, but be aware that this is quite impossible. We cannot choose or "target" an area of our body for fat less. Our only choice is to reduce overall body fat which, according to your signature, you seem to be doing a good job with so far (8 pounds! woo hoo!).

    I recommend you STOP ripping open your scars with crunches, but continue to focus on your diet. As you lose weight, the tummy will disappear.
  • ecborders
    ecborders Posts: 13 Member
    this! lifting weights will help tone your muscles too, and burns calories after you've stopped working out. you won't SEE much muscle until the cardio/calorie deficit has lowered the amount of fat on your body, though.
  • BrandyontheRun
    BrandyontheRun Posts: 204 Member
    Don't worry!! Your tummy will slowly but surely recede. LoL! I've been toning all around but I've still got a little ponch in my belly area.... drives me nuts but this morning I noticed there really is a difference! It takes time and hard work, Don't give up!!
  • I've lost 8 lbs, and am seeing inches melt away, too... even in my waist. My silhouette is definitely improving I've got a waist again! BUT my belly is being stubborn and not going anywhere!
    I've got issues with scar tissue from 2 c-sections as well as nerve damage from the c-sections. Sit-ups/crunches HURT! Like my scar is tearing apart. I can do a few, but not many before I'm in A LOT of pain. I also know that until the fat starts receding, crunches aren't going to help anyway!

    Any advice?

    Alex based on your post it sounds like you may be performing crunches in the hopes of spot-reducing fat deposits specifically in your mid-section. Is that the case?

    If so, I don't want to discourage you here, but be aware that this is quite impossible. We cannot choose or "target" an area of our body for fat less. Our only choice is to reduce overall body fat which, according to your signature, you seem to be doing a good job with so far (8 pounds! woo hoo!).

    I recommend you STOP ripping open your scars with crunches, but continue to focus on your diet. As you lose weight, the tummy will disappear.

    I'm trying to do some ab strengthening in hopes that it helps with back problems and so that the muscles can take the place of some round ligaments that never bounced back after pregnancy (both of my babies were over 9 lbs... they left a mark! lol) I was just hoping that one of the added bonuses would be to see the belly start melting away!
  • Trueper
    Trueper Posts: 18 Member
    Hiya! How long ago was your last C-Section? I had mine a year ago and I have no pain or discomfort there at all. What does your doctor say? Maybe you need another post op check up.
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    I have the same problem. I've had 3 c-sections....but never had the pain you are describing. I joined MFP in late December and have lost weight....all over.....except the belly. Very frustrating. Just started week two of 6 weeks 6 pack. We'll see what the belly looks like in 5 more weeks.
  • Hiya! How long ago was your last C-Section? I had mine a year ago and I have no pain or discomfort there at all. What does your doctor say? Maybe you need another post op check up.

    2 1/2 years ago... I've had to go through massage and ultrasound therapy to work on the scar tissue. The doctor that performed my first c-section somehow messed up my incision. The doctor that did my second had to do some cleaning-up in there. I also have PCOS and the cysts are choosing the ovary on the same side as the mass of scar tissue. I've had appointment after appointment and referral after referral. Have another appointment on Friday.
  • InkedInnocence
    InkedInnocence Posts: 71 Member
    You could try more core exercises instead of painful crunches. Helped with my back. :-)
  • You could try more core exercises instead of painful crunches. Helped with my back. :-)
    Thanks! Any suggestions as to what to try? Or websites? Or any other resources?
    I'm new to exercise! I have no idea what I'm doing! lol
  • Hate to say it, but a lot of times after having children and c sections, a tummy tuck my be the way to go. I have a video called Hip Hop abs, which is a 'crunchless' ab sculpting video. Everything is done standing and engaging your core muscles while dancing. So you get the cardio and the ab work out all at once and you never have to do a sit up. May be worth looking into for someone in your situation. This is the link to the website, I got the entire set off of ebay for $14.99 for all 6 videos. Its by Beach
  • RNmomto4
    RNmomto4 Posts: 143
    I have had 4 children-no c-sections, but I understand your frustration about the belly area.

    A lot of times, no matter how hard we work, there may be a little excess skin, which is what makes me a little worried.

    I am currently 6 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight from my first child and I still have a little area that I am not quite sure will ever go away. I am going to change up my workout routine to see if that will help. I heard there's a good jillian michaels ab DVD, so I am going to give that a try.
    Thankfully I have 4 beautiful healthy children to remind me that its okay :)
  • Trueper
    Trueper Posts: 18 Member
    Hiya! How long ago was your last C-Section? I had mine a year ago and I have no pain or discomfort there at all. What does your doctor say? Maybe you need another post op check up.

    2 1/2 years ago... I've had to go through massage and ultrasound therapy to work on the scar tissue. The doctor that performed my first c-section somehow messed up my incision. The doctor that did my second had to do some cleaning-up in there. I also have PCOS and the cysts are choosing the ovary on the same side as the mass of scar tissue. I've had appointment after appointment and referral after referral. Have another appointment on Friday.

    Ohhh I am sorry to hear about the PCOS and Cysts, I am sure that doesnt help weight loss :(
    I agree about the crunches, there are many exercises you can do to help strengthen your core muscles, firstly start with everytime you bend down to pick up a child or toy or anything, don't bend squat as you squat hold your tummy this all the time it will improve your core muscles and will help your back no end! You may find it a good investment to hire a personal trainer for a session, just to design a program for you, until I did (my daughter was 9 months old at the time) i could NOT hold in my lower stomach at all, she help me reengage those muscles.

    I have lost 11lbs mainly through exercise and being mindful of what I eat. I don't feel like I am missing anything in my life. I occassionaly treat myself mind you. Hey only another 50lbs to go!!!

    Take care
  • Hiya! How long ago was your last C-Section? I had mine a year ago and I have no pain or discomfort there at all. What does your doctor say? Maybe you need another post op check up.

    2 1/2 years ago... I've had to go through massage and ultrasound therapy to work on the scar tissue. The doctor that performed my first c-section somehow messed up my incision. The doctor that did my second had to do some cleaning-up in there. I also have PCOS and the cysts are choosing the ovary on the same side as the mass of scar tissue. I've had appointment after appointment and referral after referral. Have another appointment on Friday.

    Ohhh I am sorry to hear about the PCOS and Cysts, I am sure that doesnt help weight loss :(
    I agree about the crunches, there are many exercises you can do to help strengthen your core muscles, firstly start with everytime you bend down to pick up a child or toy or anything, don't bend squat as you squat hold your tummy this all the time it will improve your core muscles and will help your back no end! You may find it a good investment to hire a personal trainer for a session, just to design a program for you, until I did (my daughter was 9 months old at the time) i could NOT hold in my lower stomach at all, she help me reengage those muscles.

    I have lost 11lbs mainly through exercise and being mindful of what I eat. I don't feel like I am missing anything in my life. I occassionaly treat myself mind you. Hey only another 50lbs to go!!!

    Take care

    I'm starting a new physical therapy program next week that is made for chronic back and neck pain (I fell down my steps 8 months pregnant with my daughter almost 6 years ago) and it's more about core strengthening than rehabilitation. I'm hoping that not only will I no longer have the back pain, but I'll get some moves out of it that will help with the stomach!
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Get off the floor to do your ab workout!!! At least it has worked for me...

    Cable ab workouts seem to have really helped me - also make sure, no matter what exercise you are doing - your core is fully engaged at all times.
  • For_the_Last_Time
    For_the_Last_Time Posts: 136 Member
    3 c-sect here. As other have said spot reducing won't really work but by all means work your muscles for better core strength maybe try some Pilates? It might be a lot more pounds before you see a change in the actual belly don't get discouraged it will eventually go down as well.

    Sorry you have so much pain I have never had those issues!
  • hey, i also have an issue with crunches as i had a back injury, so need to be careful,
    yet also i know that when i've stuck with core exercises in the past, it's really helped
    my back (i know i'm the opposite way round to you, but it's still the core area).

    i have recently discovered that the 'zumba' website have a dvd section which includes
    a 20min abs section, all standing (yay), so i have that on order...another thing i'm
    looking for is a belly-dancing dvd, as this is also supposed to be great for abs, &
    both things sound way more fun than crunches :laugh:

    hope that gives you another couple of ideas :smile:
  • hey, i also have an issue with crunches as i had a back injury, so need to be careful,
    yet also i know that when i've stuck with core exercises in the past, it's really helped
    my back (i know i'm the opposite way round to you, but it's still the core area).

    i have recently discovered that the 'zumba' website have a dvd section which includes
    a 20min abs section, all standing (yay), so i have that on order...another thing i'm
    looking for is a belly-dancing dvd, as this is also supposed to be great for abs, &
    both things sound way more fun than crunches :laugh:

    hope that gives you another couple of ideas :smile:

    Thanks!!! I've been looking for a belly dancing class in my area. I took one a loooong time ago (well...5 years ago) and LOVED it!!!!
  • subigirl
    subigirl Posts: 53 Member
    I think so many of us get frustrated with our bellies! I have had two kids, and lots of stretch mark scaring on my tummy as a result. Just continue with your fat loss...cardio, healthy eating, strength training. Make sure you are working your entire core...there are tons of little muscles that don't get activated by crunches. We all basically have an internal corset of sorts, and need to work all the muscles to tighten. If the crunches hurt so much, maybe look for other exercises. To work my entire core, I do:

    Hanging Leg Raises (works lower abs)
    Side bends holding a weight in one this for each side
    Back extensions
    Cable Woodchops
    Various kettlebell exercises

    Basically, I try to work my mid-section in every possible way I can move it...forward bend, backward bend, side bend, twists, and plain core strength required for things such as standing from a squated position (yes, squats work the core, too). You may also try some balance exercises, such as standing on one foot while doing bicep curls or side arm raises. Trying to keep your balance on one foot while trying to do various exercises will engage core muscles, and help tighten that internal corset.