its not happening

Need to vent! :explode:

I started this 3rd January with a goal in mind of 1 stone (14lb) by 9th January - 2lb a week, do-able I thought.
As of today Im only halfway there, the 9th is NEXT WEEK.
This would be OK if my measurements backed up the fact that I may be shrinking.... BUT Im not! I have lost like an inch overall, I haven't even changed a dress size!

So fed up now. :frown:

Im working really hard (Gym and Gym classes - mix of cardio and weights), I am eating enough (healthy mixed diet, lots of protein, few carbs), Im drinking plenty of water... I just don't get it!
I have posted on here in the past but figured I was being impatient, this just confirms that I wasn't and its not working!

Its my 30th birthday 9th Feb and I had wanted to get something nice to wear for my night out in a smaller size, this won't happen now! Im going to be a fatty 30!

Sorry, rant over! :embarassed:


  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    *9th Feb goal date - not Jan LOL
  • BrendaS78
    I know you are really working hard and are doing a great job with your diet--so ofcourse you are frustrated when you aren't getting the results that you expected. I hate to say it, but maybe you were setting your expectations too high--a 2lb weight loss every week is hard--a 1lb weight loss per week is more obtainable and probably more realistic.
    Since you began your journey you have lost weight, and your measurments have went down--even though they haven't measured up to your expectations--you have lost. Our bodies are not designed to lose weight, they are designed to keep the weight on, so loosing is hard work. You have been at this for less than a month, I think you need to give your body more time to adjust to this new routine of eating healthy and working out. If loosing weight was so easy the world would be full of super models--but it's not easy, it's hard work! :)
    I have been at this for about one month (3 weeks on MPP and one week on my own prior). I've only lost a few pounds, at first I was frustrated but I'm over that. I feel so much better! I have a lot more energy, and I even sleep better. I can see the difference when I look at my stomach etc... I would bet that you have had some of these same results--all reasons to not give up on yourself and this process! There is no quick fix for weight loss--it's a journey! Good luck to you! :)
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    its just sooooo frustrating!
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    bsteph2 Pretty much said it all. I get frustrated too. For about six months, I didn't lose anything, not weight, not inches, nothing, even though I was doing it all right (minus maybe not quite enough water). It was unbelievably annoying but if you keep at it, your body will respond. Different bodies respond at different paces and what MFP says you'll be in five weeks or whatnot is NOT a guarantee. You ARE, however, doing it, and it WILL change as long as you don't give up. You can speak with a nutritionist or specialist to form a routine and/or diet specifically for your exact body if you wish.

    Most importantly...DON'T GIVE UP!! :flowerforyou:
  • carlageek
    carlageek Posts: 32 Member
    Goals like "lose X weight by Y date" suck, because what you weigh and how fast you lose depends upon a whole host of factors you cannot control.

    I much prefer to set goals whose achievement (or not) is ENTIRELY within my control: Eat on plan every day this week. Work out six times. Goals that I can meet, that don't depend upon how much fluid I retain or how much weight my body feels like shedding in a particular week. If you set behavior-based goals, you can have the satisfaction of knowing you worked hard and MET your goals, rather than the frustration of knowing you worked hard and for some reason outside of your control you missed your goal. And, if you nail the behaviors, the numbers will follow. It may take some time, but they will follow.

    To the OP: You've lost half a stone in less than a month. That is a pretty awesome result - better than I lose most months, better than a lot of people. Would you prefer not to have made the effort at all, and still be the same weight you were when you started? I didn't think so. :) So be glad about what you've accomplished, and continue working your plan. The numbers will follow, in time.