new on here

hi everyone im new to MFP can anyone give me any tips/advice

please add me as well



  • Hi Debbie and welcome, I started MFP the beginning of Jan. 2012. and it is working. make sure to log everything you eat and log your daily exercise. it does work. I lost 10 pounds in Jan. We can do this.
  • Hi,
    I also started in Jan. of this year. and the keeping track of the food and exercise I do is really helping. I don't have alot of friends from the site yet but the ones I have are good about how good a job things are when we do something. If you want you can add me as a friend.
  • midgar777
    midgar777 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey, I've been doing MFP for about 6 weeks. In that time by sticking to 1200 calories a day I've gone from 72kg to about 69kg - hell my trousers are almost too big for me now haha :D! Keep at it.. it's really hard at first adjusting to eating less calories and it's annoying because I really love snacking and not caring about it but it's only until you reach your target weight then you can just maintain it from there. Good luck :)